The First Descendant


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
The reactors I get that match are all rare even in hard mode. Any ultimate I get are random trash drops. Am I missing something? Am I supposed to farm bosses or something?


<Gold Donor>
The reactors I get that match are all rare even in hard mode. Any ultimate I get are random trash drops. Am I missing something? Am I supposed to farm bosses or something?
When you're in a map (say Kingston for example), right click your right stick and it'll bring up drops - look for the type/subtype/bullet type you want and go to that specific mission. They'll drop like candy. They are different everyday so if you're looking for Non attribute/Fusion/Special Ammo for example it might not be up until tomorrow. However, most of the reactors that are meta currently are just rare anyways with a few exceptions. I've got an elite ult one ready to go for Gley though once I finish python farming.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, you really don't want an ultimate reactor now anyway. I have a near-perfect Thunder Cage one for Bunny, and I'll probably at least glance at any Python or Perforator ones I see just in case those guns turn out to be as strong as the spreadsheet suggests. In the other 99% of cases it's way better to have a reactor that doesn't gimp your skill damage with 2/3 of your guns.

Why Python for Gley though? I'm farming one too, but I'm looking at it more as Valby and Freyna's version of Thunder Cage.

Also, it's a weekly rotation on hard mode drops, not daily.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
There was a hotfix 1.0.2 this morning:

Greetings, Descendants!

The First Descendant Hotfix 1.0.2 patch is now live.

■ Patch date and time
- PDT 07.11.2024 (Thu) 06:05

■ Target Platforms
- Steam, Xbox Series X│S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5

■ Patch Details

Content Improvements
- Added the 'Start Public Operation' function (matchmaking) to Infiltration Operations (Hard). 'Start Public Operation' is available even if you change the selected reward, but if you select an additional option, only 'Start Private Operation' will be available.
- Removed the sequential type Immunity Spheres from Named Monsters. They have been changed to either the default or extermination types.

# Director's Comment
The Dev Team acknowledges the community's concern about the monotonous patterns of Named Monsters and strives to enhance them.
In particular, we've noted that the pattern involving breaking spheres in a specific order isn't appropriate for public matching and have decided to remove it immediately.
As new patterns are developed, we will soon update the patterns of existing Named Monsters one by one.
As Named Monsters frequently appear in Hard difficulty and Special Operations, we will continue working towards diversifying their patterns.
- Increased the quantity of rare basic materials dropped from Encrypted Vaults three-fold. The Elite Vulgus that appear in Field Missions and Infiltration Operations will now drop them too.
# Director's Comment
The most efficient way to farm rare basic materials is still through Encrypted Vaults, but for those who prefer hunting monsters, we have updated Field Missions and Infiltration Operations to drop these materials too.
The Dev Team will closely monitor the overall farming status and do our best to create a joyful environment for all our Descendants.
- Reduced the time from two 90-second to two 60-second occupations for the Kingston 'Vulgus Data Transmitter' Hacking Mission.
- Improved the Battle Pass Battle Supply Shop button's visibility by redesigning it in the format of the Bonus Shop banner.
# Director's Comment
You can get season-limited skins for free from the Battle Supply Shop. Complete pre-season challenges to claim your special skins!
- Updated the Library window from closing when the map is opened and closed through the Acquisition Information pop-up.
- Improved the duration of party invitation messages to make them easier to confirm and accept.
- Improved the duration of the Descendant Instructor's lines.
# Director's Comment
Many Descendants have commented that the Descendant Instructor's dialogue contains many useful game tips.
Currently, it's not possible to revisit previous dialogues, but we are planning to fix this.
We will continue to make improvements so that Descendants can easily access the information they require.
- Moved the guide NPC you meet after first arriving in Albion closer.

Optimization Improvements
- [PC] Improved the stability of the shader preparation process by reducing the CPU load during shader generation.
Currently, we are actively monitoring this issue, and if you encounter issues with a 13th or 14th gen Intel, please refer to Intel's official guide.
- [PC] Lowered GPU memory usage when set at High or higher quality.
- [PC] Fixed an issue where character skins were displayed abnormally in low graphics settings intermittently during extended play.
- [PC] Fixed a bug that allowed frame limits to be set when using Nvidia and AMD's Frame Generation.
- [Common] Fixed an issue where shadows were intermittently displayed abnormally depending on the view.
- [Common] Made various other fixes for optimization purposes, and we will continuously monitor them.

Bug Fixes
(1) UI/UX
- Fixed an issue displaying unused items in the Library.

(2) Descendants
- Fixed an issue where Descendants could not get out of DBNO when their HP was below -100% from module settings.
- Fixed an issue where Kyle would occasionally go up into the air when using 'Superconductivity Thrusters' during 'Repulsion Dash'.
- Fixed an issue where Esiemo could not get back up while using 'Arche Explosion' and being inflicted with Knockback.

(3) Modules
- Fixed an issue where the increase in Firearm ATK per stack in the 'Sharp Precision Shot' module was summed instead of multiplied.

