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its been a thing in detroit since the 50s, but its only recently started getting national notoriety as being "detroit style"I had never heard of "Detroit Style Deep Dish" until Little Caesars started calling it that. Does it just mean square? Is it really a thing aside from Little Caesar's marketing?
eyashusa is indeed right that it had to do with leftover pans after WW2 production slowed down in factory-heavy detroit. they had all sorta of left over cast iron pans, and a pizza entrepreneur figured they'd work out great for baking pizza. and he was right.
the crust is thick and doughy, unlike chicago deep dish where the bulk of the thickness of the pizza is made of toppings.
further reading:
Detroit-style pizza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
All Square: A History of Detroit-Style Pizza | Pure Michigan Connect
What's the Difference Between Detroit-Style and Deep-Dish Pizza/ | Westword
i was born and raised in michigan. grew up on this sort of pizza. had no clue it was a local thing until i was in my 20s. really is super delicious.
the only difference between "true" detroit-style deep dish and the style that most franchise places sell is that with "true" detroit style the sauce goes on top. franchises usually do sauce under the cheese.