Millie's Staff Member
i think the issue is that you're assuming Disney is following some canonical trajectory when they have shown over and over that they will change what they change when it suits them.The first 4 episodes "sucked" because it wasn't what people were expecting.
His reintroduction is mandalorian s2e6. He starts off old man hermit in tusken gear, recovers his armor and then goes beast mode and saves the day. We see him a few more times and learn more about boba, his values, etc. Honor and loyalty. Next fight scene we see him in the post credits scene taking out bib fortuna.
People expected the show to be more of that. They wanted the boba fett they imagined growing up. Ive argued (extensively in this thread) about canon and what they should of expected is filling in the 5 year gap from post jedi until now, which is what the first 4 episodes were about via flashbacks.
I've also argued the problem with the show was the devotion to the prequels by casting jango fett to play boba 20 years later. He was fine in mando, they obviously used a stunt double to film the action scenes and only used morrison when he wasnt in the armor.
Problem is after he saves mando and fennec in mandalorian, he takes off his helmet and starts talking and he doesnt shutup or put his helmet back on. Most of episodes 1-4 is flashbacks to him as old man tusken hermit. Even the current timeline fightscenes is him without his armor or atleast without his helmet. The show has limited itself immensely from this casting choice and suffered for it.
You could argue its the writers/show runners fault for the difference in quality between book of boba fett and mandalorian except its the same people making/writing both shows. All the non boba episodes of book of boba fett people are fine with. The problem is casting a 60 year old with limited physical range to play a 30 year old people expected to be a badass.