The First Descendant


<Gold Donor>
There was a hotfix 1.0.2 this morning:

Greetings, Descendants!

The First Descendant Hotfix 1.0.2 patch is now live.

■ Patch date and time
- PDT 07.11.2024 (Thu) 06:05

■ Target Platforms
- Steam, Xbox Series X│S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5

■ Patch Details

Content Improvements
- Added the 'Start Public Operation' function (matchmaking) to Infiltration Operations (Hard). 'Start Public Operation' is available even if you change the selected reward, but if you select an additional option, only 'Start Private Operation' will be available.
- Removed the sequential type Immunity Spheres from Named Monsters. They have been changed to either the default or extermination types.

# Director's Comment
The Dev Team acknowledges the community's concern about the monotonous patterns of Named Monsters and strives to enhance them.
In particular, we've noted that the pattern involving breaking spheres in a specific order isn't appropriate for public matching and have decided to remove it immediately.
As new patterns are developed, we will soon update the patterns of existing Named Monsters one by one.
As Named Monsters frequently appear in Hard difficulty and Special Operations, we will continue working towards diversifying their patterns.
- Increased the quantity of rare basic materials dropped from Encrypted Vaults three-fold. The Elite Vulgus that appear in Field Missions and Infiltration Operations will now drop them too.
# Director's Comment
The most efficient way to farm rare basic materials is still through Encrypted Vaults, but for those who prefer hunting monsters, we have updated Field Missions and Infiltration Operations to drop these materials too.
The Dev Team will closely monitor the overall farming status and do our best to create a joyful environment for all our Descendants.
- Reduced the time from two 90-second to two 60-second occupations for the Kingston 'Vulgus Data Transmitter' Hacking Mission.
- Improved the Battle Pass Battle Supply Shop button's visibility by redesigning it in the format of the Bonus Shop banner.
# Director's Comment
You can get season-limited skins for free from the Battle Supply Shop. Complete pre-season challenges to claim your special skins!
- Updated the Library window from closing when the map is opened and closed through the Acquisition Information pop-up.
- Improved the duration of party invitation messages to make them easier to confirm and accept.
- Improved the duration of the Descendant Instructor's lines.
# Director's Comment
Many Descendants have commented that the Descendant Instructor's dialogue contains many useful game tips.
Currently, it's not possible to revisit previous dialogues, but we are planning to fix this.
We will continue to make improvements so that Descendants can easily access the information they require.
- Moved the guide NPC you meet after first arriving in Albion closer.

Optimization Improvements
- [PC] Improved the stability of the shader preparation process by reducing the CPU load during shader generation.
Currently, we are actively monitoring this issue, and if you encounter issues with a 13th or 14th gen Intel, please refer to Intel's official guide.
- [PC] Lowered GPU memory usage when set at High or higher quality.
- [PC] Fixed an issue where character skins were displayed abnormally in low graphics settings intermittently during extended play.
- [PC] Fixed a bug that allowed frame limits to be set when using Nvidia and AMD's Frame Generation.
- [Common] Fixed an issue where shadows were intermittently displayed abnormally depending on the view.
- [Common] Made various other fixes for optimization purposes, and we will continuously monitor them.

Bug Fixes
(1) UI/UX
- Fixed an issue displaying unused items in the Library.

(2) Descendants
- Fixed an issue where Descendants could not get out of DBNO when their HP was below -100% from module settings.
- Fixed an issue where Kyle would occasionally go up into the air when using 'Superconductivity Thrusters' during 'Repulsion Dash'.
- Fixed an issue where Esiemo could not get back up while using 'Arche Explosion' and being inflicted with Knockback.

(3) Modules
- Fixed an issue where the increase in Firearm ATK per stack in the 'Sharp Precision Shot' module was summed instead of multiplied.

(4) Equipment
- Fixed an issue where a weapon's attribute damage did not apply damage over 100,000.
- Fixed an issue where higher values were displayed as the Ultimate (Gold) option despite the Reactor's Skill Cooldown and Skill Cost stats being preferable with lower values.
- Fixed an issue where lower values were displayed as the Ultimate (Gold) option despite the Weapon Change Speed stat being preferable with higher values.

(5) Field
- Fixed an issue where 'Amorphous Material Pattern: 118' and 'Shape Stabilizer Form 8' were not dropped at 'Frozen Valley: Vulgus Strategic Outpost' in Fortress (Hard).
- Fixed an issue where Elite Vulgus in the White-night Gulch 'Upper Hatchery' Battlefield Missions did not drop rewards.
- Fixed an issue where monster spawning was interrupted at some Vulgus Strategic Outposts.

