The First Descendant


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What am I missing?
You don't have rank 4 Active Camo yet, and the level 13 Sharen used a catalyst which doesn't reset skill ranks?

My Sharen's camo:



Can solo any of the outposts with my Thunder Cage using that. Wish I could fit Shot Focus in, but it just doesn't work with a single rank 5 HP mod to accommodate SF's 11 capacity.
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Trakanon Raider

I posted this awhile back (updated the image!). This is what I use for mine. Vorph is correct, it's because you don't have RK4 Camo.

PS: I also use a Duration reactor that I use with Gley.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, that low lvl Sharen build I saw had used their catalyst on the melee slot, so I missed it at first.

Also, is there an exploit for Lepic vacuum grenade? Was running the SL block mission and there was a Lepic in there using the vacuum grenade non-stop. I know he has a 3-grenade transcendent mod, but thought that only worked with the main dmg grenade. If not, then that is really nice.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Also, is there an exploit for Lepic vacuum grenade? Was running the SL block mission and there was a Lepic in there using the vacuum grenade non-stop. I know he has a 3-grenade transcendent mod, but thought that only worked with the main dmg grenade. If not, then that is really nice.
You can get the cooldown on Traction Grenade to about 5.5 seconds using MP Conversion, Nimble Fingers, Focus on Fire/Tech, and a ~7.5% CDR reactor. Then you max the range out with Skill Expansion, Max Range, Firearm Master (since you use a Thunder Cage with it, you're constantly reloading and will get the bonus from that too), and a ~25% range reactor and it'll suck in just about everything at a node in Sterile Land - Block Kuiper Mining, or whatever else you're farming. Sadly you still need at least one maxed out Bunny on your team to get the time under 15 minutes so that it's efficient, preferably 2 Bunnys so that you can try to stay in the middle of the zone and get XP from all the nodes that they clear, and the clear time ends up being more like 12-13 minutes.

Moxsy talked about it in his recent Lepic build video, most informative part being that max range actually does work on the skill even though the tooltip in game says otherwise.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've had a couple other Lepics also being able to spam Traction, faster than 5.5sec or so it seemed, they would scoop up each spawn as it appeared. Felt way faster than with Bunny's (at least the ones I've had in the mission so far).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've had a couple other Lepics also being able to spam Traction, faster than 5.5sec or so it seemed, they would scoop up each spawn as it appeared. Felt way faster than with Bunny's (at least the ones I've had in the mission so far).
Takes a second or so after you throw it to explode, then the vacuum lasts about 3 seconds, and since the cooldown starts the moment you throw it the actual delay between tosses is only a couple seconds more. Assuming you can sustain the MP cost... MP Collector doesn't always cooperate. Having an HP/Max MP/Char XP sensor really helps a lot there when you're leveling in Block Kuiper Mining.

As far as Bunny goes, In the last couple waves I can usually clear out two nodes by myself in the time it takes the rest of the group to do one when I bring her there to break up the monotony of doing the void cave. Bit of a crapshoot when I get random ones while playing Lepic. In my last run I got two of them (reg. not ult, which is immediate red flag) and by wave 7 they were on the ground more often than not then we failed in wave 10.

Edit: And then you get 2 Ult. Bunnies and this is what it looks like:

They really need to add a zero to the drop amounts for void fragments in these things. 1-2 is so trivial they might as well just not bother. I haven't seen a single one of those gold consumables in the last 4-5 days either.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
So who's going to be farming for Ult. Valby/Luna tomorrow? Probably won't be a whole lot of reasons to group up for most of it, but I assume that Gluttony will be required to crack at least one AM for each of them, and chances are it's going to be another forced-group colossus. I still wish they hadn't half-assed Warframe's relic system; best part of new Prime releases was speed-farming the relics in a group and then sharing the refined relics one at a time. Here the only real reason to group is to avoid getting saddled with retards by matchmaking, and I guess running dungeons with modifiers to hit the 100% x2 drop in as little time as possible.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I've finished Ult Gley and almost there with Bunny and Lepic.

I really like Valby, but I can't see any reason to even bother. She's at best always going be a slightly worse mob farmer than Bunny. I doubt she'll ever be some amazing bossing descendant, and even if so, you've got to pick your poison at this point because the investment in time is so ridiculous for each one.

I'd love to play this like Warframe where I was just about max MR (before they raised it apparently), but the grind is way too extreme here.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've finished Ult Gley and almost there with Bunny and Lepic.

I really like Valby, but I can't see any reason to even bother. She's at best always going be a slightly worse mob farmer than Bunny. I doubt she'll ever be some amazing bossing descendant, and even if so, you've got to pick your poison at this point because the investment in time is so ridiculous for each one.

