The Acolyte


Mr. Poopybutthole
Pretty sure I read that a few times in this thread, did you learn it from your favorite SW review youtuber?
No it's just my go to phrase when people try to use that stupid fucking excuse of 'you have to watch it to know its bad'
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Vyemm Raider
You can often tell if something is going to be to your liking or not based on just a teaser or a trailer. Good or bad is subjective. This show is most definitely in the bad category as far as I'm concerned, but as I've said before there's generally a few things or details that could be gleaned from it that are somewhat positive. Overall, it's bad.

But to give an educated opinion with facts and actual points, yes you have to watch something. It makes me wonder why you're even in this topic if you're absolutely certain it's garbage and aren't watching it, are you trying to protect people from Kennedy?
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Millie's Staff Member
I thought it was one of the least bad episodes, though it was mostly a big flashback but seen from other points of view. I thought it was pretty good that the witch cult looked a lot more sinister when seen from the Jedi's point of view, when they'd looked more friendly and family-like when seen from the girls' point of view in the earlier episode.

Wookie mind control fight was pretty cool, he really messed up Torbin, and I like Sol as a jedi he had some cool moves. Was also fun to see more Carrie Ann Moss since she died so early in the story.

However something made no sense to me so maybe someone can explain. The entire point of the episode is that Sol is going to "finally" reveal to Mae what happened at the convent 16 years ago..

Then we see her setting the place on fire (although this time it looks a little more accidental because she's trying to stomp it out but fails), and then we see her run out into the courtyard and she sees her black mother get stabbed by Sol in self-defense because he thought she was.... doing something? Probably going to mind control Mae to get her away to safety.. it was unclear. Then under the convent the girls are both going to fall down a chasm but Sol chooses to save Osha since he can't save both with his powers.

Anyway, the point is, Mae was there to see the fire since she started it, Mae was there to see her mother get stabbed by Sol, and Mae was there when the bridges are collapsing and saw Sol choose Osha (what a name to almost die on a collapsing bridge without railings).

So what was revealed to Mae exactly? She saw all those events, nothing was new to her... I thought maybe the only new thing was that all the other witches apparently died from Carrie Ann Moss snapping the mind control from the wookiee and they all collapsed, so they didn't die from the fire, but Mae never seemed to care much about the other witches and as far as we know neven even saw them dead (Osha is the one running with Sol in that room full of dead witches when they get away).

Made no sense to me.
As far as I can tell without the obvious there was no reveal and it's all bullshit, Sol revealed that he chose OSHA over Mae and he was ashamed that he opted to let her die. The wookie did nothing wrong, that Torbin dude did nothing wrong and Trinity did end up killing all the watches at once when she broke the Befriend Animal spell. That wasn't intentional though. It makes no fucking sense that breaking a charm spell would kill everyone. Like seriously how weak are you if you and the lives of 50 women linked up in one spell would get all of you killed if that link was broken? It's such unbelievably bad writing. It was obviously done because they didn't have the creative ability to tie everything up in a bow.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Kotakufags thought it was great. You guys haven't been paying attention.

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Oh yes I'm sure nothing of the sort is going on, and certainly no like-minded individuals


Millie's Staff Member

To this end, Headland would eventually clarify viewers’ confusion not during the episode itself, but rather a post-episode interview given to The Nerdist’s Michael Walsh.
Pressed by Walsh “When Mae asks for help Aniseya not only starts dematerializing her own body, she makes Mae turn into a a shadow as well. What can you tell us about what exactly is happening there and why?”, the showrunner explained, “Aniseya’s main concern is that violence will be used in this confrontation.”

“[Mother Aniseya actor] Jodie (Turner-Smith) and I talked about that meaning two things,” recalled Headland. “One, that Aniseya must have come from someplace that utilized violence. It’s something she would have seen when she was a child, something that she would’ve endured in her coming of age. So the main concern is obviously the safety of her children, the physical safety of them. The secondary concern is, ‘I do not want my children or my legacy to be affected by something violent. I want to remove them from whatever that is.'”

“The ‘why’ (about the dematerializing) is the first thing that Jodie and I talked about in seeding the character,” she continued. “What she is doing is what Jecki says in episode four, that it’s an honor to see anyone transform into the Force. I believe that Aniseya is transforming herself and Mae into the Force in a way that doesn’t kill them.”
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