The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Trakanon Raider
Enjoying it. Seamless setup and loving the fact i'm playing 2K14 on PS and not Xbox.

One thing everyone was raging about at our Gamestop was the XBONE controller. They had the display setup and had a controller out and that thing is garbage. The system and everything may be fine or even the best entrainment device of all time but that controller is just sad.


Oh, by the way, does everyone's unit have the tilt thing going on? Not that it's a big deal, but I was just wondering if it was only certain boxes that had the "issue".


Molten Core Raider
Oh, by the way, does everyone's unit have the tilt thing going on? Not that it's a big deal, but I was just wondering if it was only certain boxes that had the "issue".
Havent noticed any wobble or vibrations when the disc spins up, but i haven't been actively pushing on the corners looking for wobble. It's a non issue.


Vyemm Raider
Overall since I spent like 10 minutes in line without a pre-order and got the last one in my immediate area. I'm pretty happy with the purchase. $400 was cheaper than upgrading my PC, and I'm enjoying BF4, Killzone, Resogun, etc. Also have knack and AC4 but have to work long shifts all weekend so not much time to play. Had to update firmware via USB but other than that no issues, including signing into PSN and downloading shit. Menu is super fast, the ps button feature being able to pause netflix to check downloads then hop back in without missing a beat is awesome. (Or doing that while gaming too)

For the FPS on controller, just takes practice...Lots of practice and sensitivity changing.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Installing a bigger HD on the PS4 was easier than on the PS3. I didn't think that was possible but I now have a nice 1TB 7200RPM drive in it.


<Silver Donator>
Btw what's the status on PS4 controllers on PC? Do they have actual drivers that let you use them right away now? Are they recognized as a valid PC gamepad? Or do you still need motioninjoy or something similar? While I don't think I'll buy the console until like march/april next year depending on new games(and even then it's unlikely, march is filled with releases, PoE 1.1 patch, Diablo3 item 2.0 shit and what not so I'll probably check it out again, motherfucking Dark Souls 2 and I think something else that I forgot) but I'd consider buying a pad early to replace my PS3 one if it works on PC. I believe compatibiity with PS3 games depends on the games, Sean posted a list at some point in the thread I could try to find it if I needed but other than Dark Souls 2 and Tales of Xillia 2 I don't think I'm gonna be playing much on PS3 anyway and obviously don't know compatiblity for these yet.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Thanks guys. It's generous of the muricans to betatest the launch of these consoles for us europeans for the next 2 weeks.


My PS4 seems to be running fine. Got it all setup and updated with no issues. Also, there is a free 10$ code for PSN inside the box in the little blue packet in case you missed it. Just a heads up


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Doesn't appear my console has even left the shitty state of California. I'm going to rage on their customer service today. Time for some money back or free shit. Fuck you newegg.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Assassin's creed 4 successfully downloaded while in sleep mode last night. Pretty happy about that.


Life's a Dream
Also, anyone who can't tell the difference between this generation and last needs their fucking eyes checked. There is a night and day difference and all of the PS4 games are just stunning on my 60" Panasonic ST60.
I have a very old Samsung 56" 1080p rear projection DLP (HL-S5687W) and I can ABSOLUTELY see the difference between PS3 & PS4.
I bought this TV for $1,849.99 from Amazon way back on October 23rd, 2006. (I just went through my Amazon order history).

This thing is still going strong. Excellent picture quality, and I've had no problems whatsoever with it.

Anyway, PS4 looks amazing on it.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
So my quick and dirty review after putting a few hours into the system and a couple games.

The new UI is so much better than PS3. Being able to multi-task makes it a much nicer experience. Apps open and close quickly. I find that the main bar layout will be a total clusterfuck, though, once you have a lot. I have disk games and I've downloaded Flower as a purchase as well as every free to play game and it's already getting a bit cramped. Hopefully they will make some way to sort or create folders on that bar or in the Library app. All in all, though, the UI is very nice. PS store is about 1,000 times better than it was on PS3.

