The Book of Boba Fett


Parody Account
There was a good 16 minutes of this episode that I really enjoyed.

Trying to be a bit more positive about things...not sure how it'll work out though.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
I actually did not know her history. I was stating it as a fact that the show did note her knowledge of Anakin. I never thought it was an insult based statement. Because I do not watch Clone Wars, I at least understand that a relationship once existed based on that single line. I am guessing that maybe when her show comes out that a lot more will be revealed for those not having watched Clone War
I am sure you have heard it before but there is some absolutely incredible stuff in the Clone Wars animated. If you don't want to watch all of it, and I couldn't blame you there but I am glad I did it a few times, I believe Disney+ has a curated Ahsoka Tano collection that would be well worth your while. She factors into many of the most emotional and incredible storylines in the Saga's history as far as I am concerned.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
I actually did not know her history. I was stating it as a fact that the show did note her knowledge of Anakin.
This is one of the things I like most about the Filoni impact on what we are seeing. The nuance. In every situation she has been in, she didn't outright say "Anakin Skywalker was my master" because in the first case, Din Djarin wouldn't have known who the fuck that was anyways, and in the second, Luke probably had every idea exactly who Ahsoka Tano was since she was lurking around the planet his new school was on. I don't know that we give credit to little things like that enough, I know I don't until I go full nerd mode with my friends at work.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Clone wars and Rebels had some great characters but I don't think there was one stand out of bad batch or the sequels. Fuck I think the droid from rogue 1 was the best character from the 4 new movies but I never watched ep 9 and fell asleep trying to watch ep 8


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Who was the first person Mando ran into with force powers not counting Grodu? Can't remember if it was Ahsoka


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Who was the first person Mando ran into with force powers not counting Grodu? Can't remember if it was Ahsoka
it was ahsoka. he didn't even really know about the force with grogu, but someone he knows gave him a brief rundown. by the time he met ahsoka he was somewhat familiar


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I forget about so much of Mando season 1, they were so equal and consistent it feels like it was all 1 season.

I do agree with never liking Grogu or Yoda flipping everywhere. Give me more of Grogu being a massive threat like he was in the beginning fucking up people almost like Vader was at most times


Millie's Staff Member
another great Mando episode. Boba is a second thought at this point. which is fine because he sucks, Rodriguez has no idea what he's doing here. the bounty hunter was cool as fuck. no idea why they blew up the chick from Flashdance. not too many Stephen King book fans here, but i got Roland vibes from Marshall Vanth in this episode.



he would be a good candidate for starring in a well adapted non Idris Elba Gunslinger series.
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Trakanon Raider
Jesus Christ this deepfake shit is getting good. Strange to think it was just a few short years ago that we were getting Rogue One Tarkin, and now we've got a practically perfect recreation of a young Luke.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
another great Mando episode. Boba is a second thought at this point. which is fine because he sucks, Rodriguez has no idea what he's doing here. the bounty hunter was cool as fuck. no idea why they blew up the chick from Flashdance. not too many Stephen King book fans here, but i got Roland vibes from Marshall Vanth in this episode.



he would be a good candidate for starring in a well adapted non Idris Elba Gunslinger series.
Vance is great but Bill Burr I think is my favorite character added but that's most likely because I thought he couldn't act at the time.

I actually really liked the Nick Nolte alien


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Let's also know Olyphant has talked shit about Hollywood and their egos. I'm surprised Disney keeps having him. He's made hints but nothing career ending no anyone. I think Patton Oswalt was the only one he didn't try to hide


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Let's also know Olyphant has talked shit about Hollywood and their egos. I'm surprised Disney keeps having him. He's made hints but nothing career ending no anyone. I think Patton Oswalt was the only one he didn't try to hide
for anyone who doesn't know the reference

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