(4) Equipment
- Fixed an issue where a weapon's attribute damage did not apply damage over 100,000.
- Fixed an issue where higher values were displayed as the Ultimate (Gold) option despite the Reactor's Skill Cooldown and Skill Cost stats being preferable with lower values.
- Fixed an issue where lower values were displayed as the Ultimate (Gold) option despite the Weapon Change Speed stat being preferable with higher values.

(5) Field
- Fixed an issue where 'Amorphous Material Pattern: 118' and 'Shape Stabilizer Form 8' were not dropped at 'Frozen Valley: Vulgus Strategic Outpost' in Fortress (Hard).
- Fixed an issue where Elite Vulgus in the White-night Gulch 'Upper Hatchery' Battlefield Missions did not drop rewards.
- Fixed an issue where monster spawning was interrupted at some Vulgus Strategic Outposts.

(6) Instance Dungeon
- Fixed an issue where Vespers resource box materials were dropped from Echo Swamp, Agna Desert, White-night Gulch, Hagios, and Fortress Infiltration Operation resource boxes.

(7) Research
- Fixed an issue where the core materials of Ultimate Descendants were incorrectly displayed as Rare instead of Ultimate Tier.

(8) Miscellaneous
- [French] Fixed an issue where the 'Go to title screen' menu was displayed with the same phrase as 'Exit Game'.
- [French] Fixed an issue in the story where 'Ultimate Chimera' was used for 'Dreadful Abomination'.
- [French] Added missing words in the probability display for Executioner Tier 3 Set 4.

# Director's Additional Comment
It has come to our attention that the community is worried about possible nerfs to Tamer and Gley's infinite magazine builds.
This meta is very strong, but since it is within the scope of what the Dev Team has planned, there are no immediate plans to do so.
In addition, some weapons are more powerful than Tamer and there are a variety of character builds that rival Gley's infinite magazine, so please enjoy them fully. We've been looking forward to seeing Descendants use creative builds to take down powerful Colossi swiftly, so we're quite delighted to see this in action now.

We are well aware that as many Descendants begin farming in earnest, various discussions are taking place regarding drop rates. There is no variable drop rate system in The First Descendant. We are using the fixed rates displayed in the game. The Dev Team has reviewed the acquisition rates across all servers and confirmed that they are dropping according to the rates displayed. We are currently working on various measures to ensure the community can trust the dev team such as disclosing item drop amounts for each content. And we also prepare ways to improve the farming experience. The First Descendant will continue to communicate transparently and honestly.

Some great changes in there. Can PUG hard mode dungeons now, for better or worse, and getting rid of those fucking sequential immunity balls is a godsend. Vault materials aren't just from vaults anymore. And I guess it's safe to go all-in on Tamer now, time to drop a potato and about 6 forma on it, plus that 300k kuiper on leveling up Mental Focus.

Good timing too, since I just readjusted mine to this:

Can't decide if I should just keep the Chill ATK or keep gambling at 20 mats a pop to get Weak Point Dmg. Gonna leave it for now, since the vast majority of my hard mode colossus farming is going to be Pyromaniac until I get the High-Voltage mod to drop for Bunny, and Chill ATK is almost certainly better than weak point there.
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<Gold Donor>
Yeah, you really don't want an ultimate reactor now anyway. I have a near-perfect Thunder Cage one for Bunny, and I'll probably at least glance at any Python or Perforator ones I see just in case those guns turn out to be as strong as the spreadsheet suggests. In the other 99% of cases it's way better to have a reactor that doesn't gimp your skill damage with 2/3 of your guns.

Why Python for Gley though? I'm farming one too, but I'm looking at it more as Valby and Freyna's version of Thunder Cage.

Also, it's a weekly rotation on hard mode drops, not daily.
Mostly for testing but I think the WS dmg unlimited ammo will be good


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
When you're in a map (say Kingston for example), right click your right stick and it'll bring up drops - look for the type/subtype/bullet type you want and go to that specific mission. They'll drop like candy. They are different everyday so if you're looking for Non attribute/Fusion/Special Ammo for example it might not be up until tomorrow. However, most of the reactors that are meta currently are just rare anyways with a few exceptions. I've got an elite ult one ready to go for Gley though once I finish python farming.

This is what's confusing me. (I just chose tech as tech as a stat) Looking at this I assume that my reactor isn't up to be farmed? (Or is The Ruins where I need to farm?)

But as I look at the maps closer it SEEMS like I can farm it...also, ALL of the rare drops that are correct are fuckin sniper rifles or like shotgun. Is that because of the ammo type listed?




Silver Baronet of the Realm
This is what's confusing me. (I just chose tech as tech as a stat) Looking at this I assume that my reactor isn't up to be farmed? (Or is The Ruins where I need to farm?)
You're correct, Non-attrib/Tech reactors are not up for farming this week. That just means they won't drop in mass amounts just by killing enemies. You can still farm them easily from mission rewards, I just wouldn't go nuts trying to get a perfect one that way when it's so much easier if they are on the farm list next Tues.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
You're correct, Non-attrib/Tech reactors are not up for farming this week. That just means they won't drop in mass amounts just by killing enemies. You can still farm them easily from mission rewards, I just wouldn't go nuts trying to get a perfect one that way when it's so much easier if they are on the farm list next Tues.

