The D&D thread


Goonsquad Officer
I thought there were rules for that where you got to mix and match traits. Maybe I'm thinking of one of the other systems we've talked about here. If they did away with using 'races' because it was problematic, and also got rid if race mixing, it will be lol funny.
They think black people are orcs, so theres no half orcs. The one drop rule.
  • 3Worf
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
They think black people are orcs, so theres no half orcs. The one drop rule.
Then there would be high yellow orcs. Someone get AI to make a halle berry orc. I wanna see if I can fap to it.


what Suineg set it to
I'm going to develop a game just to make men +1 str and women +1 dex just to cause nuclear levels of outrage.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I'm going to develop a game just to make men +1 str and women +1 dex just to cause nuclear levels of outrage.
that would be ridiculous. Men should be +3 str and dex and con.

Women would get +3 wis and a new stat called pussy in which they get a +10. It's only use is to control men.


Goonsquad Officer
I'm going to develop a game just to make men +1 str and women +1 dex just to cause nuclear levels of outrage.
harnmaster was like that. it had very detailed character creation. like a dwarf's pain resistance was compoundedly better than an elfs.

anyway , in it wamen had i think like -str, -stamina - speed - fightins, but bonuses to pain tolerance, voice (a componant of magic) intuition (a componant of...some kind of shit?) and most importantly a smaller frame. smaller frame hid better but had a lower carry capacity and .....uhhhmaybe less 'blood' in the blood pool before bleeding out? i forget. it's b een 20 years.

it was pretty dope but you had to do some algebra before you could play your manz.
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Vyemm Raider
And the new orcs aren't black. They are clearly south American now. The new art has them looking super Midwest Aztec Mayan.

And the skinny orc husband next to the huge fat orc wife. Thats just super red neck trailer trash to me. All of which I find hillarious.


what Suineg set it to
And the new orcs aren't black. They are clearly south American now. The new art has them looking super Midwest Aztec Mayan.

And the skinny orc husband next to the huge fat orc wife. Thats just super red neck trailer trash to me. All of which I find hillarious.