The Dallas Cowboys Memorial (2015 Off-Season) Thread


Vyemm Raider
the issue with suspending brady, from reports, there is apparently no smoking gun, they believe he probably generally knew what was going on. they also said that bellichek and the main office had no clue about Bill is PROBABLY off the hook.

as for brady, its hard, the ASSUMPTION is there about guilt, however, i read that of the 4 balls tested at halftime for the colts- no idea if this is true yet- they had 2 pressure gauges. according to reports most of the balls pregame were AROUND 13.1 halftime one gauge had the 4 tested AROUND 12.5-13psi (all "legal") the other gauge had 3 of the 4 under 12.5 psi. however the take off is this...

according to the report the ref says he remembers that the pats balls were all at 12.5 or 12.6 psi.... if the colts balls all dropped around 1psi(but due to starting 1psi more..remained legal ...wouldn't the pat's have as well- without them doing anything to said balls, the temp would have deflated the balls all on their own.

ok found it


Patriots Ball Blakeman Prioleau
1 11.50 11.80
2 10.85 11.20
3 11.15 11.50
4 10.70 11.00
5 11.10 11.45
6 11.60 11.95
7 11.85 12.30
8 11.10 11.55
9 10.95 11.35
10 10.50 10.90
11 10.90 11.35
Colts Ball Blakeman Prioleau
1 12.70 12.35
2 12.75 12.30
3 12.50 12.95
4 12.55 12.15
same gauges, 0.4 (basically) difference between the gauges, which is right? lets ASSUME (YA YA) that the higher gauge was right for all the balls(they assumed all the higher ones for the colts were right)

so the pats balls lost from 0.2psi to 1.6psi with about 1psi lost average...and the colts balls lost (only 4 tested) - 0.3-0.6 psi, yet only 1/3rd the balls were tested, maybe more were under inflated.

same page 12
Before halftime ended, all eleven Patriots balls were inflated and set to a
permissible pressure level.
even going by the lower gauge- which has several of the colts balls illegal- at most - for a half- we are talking 2psi underinflated -max.

from page 73:

after the game 4 balls from each team selected at random and tested with the same gauges:

ALL the patriots balls were legal -well one was actually over inflated-(using the higher recording gauge)
1 of the colts balls was illegal- again using the higher recording gauge-
if using the the lower recording gauge, 3 of the 4 colts balls were illegal...pats balls were fine with this gauge.

imo much adieu about nothing.,.. 2psi for at most 2 quarters, with the correct inflated balls the pats still destroyed the colts in the 2nd half... (17pts first half 28pts 2nd half)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Only one person is going to read that blog post and it's the douchebag who was bragging about reading the wells report.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone who thinks Brady will be out for a season is one serious crack.

Roethlisberger raped a girl and only got 4 games.

Dolphins still don't win the division this year. Sorry =(
Yeah but he didn't potentially meddle with the integrity of a game on the field. There's a reason players/teams better on their teams is usually a lifetime ban.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Won't they be punishing him for conduct detrimental to the league and not specifically for cheating? While the punishment might carry the weight of cheating it won't actually be for cheating I don't think.
Who is "He" in this sentence? If you're talking about Brady, the punishment will probably be for not cooperating with the investigation. If it's Bellicheat or the pats organization, it'll be just like Sean peyton and be for not knowing what was going on in his locker room.

the issue with suspending brady, from reports, there is apparently no smoking gun, they believe he probably generally knew what was going on. they also said that bellichek and the main office had no clue about Bill is PROBABLY off the hook.
There most certainly is a smoking gun for refusing to cooperate with the investigation.
They said the same thing about Peyton being ignorant of the bounties and he still got hit with the banhammer.

Any of you Cowgirl fans who think this isn't shady are pretty blind, or too busy patting yourselves on the back for Belichecking your way into a high round player.
ehhh what? You're going to have to spell out what you're talking about. It's shady on who's part that the 19 year old kid threatened to do something he wasn't allowed to do? I'm not sure that fits any definition of shady you could come up with. Maybe if you say the agent was shady or sleazy for making him think that was an option.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I was referring specifically to Brady. Which for not cooperating he will be punished under conduct detrimental to the league
I was referring specifically to Brady. Which for not cooperating he will be punished under conduct detrimental to the league
"not cooperating" means by the way he spent an entire day with Wells and the Patriots lawyers refused a second visit. Also, for not providing his cell phone.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
the issue with suspending brady, from reports, there is apparently no smoking gun, they believe he probably generally knew what was going on. they also said that bellichek and the main office had no clue about Bill is PROBABLY off the hook.
Sean Peyton had no clue about bounty gate going on and was suspended for a year.

"Ignorance is not an excuse" - Roger Goodell


Bronze Baron of the Realm
That's where the butthurt comes in. Collins will get as much as anyone drafted late second round or later AND he got to choose who he played for. The protections for teams to avoid having things like this happen exist already. That's why the draft is there. The truth is there is no loophole. Everyone passed on him. Multiple times. That puts all the power in his hands.
I thought there was a cap for undrafted free agents their first time around from what I read earlier.


Golden Squire
Any of you Cowgirl fans who think this isn't shady are pretty blind, or too busy patting yourselves on the back for Belichecking your way into a high round player.
Yeah, this has been covered. The NFL refused to let him pull out of the draft and because he made it through the entire 7 rounds without being drafted, he is no longer eligible for the draft. That nugget came out on Monday (or maybe Sunday). If someone had drafted him, he could have refused to sign and would have been eligible to reenter. Something like that.

Basically, Jerry capitalized on the NFL's refusal to let him exit the draft. Collins was probably rated high for them but was never a consideration in the draft because they had other needs and draft picks are a commodity.They weren't looking for a starting guard.That they went after him as a UDFA is more about taking advantage of a beneficial situation that works in their favor.

I thought there was a cap for undrafted free agents their first time around from what I read earlier.
There is. Jerry basically gave him as much as he was allowed to give.


Log Wizard
I hope Tom Brady gets suspended for a full season and the Patriots go to the Super Bowl and win.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I hope Tom Brady gets suspended for a full season and the Patriots go to the Super Bowl and win.
Me too. But it can only happen if that first part comes true.

/fingers crossed


Mr. Poopybutthole
The Pats winning a Superbowl, cleanly, with Brady suspended, would probably be the greatest thing in ages. Patriots fans would finally have a Superbowl win instead of a Superbowl win*, and at the same time we'd have tons of ammunition to make fun of them. Everyone comes out ahead in that situation.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If Brady got suspended for the entire year and the pats won a superbowl without him, I'd give them props.