The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
hey sean I can't really see it well because of the intense burn in effect of your plasma tv.


FPS noob
Well at least Amazon's return policy is pretty painless. Maybe I will get lucky and find another one somewhere tomorrow.
if you have a sony store near you people are having luck with just taking their ps4 in and getting a replacement, ymmv and all that of course


A Mod Real Quick
Sorry guys, your percentage is wrong. Someone posted a tweet that the actual failure rate is 0.4% and not 0.04%.

Here's my quick review right now.

The graphics are pretty good. I know people have been spamming about how it's not an upgrade over current gen.. first of all, are you smoking crack? It may not be like the upgrade from SNES to PSX, but it's definitely there and definitely noticeable. Killzone is absolutely gorgeous, and the frame rate is dead on. It reminds me of upgrading your computer and playing a top of the line shooter at 60FPS. I always felt like PS3,PS2, etc, never looked as good as PC because the frame rate, that issue is gone right now. It may not be some major graphical overhaul, but the game looks really really good. There is no doubt that I'm playing on PS4 and not PS3. If this is a launch title, I can't wait to see what's coming next.

The sound is really good as well. I have a pretty nice 5.1 system (no 7.1
), and it sounds awesome. A game like Resogun is nice because it's got this crazy techno music and explosions. Not much more to say here. You expect good sound and it is delivered.

The controller. I always liked Playstation controllers over all other platforms, so I might not be the best judge here. One thing I always did hate was I have large hands and feel like I dwarf the PS controller. With the DS4, that is no longer an issue. It has a good size and good weight to it, I Really am liking it so far. I enjoy the light bar showing stuff like health level and what player you are, but honestly how often will you look at it while you're playing a game. The touchpad responds very well and I think it can act as a button as well, but I feel the placement is tough. I realize they didn't have a lot of real estate with it, but having to use it feels like it might be a pain. Will need more playing with this part. I also enjoy charging it while the system is off! Finally someone gets it!

UI. The UI is fairly intuitive, but so far seems extremely simple and minimalistic. Stuff like the PS store seems to respond a lot quicker (when the network is working), and moving between menus is a lot faster all around for both the store and the regular UI. A lot of the options are condensed and simplified like all the system/sound settings. That was an issue on PS3 for me, and I'm glad they cleaned it up.

So far I'm really enjoying it. I think Killzone is a great launch title that is both gorgeous and challenging. I played the multiplayer a bit and it's pretty fun as well. Haven't tried AC4 yet, but I'm looking forward to that tomorrow. Resogun is addictively fun too. There is a noticeable difference in graphics - in textures, shadows, particle effects (the dust LOL), and FPS.

If you don't think it looks different, you need to get your eyes checked. I think the major graphical upgrade here is going to be performance, and so far I'm seeing it. I think $400 is a worthy investment for this system.


Vyemm Raider
Ummm yeah.. CoD ghosts on PS4 vs X360 Ghosts is fucking night and day difference. Anyone who can't tell the difference in graphics and sound is fucking insane. Fuck when they make a game like the Last of Us it's going to be amazing!

Anyone worried about the multiplayer lag on CoD, don't be... I think I've encountered it about once and hour and it's a brief two second drop.


A Mod Real Quick
Ummm yeah.. CoD ghosts on PS4 vs X360 Ghosts is fucking night and day difference. Anyone who can't tell the difference in graphics and sound is fucking insane. Fuck when they make a game like the Last of Us it's going to be amazing!

Anyone worried about the multiplayer lag on CoD, don't be... I think I've encountered it about once and hour and it's a brief two second drop.
Yeah in KZ multiplayer I experienced it briefly for a couple seconds ONCE


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Watching Sean's twitch feed makes me rage more that newegg didn't mail out until today. I want to play!

Btw, Sean has no appreciation for life. Everybody between point A and B dies!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
if you have a sony store near you people are having luck with just taking their ps4 in and getting a replacement, ymmv and all that of course
Thanks but no Sony store near me. Guess I was due since my original xbox 360 never got the rrd.


Potato del Grande
Watching Sean's twitch feed makes me rage more that newegg didn't mail out until today. I want to play!

Btw, Sean has no appreciation for life. Everybody between point A and B dies!
That's funny we JUST talked about that. He said he can't help it, they were in his way.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Aww sheeit, you used the word "investment". Tuco is about to get up all in your face with his semantics pretty soon.

Yeah the poor bit rate is more tied to the up stream speed of Sean's internet connection then anything else.
you just take the wind out of my sails =\


Molten Core Raider
No hdmi problems with mine so far. Only complaint is the left analog stick being in the wrong place. Thumb joints on left hand got sore and cramped to hell after cod marathoning. Faggoty d-pad lovers need to be skinned and put on sticks. Right half of the controller is fine though. meh >;p