The Acolyte


That guy
its the fastest Star Wars traveling i have ever seen. it literally took 15 minutes to go across the galaxy. i sit in the Wendy's Drive Thru longer than that.

the gigantic ass multi thousand ship fleet all showing up at the same time in Rise of Skywalker still wins
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
well i didnt see that movie, or i did, but it was on TBS while i was sitting in the hospital sick as fuck. that movie didnt help.

If they had spent more time on an iconic cast it would have helped Rise get over. A big part of JJ's movie not hitting was nothing was compelling with the Rey character, and even if it was, casting a non-binary face with wooden acting skills was questionable. Per JJ's own words during TFA filming-- Daisy Ridley is a wooden actress. He caused her to have a panic attack on the first week of filming.
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Millie's Staff Member
If they had spent more time on an iconic cast it would have helped Rise get over. A big part of JJ's movie not hitting was nothing was compelling with the Rey character, and even if it was, casting a non-binary face with wooden acting skills was questionable. Per JJ's own words during TFA filming-- Daisy Ridley is a wooden actress. He caused her to have a panic attack on the first week of filming.
I can imagine, her "career" is tied to Disney. If Disney stops signing her checks, then she may as well go back home and suck dicks for pints. Or whatever. Same with this frazzle haired mixed woman on The Acolyte. So stupid coming out as an activist when you're just starting out.
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Avatar of War Slayer
tbh travel time is something they've never done well in Star Wars
Original series, and even prequels did it just fine. They all had clear travel times. Time is showed to pass. And, at no point does anyone react to something happening on the other side of the galaxy and hop in a ship to help out. The Deathstar flew to Alderan to blow it up.

JJ broke it with The force awakens. Assault on the planet, and Xwings being launched from the rebel base in real time and arriving seconds later. hyperspace laser of course as well.
Then Rogue one also broke space travel. the team is assaulting the planet. An Imperial fleet enters and is pinning them down. The rebels decide to go help, form a fleet , travel acdross the galaxy and attack the Imperial fleet. all within minutes.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Original series, and even prequels did it just fine. They all had clear travel times. Time is showed to pass. And, at no point does anyone react to something happening on the other side of the galaxy and hop in a ship to help out. The Deathstar flew to Alderan to blow it up.
Wasting time while hypering is like a story arc in the first movie. It's obviously not fast, even for a ship that supposedly hyperspaces really fast like the falcon.

Same thing ended up happening in game of thrones in the later seasons. It's 100% a writing issue. The writers to these disney shows aren't really writers, they don't really understand characters, but they think they know all that because they do know how to shoot a TV show. The result is this sort of absolutely insane story point to story point advancement in things, without any time spent on the inbetween.

The inbetween is what makes good stories, and nobody here seems to realize that.
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