The First Descendant


Mr. Poopybutthole
Probably should've joined you for that. I've got 1/2 of one done. I'm guessing you're probably way more focused than I am.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Brahma Brahma should check out the Enduring Legacy, right up your alley.

Duuuuude! This gun rocks! My favorite gun in a game since the M60 in BC2 probably.

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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
If anyone else wants to farm Enduring Legacy stuff, I'll be doing that until I get two or three sets of them today.


Fuck. I missed you guys doing this? I need to farm some more fodder for this baby!


Mr. Poopybutthole
There any kind of guide or rules of thumb for module combinations? I'm getting to the point where I have quite a few ultimate and transcendent modules and I don't know what to do with them.

Also, I've been dismantling rares since I started, but now I'm wondering if I shouldn't have been?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Duuuuude! This gun rocks! My favorite gun in a game since the M60 in BC2 probably.
Good shit. Just got my last piece off my 2nd devourer, so it's cooking now (and then 4 hours on the gun itself). Excited to try it out.

What build are you all using?

Also, what's a good spot for leveling stuff? I had been using the Valby farm which was super quick, but I imagine that's dead now.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Probably should've joined you for that. I've got 1/2 of one done. I'm guessing you're probably way more focused than I am.
I'd have gone to this.
Fuck. I missed you guys doing this? I need to farm some more fodder for this baby!
Well, I'm definitely not done yet. Can't really complain about last night since good ol' 20%RNGesus gave me everything but what I was actually farming for most of the night. Which included two shroom BPs, an Ult. Lepic part, and the last piece I needed for a Blue Beetle. Finally did finish one Enduring Legacy, but I still need 4 more.

What build are you all using?
Probably same as my Thunder Cage build, just with an M in place of the X for Mental Focus instead of Firing Fiesta:

Sadly it comes with a useless R polarity so you need at least 8 catalysts to max it out. 9 if you want every slot done. I'm a bit conflicted on the elemental side of it. With Thunder Cage I think it's best to leave the 10th slot open for flexibility, but here you may want to always leave Fire Enhancement in place due to the interaction with the unique ability. In which case you might as well just catalyze them all.

Also I would not commit to a full build before seeing how much the crit rate gets buffed next week. Probably won't change anything since it'll likely be 25 or 30% base instead of the 20% it has now, and I think a reload mod is a must due to the inherent slow reloads that get magnified by Concentration Priority, but if you want to be safe only do 8 catalysts for now. FYI reload canceling barely does anything with this gun, just shaves off like the last 15% or so of the meter basically the same as Tamer and Thunder Cage.

Edit: One big downside to putting another C on it for a reload mod is that if you want to use the gun with Gley there's really nothing else that goes there. Tough call, really. I never complained in Warframe about not being able to swap polarities around for different builds, but the way they have designed stuff here (i.e. making you use a catalyst on every slot, which is rarely done in WF) I think they really need to consider it. Their retarded bean counters fucked things up yet again by trying to sell the maximum amount of catalysts possible.
Also, what's a good spot for leveling stuff? I had been using the Valby farm which was super quick, but I imagine that's dead now.
Bunny cave in Fortress>Fallen Ark for pure XP or Abandoned Refinery Unit in Echo Swamp>Abandoned Zone (likely best kuiper/gold farm again, plus this week it drops sensors) to get other shit done too.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
This is what I got after the first round of readjustment:

Somewhat tempted to just leave it like that. +13 bullets in the mag which means firing longer at max Mental Focus stacks vs. an extra ~40% crit damage. Rounds per mag is just as useless as reload speed on Gley though.....

Definitely need to craft another 200-pack of fine adjustment axis before I fuck around with it further though.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
There any kind of guide or rules of thumb for module combinations? I'm getting to the point where I have quite a few ultimate and transcendent modules and I don't know what to do with them.

Also, I've been dismantling rares since I started, but now I'm wondering if I shouldn't have been?

I pretty much
What build are you all using?

No gun have ever rolled Colossus for me.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
There any kind of guide or rules of thumb for module combinations? I'm getting to the point where I have quite a few ultimate and transcendent modules and I don't know what to do with them.

Also, I've been dismantling rares since I started, but now I'm wondering if I shouldn't have been?
Combine rare Cerulian descendant mods 4 at a time until you get Shot Focus. Rare mod combines actually give back the same type of mod as what you input like 90% of the time so it's surprisingly easy to get.