Not sure I like this rotation shit.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What? Why? I know the Tamer is the better gun, but I like the feel of my ACG.
Just for that reason really. If you don't hold the ACG you lose the 60% skill bonus, and it's so much weaker than a Tamer. With a purple reactor you can use whichever gun you want and always get 40%.

Honestly it depends on how you build your Ajax too. If you're primarily building for his shield skills then I'd worry more about getting skill cooldown on the random slots (note: the bug with yellow vs. blue text on skill cooldown was fixed in the patch today.) and it doesn't really matter if it's purple or ultimate. If you're trying to do max damage with his 2 and 3, then I'd stick with a rare.

Not sure I like this rotation shit.
I'm not a huge fan of it either, mainly because I'm trying to get a perfect set of external components and they only put 1-2 slots up for farming each week. Daily or even something like three days would feel a lot better.

On that note--get your sensor farming done this week for sure. White-night Gulch>Moongrave Basin - Water-cooling recording device mission. Start the mission, hack the first terminal, then let the enemies stop the progression and just farm them for ~4 minutes. One of the best kuiper farms along with massive amounts of ultimate sensor drops.

If I actually had a non-attrib character ready to go I'd be farming processors at the Void Fragment mission on Vespers>Timberfall too. Seems like a great way to knock out two annoying farms at once.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So this patch allows Cat/Shroom materials to be dropped from mobs, while also increasing the amount of those materials you get from the Vaults? If so, that is very nice.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
and Dimension modifier (if I recall the icons correctly) will buff #1 and #4 skill
I don't think it does though. If you look at Ajax's shield skills, they only scale with his HP and DEF and there's no skill power listed anywhere. So you can ignore dimension and just go all tech to scale his 2 and 3.

So this patch allows Cat/Shroom materials to be dropped from mobs, while also increasing the amount of those materials you get from the Vaults? If so, that is very nice.
Seems that way. Conductive Metallic Foil for shroom is listed as dropping from Vesper mission mobs (just like elites if it's like the rest), so I guess that's something else to farm in Timberfall this week. Mixed Energy Residue for cats is listed on Agna missions now too.

Edit: So far I'm still just getting the same old ion materials in Agna. Tried a barrier deactivation mission three times on hard and didn't get a single mixed energy residue, so I'm not sure how viable it is to farm without vaults.

Edit 2: Bupkis from an extermination mission too.
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Trakanon Raider
I don't think it does though. If you look at Ajax's shield skills, they only scale with his HP and DEF and there's no skill power listed anywhere. So you can ignore dimension and just go all tech to scale his 2 and 3.

Seems that way. Conductive Metallic Foil for shroom is listed as dropping from Vesper mission mobs (just like elites if it's like the rest), so I guess that's something else to farm in Timberfall this week. Mixed Energy Residue for cats is listed on Agna missions now too.

Edit: So far I'm still just getting the same old ion materials in Agna. Tried a barrier deactivation mission three times on hard and didn't get a single mixed energy residue, so I'm not sure how viable it is to farm without vaults.

Edit 2: Bupkis from an extermination mission too.

did you patch?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
did you patch?
Yeah, I can see the new drop locations in Access Info, but they just don't drop at all. Probably just a super low %, but either way I can't see this as anything but a bonus when doing something else. If you are specifically farming for the vault mats, you still need to just suck it up and do vaults.

Edit: Especially now that you get considerably more materials from the vaults... I just got enough mats for a catalyst from one easy and one medium vault from normal mode.

Finally got Enzo cooking so at least by tomorrow it'll be much less of a pain in the ass and I can start doing the hard ones too.
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<Silver Donator>
Next thing they need to remove is the retarded "shoot the small glowy thing while i'm invul" mechanic from colossi.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I figured out how to do almost endless amounts of Recon missions without a timer delay.

1. Port to Albion
2. Open map and set it to private
3. Port to the Recon site
4. Clear it, ideally with Sharen for the extra shits
5. Open map and set it to public
6. Repeat from #1

Eventually after like 15 or so you'll start getting a very short cooldown which expires by the time you get to the site. At around 20-25 you'll finally start getting a long cooldown so find something else to do for a little while before starting over, if you still haven't gotten what you need by that point.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So farmed the mats to unlock enzo, just to do vaults. Holy shit the guy makes it easy compared to regular. I was getting so frustrated wasting the analyzers. Its asinine that it destroys the analyzer when there is such a short timer and only 2-3 misclicks before it fails. You dont really have time to wait for circle to go around.

Probably work on sharen next, for the hacks on outpost. To get more mats there. Still need to figure how out who I want as boss killer. Gley seems the popular choice as that ability that consumes no ammo, with almost 100% uptime and a launcher.
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