The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Oh, by the way, does everyone's unit have the tilt thing going on? Not that it's a big deal, but I was just wondering if it was only certain boxes that had the "issue".
I pushed down on the shiny side just to check out the wobble and it's not a wobble, it's a tilt due to the way the footpads are placed. It can't happen naturally and has to be intentional to occur. If my cat were to jump on it, yes, if I played the ps4 all day and night (like I did), no. Complete non-issue.

Played some coop resogun and had..... a blast!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Holy fucking shit. Half the reviews on amazon are one star because of hardware failure. What a fucking mess! I feel pretty bad for those people. The hardware failure of the ps 4 has to be through the roof at this point.

This makes the rrod look like a small hiccup.
The question is how many of them are trolling versus how many aren't. Anyone can make a review on Amazon. But I'm wary because three people here have experienced it.

Played Knack for a bit. Seems like it'd be alright for kids, and maybe good for one playthrough. Maybe not a 4/10 but a 6/10 at best. Pretty though.

Co op might make it more entertaining as well.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I agree there is an abnormally high amount of failures. Mine works fine, as I'm sure the vast majority do, but it seems there is a higher than acceptable amount of issues right now, even if they are easily fixed with some fiddling.

That being said, half of the reviews on Amazon are not 'amazon verified purchases', so let's not really use Amazon reviews as some sort of litmus for failure.
What are you talking about? All these are verified purchases. It says so next to every one star. Customer Reviews: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Yeah, pretty good point about reviews that are not Amazon Verified purchases. I'm not sure if it's quite half, but it's a noticeable portion. You'll notice that many of those that are not end with "I'm sticking/going with Xbox!"

Come on, for a board that is paranoid about shills, you don't think some of those negatives are trying to piggyback on the BLoD problems?

I'm just saying to have a little context before going thermonuclear.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
What are you talking about? All these are verified purchases. It says so next to every one star. Customer Reviews: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition
Stop being retarded:

8 of 25 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Big Let Down, November 15, 2013
By Sean "Sean William" - See all my reviews
This review is from: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition (Video Game)
This (hopefully) will grow into a great system. The launch game selection is horrible. It took me the entire day to sign into the PSN. Unfortunately, I only learned about it's lack of backwards compatibility AFTER I stood in line for 7 hours to buy this. I was hoping to finally play a few PS3 games I've been wanting. It seems like a flop of a release. Empty Playstation store, no Gaikai, a handful of first person shooters -- which might as well all be the same game -- and added fees to go online. How was this an upgrade again? I think I just paid $600 to watch Netflix on my TV.
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5 of 20 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars No., November 15, 2013
By SirBrando416 - See all my reviews
= Fun:1.0 out of 5 stars
This review is from: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition (Video Game)
I didn't get one myself, but a co-worker did, just to return it when the annoyance of it not even working kicked in. He's staying with Xbox!
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17 of 50 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Get the Xbox One instead, November 15, 2013
By Ivan Siler IV - See all my reviews
This review is from: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition (Video Game)
I got it from Gamestop and lets be honest, its a piece of crap. I opened it and played it for about 30 minutes and was greeted with a warm welcome the Red Line of Death. It turned off by itself. I waited 3 minutes and tried again. about 20 minutes in and another Red Line of Death. I called Sony but they were of no help to anyone. Returned it to Gamestop and im using the money for the Xbox One.

Long story short, Get the Xbox One. Obviously the better choice. Sony lost a customer today.
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22 of 63 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars CrappyStation 4, November 15, 2013
By pete - See all my reviews
This review is from: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition (Video Game)
PS4 was poorly packaged and DOA as soon as out of the box. Blue light keeps flashing and no response. Sony you really screw it, just like obamacare web site. hate it hate it hate it.

Americans should buy XBOX ONE.
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7 of 28 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars WARNING! You'll have to repurchase every single game at full price!, November 15, 2013
By mpts (K?ln) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition (Video Game)
Seems like a great console, if only I could play my games. In a world of Playstation Stores/App Stores and such, I find it ridiculous not to allow to restore previously purchased items. I bought GTA4 and FIFA 14 just about a month ago on the Playstation Store on my PS3 and now I'd have to purchase them at full price to be able to play them on the PS4. That's really not worth it, sending back the PS4.
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11 of 38 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Don't take the chance., November 16, 2013
By L. Castle (Tx USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition (Video Game)
Stay away from playstation 4. I didn't get it from amazon but mine got RLOD (red light of death) .
Won't stay on for even a minute. Cant play any of the games I bought or blu-rays obviously, And apparently this is happening to A LOT of people.
$400 and requested time off from work, down the drain.
Save your money for X1.
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13 of 46 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Red Line Of Death (RLOD), November 16, 2013
By Afshin Shidanshidy - See all my reviews
This review is from: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition (Video Game)
Doesn't work becasue of the red line of death which doesn't let you play games, this console is a complete disaster, I am sorry, but I am returning this garbage and getting the Xbox one!
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16 of 58 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars GREATNESS ...WAITS ...AND ...WAITS ...AND ...DIES, November 16, 2013
By deanogee - See all my reviews
This review is from: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition (Video Game)
PS4 Red Lined of Death on me after Sony explicitly stating there were no issues with Red Lights or heat one month before launch.

Well suprise suprise Sony you lied!