In my experience, trying to predict the outcome of ult and trans combines is impossible. Doesn't matter what I put in, the results are always purely random. I've tried 4 of the exact same cerulian/descendant ult mod hoping to get Shield Collector (also C) back, but I've never even hit another C let alone the one I want. Same goes for Rutile trans mods gambling for Bionic Fuel; results are completely random.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So are you just doing 4x ultimate and 4x transcendent mod combines then?
Pretty much yeah. If I see a 4*C ult or 4*R trans opportunity I'll take it just in case there's a tiny chance of it being biased towards getting the same back, but for the most part I just toss in whatever dupes I've got.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Farmed up 8 amorphous for an Ultimate Gley part. Get it on the first shot. Okay then...

Two more parts to go.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Farmed up 8 amorphous for an Ultimate Gley part. Get it on the first shot. Okay then...

Two more parts to go.
Had the same thing happen with my Ult. Lepic code. Loaded up Sharen and farmed ten 089's, then switched to Bunny and farmed 400 organics, went to the reactor and... it drops first time. Which was infuriating when the whole reason I did all that prep is because I spent several hours doing a 1 Seed Vault -> 2 Pyromaniac rotation while trying to get the spiral catalyst.

Anyway, Ult. Lepic finally done (in 44 more hours, sigh), so it's back to farming Enduring Legacy dupes. Doing some Blue Beetle stuff too since I'm roughly half done with 4 more dupes of that one too. Should be on most of the afternoon and then again after dinner (EDT) if anyone else is looking to farm. Vorph#2690

Changing topic, anyone else try using the Multitalented mod? I was looking for a way to finish my Ult Bunny catalysts without having to replace both of the shitty M slots she has by default. I saw some reddit posts/YT comments saying that it's broken, but I think they are just doing it wrong. Lightning Emission snapshots its damage, so even though it's a 5 second buff the +30% damage actually sticks for the full duration. I think where people go wrong is they think they can just use Emission and get the buff. That doesn't work though, seems like the buff doesn't apply until after the ability takes effect. What you have to do is press Speed of Light first to trigger the buff, then immediately turn on Lightning Emission to snapshot it.

Definitely something to try if you're working on Ult Bunny and want to save a catalyst. I think it's better than Dangerous Ambush that everyone else seems to pick--which is only ~25% when you're in a group and not being targeted (in my experience in groups I am ALWAYS the target) and realistically the only buff you get from that mod is the ~50% when the colossus is taking a knee. I'd rather have 30% all the time than 50% during a couple very short windows of opportunity. Only problem I'm running into trying to build this way is that Dangerous Ambush shares an X slot with Walk a Tightrope (which you always want for Bionic Fuel mobbing builds), and Multitalented being an M creates as headache there. Even without Bionic Fuel you pretty much need a second X slot for MP Collector too... but with it you really need two C's to fit both Increased Shield and Shield Collector.

Once again I'm left wishing they hadn't let the bean counters run everything in this game. It's painfully obvious that they designed all the capacity shit around trying to force you to put a catalyst in every slot, which takes so long to farm and craft in adequate amounts that people will swipe their card instead. Yet another shortsighted decision, because all being forced to catalyze every slot does is kill build flexibility because it's such a pain in the ass to juggle mods when you're trying to make multiple setups for different content. Warframe had it right with capacity being low enough that you can equip all maxed mods with only around 4-6 forma, leaving some slots with no polarity so you could easily swap things in and out as needed.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I like the sound of this: "Although covered in a thin layer, Valby feels like regaining a long-forgotten part of herself".. haha.
Well, they weren't kidding about the 'thin layer' part... Ult. Bunny is fairly tame by comparison.

Also, patch is now next Wed instead of Thurs.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Decided to play a bit to finish getting parts for an Activator today, hadn't played since they released the 04 patch, but gdamn the shader compiling is atrocious, like 10min to get into Albion, now another 10min to enter The Haven. wtf?


Trakanon Raider
Decided to play a bit to finish getting parts for an Activator today, hadn't played since they released the 04 patch, but gdamn the shader compiling is atrocious, like 10min to get into Albion, now another 10min to enter The Haven. wtf?
One time delay rebuilding really, but resets every patch though.

Changing topic, anyone else try using the Multitalented mod?

Saw it show up on a freyna build, but I'm waiting for people to farm up and report on gold mods before I go farm and boost them since I'm playing casual don't waste too much time farming. Mental focus seems to have fallen off some radars for something better as an example.