(6) Instance Dungeon
- Fixed an issue where Vespers resource box materials were dropped from Echo Swamp, Agna Desert, White-night Gulch, Hagios, and Fortress Infiltration Operation resource boxes.

(7) Research
- Fixed an issue where the core materials of Ultimate Descendants were incorrectly displayed as Rare instead of Ultimate Tier.

(8) Miscellaneous
- [French] Fixed an issue where the 'Go to title screen' menu was displayed with the same phrase as 'Exit Game'.
- [French] Fixed an issue in the story where 'Ultimate Chimera' was used for 'Dreadful Abomination'.
- [French] Added missing words in the probability display for Executioner Tier 3 Set 4.

# Director's Additional Comment
It has come to our attention that the community is worried about possible nerfs to Tamer and Gley's infinite magazine builds.
This meta is very strong, but since it is within the scope of what the Dev Team has planned, there are no immediate plans to do so.
In addition, some weapons are more powerful than Tamer and there are a variety of character builds that rival Gley's infinite magazine, so please enjoy them fully. We've been looking forward to seeing Descendants use creative builds to take down powerful Colossi swiftly, so we're quite delighted to see this in action now.

We are well aware that as many Descendants begin farming in earnest, various discussions are taking place regarding drop rates. There is no variable drop rate system in The First Descendant. We are using the fixed rates displayed in the game. The Dev Team has reviewed the acquisition rates across all servers and confirmed that they are dropping according to the rates displayed. We are currently working on various measures to ensure the community can trust the dev team such as disclosing item drop amounts for each content. And we also prepare ways to improve the farming experience. The First Descendant will continue to communicate transparently and honestly.

Some great changes in there. Can PUG hard mode dungeons now, for better or worse, and getting rid of those fucking sequential immunity balls is a godsend. Vault materials aren't just from vaults anymore. And I guess it's safe to go all-in on Tamer now, time to drop a potato and about 6 forma on it, plus that 300k kuiper on leveling up Mental Focus.

Good timing too, since I just readjusted mine to this:
View attachment 536128
Can't decide if I should just keep the Chill ATK or keep gambling at 20 mats a pop to get Weak Point Dmg. Gonna leave it for now, since the vast majority of my hard mode colossus farming is going to be Pyromaniac until I get the High-Voltage mod to drop for Bunny, and Chill ATK is almost certainly better than weak point there.
Patch notes give me some hope for the future of this game. Devs seem to be listening and not immediately nerfing builds. 10/10 for a first patch.


<Bronze Donator>
So it seems hard mode bosses are just lack of dps now. I get in groups and everyone is doing awesome but just not enough damage to finish the bosses off.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Patch notes give me some hope for the future of this game. Devs seem to be listening and not immediately nerfing builds. 10/10 for a first patch.
As much as I like to shit on Nexon, because frankly they deserve it for how they've run their other games... I have to give them credit here. Coming right out and saying that they aren't going to nerf Tamer or Gley isn't something most devs would ever do. Admitting that sequential immunity orbs were fucking retarded and needed to be removed immediately gives me more faith in their decision-making too. (Now if they could just cut down on the damn immunity gimmick in general.)

I was surprised to see them implement PUGs for hard mode infiltration so quickly too. Kinda sucks that you can't add difficulty options for higher scores, but I suppose that would have been a nightmare for matchmaking.

They really need to fix their "even Destiny 2 wasn't this fucking retarded" skin coloring system next. They need palettes like Warframe that you buy/earn once and keep forever, they need to make the coloring UI actually look like what it does in game once you hit the paint button because right now it's not even remotely close even when you're playing on PC ultra settings, and they need a fuckload more colors in general. There's literally no dark hues at all other than the metallic red ones, and too many other ones are practically identical to each other. And the most glaring omission of all is that you can't color base skins (not even ultimate ones).

5 crafting slot cap needs to go too. I suspect if they removed it they'd charge for each additional one though, which would be extra shitty.
So it seems hard mode bosses are just lack of dps now. I get in groups and everyone is doing awesome but just not enough damage to finish the bosses off.
Yeah I'm really looking forward to getting either Bunny or Gley fully prepped for solo colossus farming because PUGs just can't get it done.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The increase to the Vault materials is amazing.

Edit: Just saw DatModz using Enzo on an Ult Vault and get a transcendent mod for Enzo. Guess that is a thing now too.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Trying to unlock Freyna and I'm on step 5. Need 3 items from normal missions. Says 20% drop rate, is it random from all enemies or just the last "boss"?


