The First Descendant


Potato del Grande
My first successful run I had to keep running after the guy with the box and body block him till he dropped it so I could put it back, he kept running with it long after the vials were empty.
That's hilarious but also an understandable mistake from someone who just does a cursory google or just hears/is told someone has to grab it.


Vyemm Raider
As soon as Hanged Man locked in place id run in front of him with Tamer and shit his mouth penis off - Id either rape his grill or id run the orb - got make sure you dont zag when you should zig!

I've only done the first 2 HM - friend hasnt been on much and the pugs have been terribad, even more so than usual.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
If I am reading that right, those things cant roll double on the senors or processors. I was doing processors too for a while looking for a double. At least memory can, so I can go farm those. And just pick a processor with a resist for each element it seems.

Looks like I will do a double HP aux, Double Def memory, then just 1 of each for the other two. At least until I can get the hardmode set ones, like supernova for bunny, a firearm atk one for gley etc.
Keep in mind that different slots have different max HP and DEF mainstat values.

Aux Power - 4683 DEF / 646 HP
Sensor - 2385 DEF / 646 HP
Memory - 4683 DEF / 484 HP
Processor - 4683 DEF / 646 HP

So that means you always want HP on your sensor and DEF on your memory. The other two you can just do whatever.

Wish I'd known about doubles not being possible for Sensors or Processors. I probably threw out actual best rolls while looking for something that doesn't exist. Seems fairly simple overall though:

Aux (farming) - Any/Kuiper/Module
Aux (colossus) - DEF or HP/HP/Fire Res or HP Recovery
Sensor (farming) - Any/Consumable/Character XP
Sensor (colossus) - HP/MP Recovery/Chill Res or HP Recovery (Max MP is good for speedrunning dungeons)
Memory (farming) - Any/Gold/Firearm XP
Memory (colossus) - DEF/DEF/Electric Res
Processor (farming) - Any/Equipment/Item Acquisition Distance
Processor (colossus) - DEF or HP/Toxic Res/Shield Recovery
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ditto. I farmed a bunch of processors and tossed them looking for double Def. I did a little bit more today and got a decentish one. I will try to def/def memory tomorrow. Then wait for rotation and farm a hp/hp aux and a HP sensor.

Just so much to do. And its all farming. Working on a python. I want at least 2 more activators(one for gley and one for the python) at minimum. More catalyst so I can actually fill out the descendants more and weapons(havent used a single one on a weapon yet).

I beat winged man probably a week ago and haven't even attempted a hard mode boss. But I need to do those too, as they drop the good transcendent mods I will need and the set modules.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I always make the mistake of sticking with one character in games. This time I decided to try Kyle instead of just using Ajax. Man am I glad I did. He is waaaay more my type of gameplay. Plus he uses NA/Dimension which is all I have been getting from reactors!
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think I'm good on monomers for a while.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Who do y'all use when you need to farm shit that requires hard mode outposts and fusion reactors?

Sometimes you have no choice but to use Sharen for the outpost (since in hard mode her bonus drop amorphous material is a different number than the regular drop), which is a pain in the ass because she's made of tissue paper and her skills don't really help much in an actual fight. The reactor is a bigger problem and Bunny isn't really able to get the job done. I just finished crafting Gley finally, really hoping that the rocket build can be used to melt those bosses like she can colossi.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm I was doing outpost on sharen last night on hard mode. I have zero investment in her and just basically built health/def and skill duration as her mods. I do agree, some of those bosses I have to kite around. Especially the ones that fire a continuous beam? Was doing the one last night for python amorphous and they had a toxic beam and the zone gave it more dmg. So had to LoS alot, but with the main invested gun(cage) I could do it solo.

Was going to do the reactors today for those amorphous, which is on hard too and it would be on bunny. Makes me nervous saying that was the bigger problem. My gley just isnt ready to do bosses or things like that.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Hard more outposts with Sharen are doable, they just take a long time and involve kiting/LoS shenanigans. I need to get a sniper rifle decked out for her, because some of them (ones with elites instead of bosses) can be one- or two-shot with crits.

