The First Descendant


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I deleted my fuckin Thundercage somehow. FUCK!
Ouch, I haven't done that to a weapon yet, but I've lost multiple reactors and external components. Mostly pre-patch when you could only mark a tiny handful as favorites, but I nuked a couple yesterday too that I'd forgetten to tag, including my aux with gold text kuiper+module drop rates. That one stung a bit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's so frustrating when I see a response like this from devs:

On one hand I want to give them a ton of credit for not reacting the way a shitbird company like Blizzard would, by nerfing the farm into oblivion and then smacking the character used for it around a bit too just to send a message. Assuming of course that the actual hotfix is as positive a change as they are making it sound like it's going to be.

On the other hand, it doesn't matter what they do as long as energy activators (and to a lesser extent catalysts) aren't easily accessible because that one idiotic decision that they let their bean counters make has compromised the entire game. I don't even know how you fix a fuck-up of this magnitude. Too many retards paid the current price to just slash it down to a sane level, so about all they could do is add in some new amorphous materials with much higher drop rates on those items (and then cut the crafting time by at least half too).
Yeah, they set a price floor and outside of holiday sales, they'll never be able to lower it. Shame.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Anyone know offhand how much hp HM Pyro (4-man) has? I just did 22M to him on my latest PUG kill, trying to gauge what sort of a % of the total that was. Still not a single transcendent drop yet, let alone High-Voltage.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone know offhand how much hp HM Pyro (4-man) has? I just did 22M to him on my latest PUG kill, trying to gauge what sort of a % of the total that was. Still not a single transcendent drop yet, let alone High-Voltage.

I ran HM pyro about 10 times before I got high voltage

My issue is as I thought out spending catalyst to make my bunny better at boss killing, is the mods I might use for boss killing might not carry over to a mobbing setup. And once you spend catalyst, that slot is set. You have to spend again to re-do it. And those assigned slots carry over into each saved setup.

So I decided to just leave bunny as a mobber. And I have 2 pieces left for ult gley to get and will just use her as boss killer. This way no catalyst are wasted. Though I would need to get an activator for the ult gley. Catalyst I have like 10 of , with more blueprints from those HM pyros.

I really don't want to invest anything into non ult characters.

I will hit a wall here soon enough though.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
My issue is as I thought out spending catalyst to make my bunny better at boss killing, is the mods I might use for boss killing might not carry over to a mobbing setup.
AAXXC, and a M for the sub slot is the simple way to setup Ult. Bunny for both mobbing and bossing (on top of the MMXR she comes with).

The expensive way to do it is to get rid of the MM she has by default and replace them with RR, then do AAACCX on the rest of the slots, plus the XR from default.

Never polarize the transcendent slot because H-V is M and Bionic Fuel is R.

I ran HM pyro about 10 times before I got high voltage
I'm really starting to hate Yujin and I don't even have him. Every 085 I've cracked open has given me Yujin Cells (why can't this garbage be like every 20% drop I actually try to farm??), and the only transcendent mod I've gotten is his.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I like some of those. Would be nice to be able to do everything on one character. In a ideal world, once I used a catalyst on a slot, I could just change it to w/e I wanted at any time to match what I wanted. Would still need quite a bit for multiple characters and weapons but would nice a nice QoL.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Speaking of, is there some way to have reactors tied to a descendant? Having to manually change it (and remember) every time I switch it retarded.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Does anyone have Wave of Light and comment on how they like it?
Haven't really seen anyone talk about that one. Have you looked at Blue Beetle? I'm one piece away from crafting it, and I've heard it's really good. It's also fairly practical to craft 4 more if you like it, drop rates aren't insane (32-38%) on any of the parts. Since I found out that upgrading the unique effect also increases one (or more?) other stat on every ultimate, that's become a much greater concern anytime I look at farming an ult to use.

Speaking of, is there some way to have reactors tied to a descendant? Having to manually change it (and remember) every time I switch it retarded.
Just presets, but you only get 6 of those unless you pay for more.
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Potato del Grande
Anyone know offhand how much hp HM Pyro (4-man) has? I just did 22M to him on my latest PUG kill, trying to gauge what sort of a % of the total that was. Still not a single transcendent drop yet, let alone High-Voltage.

Not sure what his total is but I just did two runs of him and did about 21m damage in each (like 20.9 and 21.3)

Edit: Did a 3rd and did 20.5m, and the third one dropped 2x turret engineering and high voltage. 3/3 runs I pulled catalyst blueprints too, so that's kinda a win but also kinda not.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Wtf... I just combined 4 transcendent M modules and got an X back. I thought it was supposed to be 100% chance for the same socket type if all 4 were the same. Worst part is that it was actually a Bunny mod, just a shitty one though (Superconductor).