I'd love to play this like Warframe where I was just about max MR (before they raised it apparently), but the grind is way too extreme here.
Yeah, that's always going to be the stumbling block here. I've got one shroom left right now. Kind of feel like I should do a second weapon besides Thunder Cage before I start messing with another descendant, but at the same time I'm not sure why I even need one.

Bunny and Lepic don't need anything but Thunder Cage and a low investment impact weapon (Blue Beetle on Bunny, whatever you get a reactor for on Lepic).

Gley's one-shot build will be nerfed tomorrow, and the testing I've seen from the dude who created the infinite ammo build is that Python kills soloable colossi about a second faster than just using Thunder Cage so no way I'm bothering with that.

There's Enduring Legacy, but I don't know who'd use it besides Valby (and in that case I'd build her up first).

I also want to farm Ult. Viessa at some point, because the Cold-Bloodedness build sounds fun. And with her having two 10% drops there's at least a decent chance of getting a shroom BP while farming them.


Trakanon Raider
Wait, Gley is getting nerfed? Why the fuck have I wasted so much on this Ult Gley? Damnit.

Gley isn't being nerfed.

The ability to switch mods pre-colossus is being changed. This means you won't be able to hit Sanguification, get 3 orbs, switch to Demonic Modification and then proceed to one-shot a few bosses.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Gley isn't being nerfed.

The ability to switch mods pre-colossus is being changed. This means you won't be able to hit Sanguification, get 3 orbs, switch to Demonic Modification and then proceed to one-shot a few bosses.
Maybe not directly, but no mod switching and no longer being able to heal from objects definitely will have a big impact on Demonic Modification and Massive Sanguification builds.

I just really hate the way they've designed colossus fights. Trying to sustain HP or MP--or hell, even fucking ammo if I don't bring three general ammo guns and use the capacity mod cheese--during them is just miserable. Add floor-is-lava arenas and immunity phases on top of that and yeah... I really hate the fights if there isn't some way to just brute force it easily. Fortunately it doesn't seem like any change was made to Ult. Lepic so at least there's one way to still do shitty-mechanic-bypassing.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ultimate Valby doesn't seem too bad except for the Cells (depending on your progression).

Code - 20% if you can do Gluttony or Molten Fortress, 10% if you want to save yourself the grief and just farm hard Pyro solo.
Spiral - 20% from reactor boss
Stabilizer - 32% from reactor boss
Cells - 32% if you can do Gluttony or Frost Walker, otherwise you're fucked and have to do a 6% chance from NM Swamp Walker or just farm a whole lot of SL-Block Kuiper Mining and wait for the 3% to hit.

Cells are particularly irritating for me... I opened about 20 AMs from BKM leveling on Monday and got the 3% drop from the wrong one 3 times (meaning I got Perforator polymer syncs when it would've been shrooms had I opened the other AM on that roll, and now that Perforator part was just straight up replaced by U.Valby Cells). Now that the 3% is something I actually want I'll never see it again. :p

Luna on the other hand seems super easy. Two 38% and one 32% for the parts, and another 32% for the code (which thankfully can be opened at Swamp Walker and not a shitty forced-group colossus). I hated Octavia in WF and Luna gameplay sounds just as awful so I'm thinking she's just MR fodder anyway.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
BTW if you were using FSR Frame Gen you're going to want to shut that shit off after they upgraded to FSR 3.1 today. It's completely broken, there's like a tenth of a second pause every second or so.

Visually 3.1 on quality should be a massive improvement over 2.2, but it looks identical to pre-patch. Same muddy look to everything that's only slightly improved by setting sharpness to 2. Pre-patch it was really only useable when you absolutely had to get 120+ fps to increase your fire rate for max dps, but now it's just dead until they patch again.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone been able to try out the full auto mode for tactical rifles? I'm curious how Greg's will do now that it can be full auto it's bursts, and being able to proc it's perk on all mobs all the time.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
it's nice to just hold left click but it's not firing any faster than when you do it manually


Trakanon Raider
I finally have my first Ultimate, Ultimate Lepic, in the cooker and should be done soon. I'm still enjoying this but I can see myself getting sick of the grind soon if I don't pace myself. Also, the glaring issues for endgame builds and experimentation become apparent once you hit said endgame. After hearing all the great things about Warframe, it is a shame they didn't follow that monetization model more closely. They should also hurry up and add better social features because it would be great to group up with known people.

Also, Patch Notes....


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, it's kind of bizarre they didn't just rip off everything from Warframe and package it in updated graphics. Because that would've been perfect.

Outside of the fucking squat jumping shit from Warframe. I still remember that a decade later and my 40 year old hands can't take that type of gameplay anymore.