Killzone looks phenomenal, but the gameplay is pretty generic for the hour or so I put into it. Also, I wish every dev would license or copy Naughty Dog's facial expression/lip-syncing. They have set the bar very high with Uncharted and Last of Us and now it's pretty noticeable when it's not as good(and Killzone is definitely not as good in that regard). This is a good 'show off' for the upgrade from PS3, but I don't really see myself putting much time into it beyond quickly beating the single player campaign.

Resogun. Get this game. It's awesome. I really suck at it, though.

I haven't played any of the other stuff yet, but my initial impression of everything is pretty positive. I'm not really big on the bright-ass LED light on the controller. It's distracting and annoying when I was playing Killzone in my living room with the lights all off. There should be an option to shut it off if your'e not using the camera motion sensor.


Life's a Dream
I have 2 complaints total. They're minor, but they exist none the less.

1.) My PSN+ membership didn't appear to go to the new system. I don't have a plus near my user name at all, and when I go to that section of the site, it only tells me to but the membership. Doesn't let me see anything else.

2.) I have an annoying big where, while doing anything (even playing a game) I randomly get kicked out as though I pressed the PlayStation button. This happens on both of my controllers, and I'm definitely not clicking the button. No progress is lost our anything like that. I just press the button for real to resume whatever I was doing.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Your psn membership should absolutely carry over. You need to contact sony support and get that fixed. Mine did. Are you sure you logged into the same playstation account?

The second complaint I've been experiencing as well. I think what is happening is that you're getting a message that psn is in maintenence and it throws you back to the main UI bar.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Holy fucking shit. Half the reviews on amazon are one star because of hardware failure. What a fucking mess! I feel pretty bad for those people. The hardware failure of the ps 4 has to be through the roof at this point.

This makes the rrod look like a small hiccup.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Oh look Ut disappeared when everybody loved their console. Luckily he found something negative on the internet so he rushed here to brag about it.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Oh look Ut disappeared when everybody loved their console. Luckily he found something negative on the internet so he rushed here to brag about it.
Holy shit shut the fuck up. I genuinely feel bad for those people. But it's a fucking issue you shilling dolt! This is shaping up to be a major hardware manufacturing flaw. Of epic proportions. I enjoy reading the reviews and I am honestly happy people are having fun with them. But fuck man, get off the fucking shill station you work for for three seconds and report the god damn truth for once.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
"Of epic proportions." Right now, there's really no way you can make that argument. You have to consider probably most people who get the BLoD are going to complain and all the happy people are playing. You have no context whatsoever of the proportion. It's a problem, sure, but how can you even begin to quantify it just by Amazon reviews? Maybe it will be as bad as the RRoD but there's just really no basis to assume that's the case currently.

If Amazon sold 1 million PS4s (just throwing a number out there), it would take 4000 with defects to even hit their guestimated 0.4% defect rate. The number of negative reviews (for any review, from anybody), is probably closer to 400 right now. So, again, maybe it's a problem "of epic proportions" but everything is way too anecdotal even still.

For the record, before you foam about me shilling, I cancelled my pre-order and do not plan on buying a PS4 anytime soon.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
"Of epic proportions." Right now, there's really no way you can make that argument. You have to consider probably most people who get the BLoD are going to complain and all the happy people are playing. You have no context whatsoever of the proportion. It's a problem sure, but how can you even begin to quantify it just by Amazon reviews?
Common fucking sense?
Sony looking into PlayStation 4 hardware problems on eve of launch - NBC


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I agree there is an abnormally high amount of failures. Mine works fine, as I'm sure the vast majority do, but it seems there is a higher than acceptable amount of issues right now, even if they are easily fixed with some fiddling.

That being said, half of the reviews on Amazon are not 'amazon verified purchases', so let's not really use Amazon reviews as some sort of litmus for failure.