Edit: Finally got High-Voltage on the next run anyway. Now to figure out how the hell I'm going to get Bionic Fuel from Frost Fucker.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I've heard(no clue if true) that with transcendent mod combines you are just guaranteed to get one back that you do not have already


Trakanon Raider
I've heard(no clue if true) that with transcendent mod combines you are just guaranteed to get one back that you do not have already

Well, that's a lie. I've combined over 30 orange mods and almost always got duplicates. I did get one or two non-dupes, including Demonic Modification for Gley.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Whats the gameplay loop once you are done with the MSQ? Just doing hard Bosses and farm Characters/Weapons/Right side items?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, that fucking 5 minute timer really needs to go.

On the bright side, can confirm that this gold/kuiper farm really does work as well as he says:

Currently doing it with a gimped Valby and it's still fine:

View attachment 537521
I don't even think it's any slower than his fairly maxed out build. Everything dies the moment it spawns even with shitty skill power. No need for hp/def, the only way you can possibly die is if you run into his AOE spots that will freeze you in place. Make sure to set the zone to private--as usual with outpost farming, hell is others.

Bring kuiper/module drop rate on aux, consumable drop rate (+character XP if Valby isn't 40) on sensor, firearm XP and gold drop rate on memory, pickup radius on processor. I don't recommend bringing equip drop rate, you'll just waste time breaking down shit in your inventory and this week's drop in that zone is cold/singular reactors (useless). My reactor is ult. Non-A/Dimension, Thunder Cage (just put a fresh catalyst into it) mounted, and Dimension skill power ratio + Legion of Darkness skill power.

Best part is you can do it mindlessly with a gamepad too.

Edit: After doing it for a while, it's definitely not 15M/hr with a gimped build. And I'm 99.9% sure he's running boosters from the shop. I seem to be getting about 400-500k kuiper and 5-6M gold per hour with gimped build and no boosters, which is still better than any of the other farms I've tried. I'm also fairly confident that Bunny easily do this without killing the boss. Going to try it with max range, but minimal damage (unranked Focus on Electric/Singular mods mainly for the cooldown), plus MP Collector to keep Speed of Light up permanently.

For some reason based on those dev notes, I just assumed they weren't going to nerf this into the ground. Rather that they were just going to pare back the rewards some. But it doesn't seem to work at all for me with the mob density being so low (not enough MP drops). Which is a shame since my Valby finished last night, and I kind of prefer her to Bunny since you're basically slightly slower than Bunny sprint, but with 100% uptime and no collision which is amazing.

Which means I'm back to the Kuiper Mine one in Sterile Lands, nets me about 200-250k gold a run, and about 15-20k kuiper. Averaging down to 10 runs an hour, that's like 2 million gold and 150-200k kuiper in an hour. Bummer.

There anywhere with better gold than that?


Potato del Grande
Oof, I thought maybe the struggles were going away a little since I had no issues on all 3/3 hard pyros last night. Farm up some 87s this morning to go for the ultimate bunny part and first run, 7 deaths by the time we're barely in the first chains phase, lol.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This is what I get without boosters.


Valby (letting the water destroy the 4 consoles):

Valby (destroying the consoles in just a few seconds at the start using Thunder Cage):

TBH I don't really get why Valby with a shit 60 cap build is better than Ult. Bunny with a full load of maxed-out mods. I guess toning Bunny down just enough to not quite kill the boss results in fewer kills even though it seems like everything dies the instant it spawns.

I'm also nowhere near what the YouTubers are getting, but they're obviously using boosters and have wasted shrooms and cats on a character that's getting a ult in little more than a week, which is just retarded. I think I did my math wrong on Friday when I first checked the gains I was getting, because I had it more like 6.x million gold. I do know that yesterday while farming it with Bunny (because I needed to get her to 40 again after another catalyst) I gained more kuiper than gold/10 even before breaking down mods. Not sure what's up with that today.

Edit: Also on all of those runs I picked up something like 1k more kuiper and 12k more gold after the timer ended, so the leftover stuff on the ground does skew things a bit higher than it looks on the results screen.
Edit2: Think I found out why I was low compared to Friday--I let the water AOE destroy the consoles in my first test, but it seems you get a lot more drops if you push it into the boss phase immediately by blowing them up with your gun.

Oof, I thought maybe the struggles were going away a little since I had no issues on all 3/3 hard pyros last night. Farm up some 87s this morning to go for the ultimate bunny part and first run, 7 deaths by the time we're barely in the first chains phase, lol.
I was actually shocked at how well Pyro went after the shitshow that basically every other boss up to that point was. I only failed once and had to peace out maybe two or three times within the first minute because it was obvious that the other players were just fucked. Still doesn't make me optimistic for Frost Walker, or even Obstructor for that matter.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
So it's still working for you? Albeit at much lower rates than the YouTubers?

Maybe the one run I tried just was shit, cause I couldn't maintain the v skill at all. Felt like nothing was spawning. Versus the kuiper mine one j mentioned where it's not even remotely an issue.