Potato del Grande
It's one of the mission rewards for completing the mission, so just once per run at the end. Seperate from the actual boss drops, though.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Trying to unlock Freyna and I'm on step 5. Need 3 items from normal missions. Says 20% drop rate, is it random from all enemies or just the last "boss"?
Freyna parts are mission completion rewards.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
LOL, people talking about Gley needing to be nerfed again because of the rocket build....

  • 1Mother of God
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
LOL, people talking about Gley needing to be nerfed again because of the rocket build....

Not sure why they would use Firearm Master over a general Skill Power mod considering its a rare drop off Obstructor Hard (which most ppl looking at this for a build guide won't have).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not sure why they would use Firearm Master over a general Skill Power mod considering its a rare drop off Obstructor Hard (which most ppl looking at this for a build guide won't have).
It's also ultimate exclusive, just like Bunny's High-Voltage mod. There's older videos from before he had the mod and killed it in a minute, 15 seconds, etc. He said someone else used the same build on regular Lepic/no mod and did it in 9 seconds.


<Gold Donor>
So it seems hard mode bosses are just lack of dps now. I get in groups and everyone is doing awesome but just not enough damage to finish the bosses off.
My face when I spawn into HM Colossus and see 3 Gley's with Vestigial Organs....

Also brb working on my lepic!


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
So it seems hard mode bosses are just lack of dps now. I get in groups and everyone is doing awesome but just not enough damage to finish the bosses off.

Pretty much this. No deaths, dudes just need to get their build square.


Trump's Staff
Trying to unlock Freyna and I'm on step 5. Need 3 items from normal missions. Says 20% drop rate, is it random from all enemies or just the last "boss"?
That 20% drop rate on her stuff feels like a lie. I got the rarest core drops from two of the missions before I got her mats.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Freyna wasnt bad. Sharen was super easy too(I would recc get one for the outpost infil bonus loot), mainly because it was just drops and no research.

Working on a Gley now and I feel like that one is going to take a bit. I could just make my freyna a boss character, supposedly if you build around her Z ability , she can do bosses pretty well.

I would need to get a python for either probably.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
That 20% drop rate on her stuff feels like a lie. I got the rarest core drops from two of the missions before I got her mats.
I know they just reaffirmed that drop rates are accurate in the patch notes this morning, but I am still convinced something is fucked up. I'm currently trying to get my last Thunder Cage done and just had to take a break after 25 runs at getting the blueprint. Should be a 99.63% chance to have gotten by now, but I have not.

And yeah, I got 3 of the 4 Freyna parts within a few missions each, but that dungeon one took me about a dozen.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It seems alright, rng gonna rng. I got the thunder cage parts on first run, or after 20+. During that time, I would port back to Albion if the completion rewards stopped getting more than 1 item. Came back and got the part quickly.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Something still seems off to me. Took me 5 more this morning for a grand total of 30 missions to finally get that last Thunder Cage BP. 99.87% chance, my ass. If it was just this one time I'd call it a fluke and move on, but this is happening constantly. Prior to getting Sharen I'd do like 20-25 recon missions in a row and I'd be lucky to get one amorphous material (which are all 20% drops too). About the only thing I have good luck with is modules, transcendent ones are a nightmare no matter what, but I haven't had to excessively farm any of the rare or ultimate ones that I need.

I really need to finish Valby so I have all the farming shit covered. Bunny clears them super fast, but the electric void fragment missions suck ass compared to non-attrib ones.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didn't realize some void spots give more of certain shards then others. I was doing one on bunny that was giving good mono shards but only 1 poly one per. Quick google search to see if faster way, as the void reactor needed 11 per tr and I thought it was crazy to have to do 11 of them for 1 atttempt. But turns out a different spot would give me 11 Poly per but only 1 of the other. But I had to do it on the ice girl to get them, who I havent built around at all(got 40 and left her). But a thundercage alone clears out these things , just not super fast.

So probably good idea to cover all the elements.

I think drops is just rng is rng. People think 20% means if I run it 5 times they should get one. I got those Thundercage Blueprints fast(iirc it took me 5 missions to get the 3 I needed), but then other things take forever. Still wouldn't put 100% stock into their on screen numbers, even if they say they are right.


A nice asshole.
I really hate RNG drops, should be a rotation per win, or be able to spend gold for increased drop rate at the very least.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not a fan of rotation. Take this game. The reactor I need wont come back in the rotation for 15 days! Not even sure I will still be playing this in 15 days. I'd rather it was just something I could go fight the rng battle with by grinding.

Or if you are saying what I think, aka a event(dungeon, boss, outpost, infil etc) has 7 drops, so you just need to run it 7 times to get everything. WHile fun and non annoying, would make the game so short, you could be done with so many things quickly. Considering these things can be done so fast.