The problem with the reactors and Bunny is there's usually no way to get HP back while fighting those bosses. I even struggle with some of the normal mode ones in Fortress, especially that fucker with the beam that drains your shield/hp and the spinning blade that blocks all frontal attacks. You can die to "heal" but then you have full MP and no electricity. One thing I've done to improve my Bunny build(s) is drop the MP Collector mod for straight MP Recovery from Energy Collection and a sensor with MP Recovery in Combat on it. Also allows me to use either HP Collector or Potent Collector if I need them. Works great in dungeons and AE farming kuiper or the void fragment people use for leveling up weapons (the reason I have 1344 monomers above), but I'm still a bit skeptical about her boss-killing ability in hard mode.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Ok. I can NOT pug Dead Bride. Just keep having people die, and always fall short by like an extra 30 seconds of DPS. Or maybe it's my build that I need to try and eek more out of. So this is my setup for the DB. Critique.

Also my mastery rank has come to a crawl. Anyone have this issue?





Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also my mastery rank has come to a crawl. Anyone have this issue?

Concerning this at least I can answer. Mine stopped too, around 9ish. But all i did to that point was bunny. You have to level other characters and other weapons to increase it.

I am at 16 now I think, because I have a bunny, viessa, sharen. freyna, enzo , ult bunny, and a gley coming. I am pretty lax on weapons though, as I really rely on my cage, so havent leveled much of anything else.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Battle Pass is pretty easy to finish up, but the continuing reward is ass. You get some bonus coins that can only be used on one time purchases of shitty mats that you'll be crafting 24/7 anyway. Hope they improve upon that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Who do y'all use when you need to farm shit that requires hard mode outposts and fusion reactors?

Sometimes you have no choice but to use Sharen for the outpost (since in hard mode her bonus drop amorphous material is a different number than the regular drop), which is a pain in the ass because she's made of tissue paper and her skills don't really help much in an actual fight. The reactor is a bigger problem and Bunny isn't really able to get the job done. I just finished crafting Gley finally, really hoping that the rocket build can be used to melt those bosses like she can colossi.

Well you were right. Trying to open these 102s at a hard mode reactor. Jesus lord. Boss is insane and I run out of ammo asap and there is none around him. On my bunny. Its a shame I need for python tube. I got 1 kill with help from randoms aruond and it gave me ult gley piece ;P


Potato del Grande
Finished up all the hard mode infiltrations today and then did a hanged man attempt afterwards and the pug owned it first go-through. I was gonna grab the box but someone else ended up doing it as I was running in. Time for hard mode colossi now, I guess.

Also, farming mixed residues or whatever they are at 1 per mission on hard that i've gotten today when I need 8 to make a catalyst sucks balls.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Whats the best way to quickly level a new Descendant?

Still boring defense missions I think. I get bored with them so quick. So I usually just find something I need and go farm it and get exp while leveling slower. The cage makes it so at least I can mob clear on any new character without issue.
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Potato del Grande
Whats the best way to quickly level a new Descendant?
I like to use the sterile lands special operation. It is annoying (to me) tho when people want to leave after wave 4. 6 is kind of in the middle but even going to 8 is super easy unless everyone is legitimately newer players.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Whats the best way to quickly level a new Descendant?
Go to the Fortress void spot where the Bunnys hang out to level up their weapons. I got the first 30 levels on my Gley there way faster than doing the Echo Swamp defense mission. Will probably end up with about 25 levels on my rocket launcher too, which will be simple to finish up by switching over to Bunny myself once Gley is done.

(For reference, it takes about 45 minutes to level a weapon from 1-40 at that spot, assuming a good build with as much range as you can possibly get. It's boring as fuck too though, you just roll into the wall and everything dies, but at least it's boring as fuck for less time spent.)
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm never heard of that. What makes it easy to level up weapons? Especially on a bunny who is usually all skill based kills and weapon is for a boss or cd between skills.

Its one area I lack for mastery level, leveling weapons.