Heading back to Xbox One - where they have far more care towards their customers, better hardware, better games, better software etc.
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10 of 42 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Horrible, November 15, 2013
By Christy - See all my reviews
This review is from: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition (Video Game)
I should have stayed with xbox. The PS4 system seems cheap and rushed as do the games. I don't think all the sony eye features in the controller will ever be utilized either. My 360 controller was better too. Im going back to MS instead of this childish toy.
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7 of 34 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars ps4 is garbage, November 15, 2013
By Yanks - See all my reviews
This review is from: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition (Video Game)
Im so glad I cancelled my order cause I knew this was going to happen with the first day editions
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Comment Comments (3) Customer Reviews: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition

Ten reviews, one verified. Look, I can cherry pick just like you.

Next page back: 2/10. Another page back: 3/10. Another page back: 1/10. Another: 2/10. Another: 3/10.

Seriously, let's try to avoid talking in absolutes when it takes the smallest modicum of effort to clearly see all the one star reviews are not verified purchases, not by far.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
What are you talking about? All these are verified purchases. It says so next to every one star. Customer Reviews: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition
All of the top rated 1 star reviews are. Now just click the "1 star" review link and you'll see that there are plenty of non-amazon purchase ones. The reason your link is showing all verified, is they are the top rated 'useful' ones, because guess what...they are verified.

Either get your "facts" straight or stop posting.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Oh for fucks sake are you really posting this shit? What the FUCK is happening to this forum? It's the god damn truth! Post the fucking TRUTH.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You guys making the 'these reviews might be trolls!' 'people whose consoles are working aren't writing reviews!' are grasping at straws. This failure rate is a very serious problem. There's been 2 or 3 failures in this thread alone. It's a small sample size but that rate is closer to 4% than 0.4%.

Utnayan, people are disagreeing with you mostly because you've been thoroughly incompetent and wrong in this thread. If you told me the sky was blue I'd probably have to walk outside before I believed you.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
/\ thank fucking Christ Tuco. Holy shit I feel like I'm in the twilight zone right now with some of these people.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
LOL Utnayan is so pathetic. It just pisses you off so much that Sony is having a good launch and the vast majority of people love their new console and games. You just have to be right! There must be misery! PS4 and Xbone launches need to be horrible so your proclaimed savior SteamOS may win the day. If you really want to talk about being a shill...

And really Ut, even if there is a real problem, which there might be, you don't get to participate in the conversation. After all the stupid shit you posted in this thread, and continue to, you gave up your right to ever be taken seriously. You made your troll cave, now go sit alone in it.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Its definitely an issue. Just wondering how widespread it will end up being. Hopefully not too widespread. Maybe a batch or two with faulty parts. Otherwise, Sony's gonna be in a lot of trouble. The RROD cost Microsoft like a billion dollars, Sony can't afford that right now I don't think.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Oh for fucks sake are you really posting this shit? What the FUCK is happening to this forum? It's the god damn truth! Post the fucking TRUTH.
You said all the one star reviews are verified. I proved you wrong. Yes, I'm really pointing out something that is factually undeniable. This is known as truth.


FPS noob
Oh for fucks sake are you really posting this shit? What the FUCK is happening to this forum? It's the god damn truth! Post the fucking TRUTH.
the truth is that the xbox one and ps4 are both the exact same machine and the lizard people are using this rivalry to replace key leaders with vat grown clones, WAKE UP PEOPLE ITS ALL THERE IN THE AMAZON REVIEWS

this was cute as fuck, little girl wants to show tv people her pony


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Maybe I don't get people's ideas of what widespread is.

Is 500 units widespread? 5K 10K? 100K?

What would be enough to categorize this error as widespread and truly serious?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Its definitely an issue. Just wondering how widespread it will end up being. Hopefully not too widespread. Maybe a batch or two with faulty parts. Otherwise, Sony's gonna be in a lot of trouble. The RROD cost Microsoft like a billion dollars, Sony can't afford that right now I don't think.
It seems to be localized heavily to amazon orders. At least for now. But Sony is definitely downplaying the issue. Abe ordered from amazon correct? Lots of reports of bricked systems after an hour or two of use.

And for fucks sake trickle and spronk, hell even foggy the wonder shill, I'm buying one eventually. But this shit needs to be discussed. Get the fuck off my forum if you feel differently. I'll show you the way out. This is one of the last places where shills aren't rampant and I'll be fucking damned if I let it happen to this place.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Maybe I don't get people's ideas of what widespread is.

Is 500 units widespread? 5K 10K? 100K?

What would be enough to categorize this error as widespread and truly serious?
We won't know what the numbers are for some time I think. You can't use the 1star reviews of failure rates on amazon and divide by the assumed number of ps4s sold, nor can you divide it by the number of >1star reviews on amazon.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
When it was last discussed, 5% was floated as the amount of usual failure you see in new technology. I have no idea if that is right. Assuming that 5% number is right, it would have to pass the 5% to be considered widespread.

Really, it comes down to whatever number Sony internally set, which we don't know. Once it passes Sony's internal number, it is officially a widespread problem.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
We won't know what the numbers are for some time I think. You can't use the 1star reviews of failure rates on amazon and divide by the assumed number of ps4s sold, nor can you divide it by the number of >1star reviews on amazon.
Yeah, which is entirely my point. There's no reason to think it's all sunshine and rainbows or that the sky is falling. Yet.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
What are you talking about? All these are verified purchases. It says so next to every one star. Customer Reviews: PlayStation 4: Launch Edition
And it's not skewed at all from people spending more time playing than reviewing thusfar, ya know - right?

Most Amazon stuff that has to be returned skews high because most people go to the website to look up the return phone numbers and such, so they're literally 3 clicks away from writing something about it while they take 5-10 min with customer service setting up the return.

Being surprised with 1 stars being "so common" (still rarer than 5 star though, and still 4.5ish average) this early is akin to being surprised when runs a poll and Barack Obama gets a 2-3% (or less) approval rating. Understand voluntary polling and the importance of proximity to what someone in a case would be doing already.