The First Descendant


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Saw it show up on a freyna build, but I'm waiting for people to farm up and report on gold mods before I go farm and boost them since I'm playing casual don't waste too much time farming. Mental focus seems to have fallen off some radars for something better as an example.
Definitely sold on Multitalented after testing it today, but I don't know how I'm going to make Bunny builds work with it. The M slot is just completely useless on an AOE mobbing build, and there isn't enough capacity to run it without a catalyst. Wish it was actually practical to max out characters on sort of a whim, because if shrooms and cats weren't such a shitty farm/absurd crafting time/insane price I would set up Bunny for Bionic Fuel and keep Ult. Bunny using High-Voltage.

What are you seeing people replace Mental Focus with? It still seems mandatory for Enduring Legacy and Gley unlimited ammo builds. If they're switching to Real Life Fighter and thinking they're going to hit any weak point besides Devourer's consistently... LOL. Sharp Precision Shot is a good mod, just not for a MG compared to Mental Focus.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, you always want blue fire rate and Sharp Precision Shot for Lepic's ult. My Ult. Lepic is cooking now so I can't test it yet, but I have heard you can get 13 balls by using an impact ammo gun. Reason being, the impact version of SPS stacks its buff faster than general or special ones do.

This works with Gley too, except you use Mental Focus instead of SPS.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Got the 3 parts for Ultimate Gley, but man the code really fucking sucks. It wouldn't be so bad but I seem to get plenty of either new people or morons on the Slumber Valley mission, which causes it to take way longer. And then Executioner seems to be a crapshoot and failing about 1/3 of the time.

I keep hoping to get grouped up with one of those one shot people, but I guess at this point they're running harder stuff. And I can't quite carry it on my own yet, mostly because I've been waiting to use stuff on a descendant until I get an ultimate one since they're so rare.

I did try a tamer instead of my thunder cage and it went incredibly poorly. My thunder cage has I think 6 catalysts in it though and tears through shit. We actually failed on the timer for the one I brought my tamer, so I imagine I'm doing a significant portion of the damage on these (using regular Gley, last one was 34 million dmg).

I wanted to get this wrapped up tonight so I can go back to leveling up that Enduring Legacy and also farming up a Python and Piercing Light. Not sure if Enduring Legacy is more an Enzo gun or if it works for Gley.
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Trakanon Raider
HM Solo, 200% mods.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
I wish someone would make an 'efficiency' spreadsheet for the various dungeons. So many have bullshit mechanics like standing in a circle for 3 minutes while a bar slooooooooooooowy ticks up, or escorting a stupid drone that moves at walking speed and stops completely when your shield is drained. They need to scale those kind of events for a single person so they complete in a reasonable amount of time.

And also what you need to do to hit 100% for a double amorphous drop. Like that Seed Vault there, I complete it in a little over 7 minutes on Bunny, but it's about 50/50 on not maxing the bar unless I use about 250% difficulty. Which isn't worth the time or gold to fish for, since anything over about 210% that doesn't have deal-breaker mods in it is extremely rare. Fuck all that no/slow grapple (when some of them straight up require the grapple to complete), no jump, and no sprint shit. They need to fix the ones that are apparently impossible to hit 100% on too.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm. She has actual boob jiggle in this preview, no other female has had that so far:



Silver Baronet of the Realm
Hmm. She has actual boob jiggle in this preview, no other female has had that so far:
It's $20 (1050 caliber) if you farm an ult and buy the bundle afterwards just to get the skin (and slot), so pass on that anyway. They really need to fix their paint shit though, it's the worst customization system ever invented and even makes Destiny 2 at release look like Warframe-tier by comparison. Can't paint default skins--even ults, half the palette is white or light grey, nothing in game looks even close to what you see while using the paint UI even if you are playing on PC with every setting maxed out, and only a raging cocksucker would make a system where everything is single use.

Just farmed a bunch of fire/tech/impact reactors since I was a dumbass and didn't sort through them all while doing the Valby farm while it was still good, and naturally the closest one to BiS I got was for Wave of Light instead of one of the guns I already have.... anyone else farm it and have thoughts on the best way to get these two parts?


Tried doing one run of WNG Block Kuiper Mining for 039 before heading out for lunch, but it only drops on waves 8 and 10 and that map fucking sucks anyway. Chasms everywhere, and it's so spread out that you don't get xp from what the other people are doing half the time. Took 22m to do a full run, which is nearly double the time of a good run in Sterile Land. Haven't cracked it open yet though, maybe I'll get lucky and not have to figure out a better way.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm. She has actual boob jiggle in this preview, no other female has had that so far:

What a weird skin for a water based character. Though maybe that is not the default color?

But they sure do know their audience.


Trakanon Raider
Ajax and then Valby to go! (still need Kyle and Yuijin for the non-ultimates).

PS: Esiemo sucks.

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Mr. Poopybutthole
That sucks. I got two back to back today trying for the Bunny part near the Valby run. Only 3 total though.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Finally got Obstructer to cooperate after several runs dropping jack shit today:

Which Gley build uses Blood and Iron anyway? I've seen people excited to get it when farming in YT videos, but I can't remember what it's good for.

One question about the Obstructer fight if anyone knows--how exactly does the immune phase work? Is it just timed or do you have to kill X balls? Also I sometimes see him taking damage during that phase but I can't tell from what... we even killed him during it in one of the fights I just did.
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Trakanon Raider
It's not really a build thing, it's a weapon and playstyle thing. I use Blood and Iron, I clear content with Thunder Cage or ramp on bosses with it, switch the Python in and hit Massacre. You can accomplish the same thing with Sanguification, without needing to ramp.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Started working on a Sharen, and something seems really off compared to the various builds I've seen and what my own Sharen is showing ingame.


I've seen one build where the person is using a lvl13 Sharen, with less overall Duration %, but has a 10sec base duration and a 16.8% buffed duration, and only using lower lvl8 Max Duration and a lvl8 Skill Extension vs. my own having a lvl9 Max Duration and a lvl10 Skill Extension (no other skill duration mods on either). What am I missing?