Yeah. It's a weird thing though. It's easier to make a point with humor than with hellfire.
When Rush started, he used to incorporate a lot of humor into his show, and then he started switching over more and more to hellfire. He got people listening with the humor. Jon's a lot smarter. He kept them listening with the humor.
I'm not saying Rush = Stewart, not at all just that the pattern of what they do have similarities. It's not an observation on the content of what they do. An awful lot of people from all walks know who George Carlin was as well. He didn't influence policy directly or anything like that, that wasn't his bag... but people listened to him. It used to be newspaper editorialists. We don't remember their names because why in the hell would we, but if you can inject humor into your writing then you have a leg up on the guy who can't. I'm pretty sure that Mark Twain used to write for a newspaper.