> Than U
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- 67,590
Hmm I guess that makes sense. I just never really studied or even thought about the implications of space physics.Newtonian physics still apply in space (every action opposite but equal reaction). As long as thrust is constant, then G forces will be equivalent to the amount of thrust being generated. So if they use the equivalent of half a G of constant thrust, then everything inside the ship pushes back with half a G of force opposite to the direction of that force, thus creating the sensation of half Earth gravity. Once thrust is cut and they coast, though, then the G forces would no longer apply and they would be in freefall (weightless).
Person in ship pushing against direction of thrust---><-----Ship thrusting forward
The game changing nature of the Epstein drive is the fact that it is so efficient, that you can maintain constant thrust for very long periods of time. Not only does this let you gain tons of speed over time, but it also has the advantage of negating 0g environments for the duration of the active thrust (which is better for the human body).
I always assumed G force would be a multiplier of force of gravity in the sense that if you were in 0G you could not create Gforce by way of acceleration but I see the hole in my thinking already in if that was the case rotational force wouldn't generate any gravity through centripetal force.
As I said I hadn't given it much thought. I did study which breadcrumbs makes meatloaf taste good without tasting like a nutrient block though!
Also he was accelerating extremely fast. I didn't see the speed at the end but it was way up there. How long until he hit light speed and what happens after that?
Loaded up the DVR, he was going 2454750 MPS and had used up 10.9% fuel supply 4 hours and 8 minutes and 26 seconds into the burn. 2 seconds later he was going 2543250mps. Now since it was such a fast acceleration and we don't know the exact point in each second I froze that it will be off but he was accelerating roughly 50,000 mps per second from that.
Now Light speed is 299 792 458 m / s or 186000 miles per second. I assume for the show MPS was meters per second.
If true and he would have hit light speed in 100 minutes more.
But that is also wrong. Earlier he was at 337749MPS at 59 minutes 59 seconds in and 10.3% fuel used up.
At that rate of fuel burn he would not run out of fuel for 500 hours. But he was clearly accelerating slower at 30000 mps at that time. Now either way after 3 additional hours and 8 minutes is 11,160 seconds and even at the 30000MPS he should have been going at least 334800000MPS or 334million mps not 2.5million mps he was after 4 hours passed.
Unless time is not linear and 4 hours wasn't really 4 hours, or they just made a fancy gadget and didn't actually make it real.
At 2 minutes 26 seconds in he was going 13300mps with 10.1% fuel used up and gaining at 500mps
The Gforce of thrust increased as he gained speed and at the final scene was 9.6 it appears and climbing.
This is why I stick to meatloaf I suppose, the math after being up 24 hours is nuts.
Somewhere a Vulcan saw a flash and said what the bloody hell was that.
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