The Final Fantasy Mega Thread - Now playing FFXV


Trakanon Raider
I enjoyed the game, but can't wait too see what they do with the re-working of the later chapters, and the Prompto surprise, interested in seeing what there gonna do for his DLC


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I could be making a grave mistake, but I think I'll be playing this for a few hours through New Years. I'm not even past the tutorial yet, so it'll all be fresh. A few other games I thought about getting into on PC, but the wife wants to be involved and watch, and that's just easier on the Ps4.

But even just through the tutorial, combat feels fun, and magic seems OP. Wait Mode is probably how I'll play at least until I figure shit out. Warp Strikes are bad ass looking.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So am I supposed to be completely over leveled? Just getting into 2nd chapter and I'm 13, and quests are level 6 and 8. Is that OK?


Blackwing Lair Raider
You'll be significantly overleveled if you use any form of inn/exp bonus rest stop. If you kill 1 cactuar you'll hit something like 20-30 and 2 will put you in the 40's with the 2x city on the ocean.

Doesn't matter a whole lot as quest mobs are harder than the level and the main story isn't much the challenging sort


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You'll be significantly overleveled if you use any form of inn/exp bonus rest stop. If you kill 1 cactuar you'll hit something like 20-30 and 2 will put you in the 40's with the 2x city on the ocean.

Doesn't matter a whole lot as quest mobs are harder than the level and the main story isn't much the challenging sort
Ok. I'm just into Chapter 3 now, and just killed Deadeye, and the gap just keeps widening. I seemed to have caught up a little bit as at least the Hunts are even level with me. I randomly saw a video about Chapter 3 there are huge exp boosts you can get if you want, but not sure if I'm going to go chase those or not.


Karazhan Raider
The gap narrows some once you lose access to the open world since the exp you get from then on is more or less set and being higher level you won't gain many levels.

Of course you could expiricast your way very easily out of every main story mission


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Wrapped this up tonight and had a good enough time with the game. It's the first FF game I've finished since the NES one when I was a kid. I got kinda carried away exploring and doing quests so I was way over-leveled at 65 going into the final few chapters. But I didn't mind it since there were some pacing issues and I was able to go through it as fast as possible near the end. I haven't played a lot of JRPG's in the last decade so I can't really make a good comparison to anything else. I'll list a few system observations about the game that won't contain any story spoilers outside the spoiler tag.

The combat system is kinda derpy but I don't know what other JRPG's are doing these days so maybe it's the norm. I played the entire game in wait mode since it gave the game a tactical feel but that probably wasn't necessary since the game was pretty easy. You could probably get away without it unless you're doing something under-leveled and having a hard time.

The loot system in the game felt about as basic as it gets. Maybe I missed something about the king weapons but they didn't seem useful enough to warrant use with their downside. I could kill things just as fast if I scanned mobs and used vendor bought weapons of the correct type.

Magic was also very simplistic. They were powerful but came in only three types which made them kinda boring. It looks like they tried to add some complexity with the ability combine spells with items but for the most part it was unnecessary because the game was pretty easy. It was useful to get more charges or add experience, but outside that I couldn't be bothered to mess with it.

Companion Tactics:
Sometimes useful but for the most part they'd just slow things down. Probably tied to the ease of the game. Outside Ignis's regroup I rarely used companion tactics.

I agree that the early part of the game was light on story and motivation but I had fun. And I found the buddy road trip theme to be the most unique part of the game. After that the linear portion of the story was uncomplicated but well done graphically. I had one major annoyance and one minor annoyance. A minor annoyance is that I would've liked the protagonist to be a little less whiny, but I accepted early on that this game was probably targeted at a younger audience.
My only major complaint is chapter 13. I don't mind when games do the loss of power trope but this drug out way to long. They also tried to add in parts you were supposed to stealth and lame jump scares because reasons? It didn't match the rest of the game, which is fine if it adds to the narrative, but this drug out for 30-40 minutes of slowly walking, slowly waiting for doors to open etc. I got the feeling of powerlessness they were trying to portray pretty quick and this section should've been 5-10 minutes tops. The few narrative bits they did add didn't make up for the what you had to go through to get to them. It makes me wonder if the designer even played the section themselves. The rest of the game was fine.

I had enough fun with the game to justify picking it up at a sale price. My final impression of the game is that it's graphically beautiful with simplistic systems and story. A basic good versus evil tale targeted at a teenage audience.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm 11 hours in and still only in the beginning of Chapter 3. I keep doing some side quests, and then get distracted with other shit like killing an Iron Giant at level 17. It's amazing to me how much this game feels like TERA in terms of combat, where if you take it slow, and wait for the right moment you can take on much higher level things.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
[SPOILERS] So about that train scene... • /r/FFXV
That would explain Ardyn's strange mismatch of language and accent in that scene, him using words like "dude" sounded so bizarre to me. But then like you said Prompto is back with you when the train is stopped and you fight the MTs outside and doesn't mention the fact that you just tried to kill him. Unless the Prompto helping you there was actually Ardyn. I'm gonna have to replay that whole chapter now...

Go to that section of the game, check the menu, see prompto on the guest character slot, get solid enough proof it was actually Ardyn all along.

Train station - out of bounds glitch • /r/FFXV
What gets me is how developed it is down there. It's painfully obvious that so much was cut.
OMG a car even spawns. I wonder how much work was placed on that map. I wish we could play a part of that someday.

I'm sad that we didn't get to visit these places in a longer, finished game. But they might be reused for the DLC at least.

Fippy Darkpaw

Molten Core Raider
I'm not trying to sound clever, but I'm a little surprised by the number of people in that thread that are just realizing that about the train scene now.
I made the assumption (which I didn't think would need confirmation) about the swap while it was happening. I was a little confused about Prompto not bringing it up afterwards, but just assumed that like the last few chapters that there was more to it that got cut or rushed.
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Vyemm Raider
I loved Pitioss. The only part that was frustrating for me was the 2D part (I have bad depth perception so not being able to see Noctis's feet made jumps tough). I was able to do all of it without a guide except for figuring out where to go after the big statue.

Doing the Menace dungeons now and they're really tough. I've done the four easiest ones but even they have given me significant trouble. I think I can clear the 100 Floor dungeon through sheer attrition but I don't think I have any chance at clearing the no-items dungeon. I don't like fighting in them, either. The combat is most fun when you have large open areas to fight in with plenty of places to Point Warp to and menace dungeons are the opposite of that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I loved Pitioss. The only part that was frustrating for me was the 2D part (I have bad depth perception so not being able to see Noctis's feet made jumps tough). I was able to do all of it without a guide except for figuring out where to go after the big statue.

Doing the Menace dungeons now and they're really tough. I've done the four easiest ones but even they have given me significant trouble. I think I can clear the 100 Floor dungeon through sheer attrition but I don't think I have any chance at clearing the no-items dungeon. I don't like fighting in them, either. The combat is most fun when you have large open areas to fight in with plenty of places to Point Warp to and menace dungeons are the opposite of that.

The no-item dungeon can be circumvented by mixing 4 potions, 2 hi-potions or 1 elixir (I think?) to cap 99 skill heal spells with 1 fire/blizard/thunder element. You can effectively heal yourself that way the entire way. If you have the armiger item that boosts the rate it builds, its more just tedious than anything else


Trakanon Raider
I worked my way thru to the 30th floor of the Steylif dungeon(100 floors)

I had to leave after that went in very very unprepared, the 29th floor alone is a massive headache 4 Tonberry's and the AI for the party members for this fight is just stupid(but did get Balmund woo) only using the auto saves for that dungeon sucks also, should be able to at least save at the camping floors...