The First Descendant


Mr. Poopybutthole
That looks incredibly retarded. I can't understand why anyone would play that over literally any other character.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I hadn't looked into it much but after watching that video I won't even bother unlocking her
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I hadn't looked into it much but after watching that video I won't even bother unlocking her
It's even worse that she's yet another non-attribute character, which is the last thing the game needed. I'm almost done farming so I'll craft her, throw 2 hp + 1 def + Shot Focus mods on her, run 3-4 block kuiper mines where I never cast a single skill and just shoot my Thunder Cage to get the MR, and then never look at her again. Definitely first candidate to get deleted when I finally run out of character slots too.


Trakanon Raider
I'll find out soon enough!

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Shard drop rate in SO is much better.

TFD is still the only game to have ever BSOD/Restart my system.

Edit: Getting the Surge mod for Luna -might- allow her to play better, but the mechanic is still ass.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Luna is even worse than I had thought. In order to use any of her skills, you have forgo using any of your weapons by enabling her unique weapon. In order to do any damage with her unique weapon, you have to play a minigame to press fire when little diamonds are in the right spot. If you miss, you lose mana.. a few misses and you're OOM. This might be the worst designed class of any game I've played.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So I got my first copy of Greg's Reversal via missions in Fortress, but tonight when I went to look at the loot for those missions, Gregs was no longer shown. Using the "library" thing now shows that you'll need to farm Bosses and/or Void Reactors. This didn't happen with Thunder Cage, so has something changed?


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>

at 6:20 he starts playing with the noise surge mod, which is definitely better but still seems just weird.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's kind of a ridiculous AOE size with really good damage, especially without him really doing anything (activator, catalysts, leveling up that module).

Not sure it's worth it though to have to DDR all over the map though.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Looks like one of the weapons that was OP in Warframe for a bit. By itself, regardless of level, it was just weak and a waste of time. If you put some of the more common mods in it, its better but still kind of sucks. If you advance the weapon all the way, put a Riven in it, and then some other significantly rare mods - it becomes a God-Tier weapon. I just cant for the life of me remember what it was called - but the point is it looks the same as that frame.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
A perfect Riven could do that to all but the absolute shittiest guns really. I remember it being particularly true for the modular guns that they put in with the eidolon expansion. Rivens were also one of the worst additions to the game they ever made.

Don't really see Luna being anything like that though. Rivens and Primed mods could turn a shit gun into top tier, but it was still just a gun that you point and shoot. No matter what you do to Luna you have to put up with that retarded "gameplay" that she is built around. Your actual weapon no longer matters and you can't even mod her like any other descendant since stuff like skill power and skill power modifier don't do anything either.

Worst part about her is I keep getting Lunas in my goddamn Kuiper Mining Blockade PUGs now and at best they are dead weight, but mostly they're the kind of retards who don't even bother putting on 2HP and 1DEF mods.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I've got my Ult Lepic and Bunny finally cooking. Not sure I have it in me at the moment to work on Valby now though.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've got my Ult Lepic and Bunny finally cooking. Not sure I have it in me at the moment to work on Valby now though.
Heh, you've got 15 catalysts worth of level grinding already queued up there.

That's pretty much how I feel too though. My Bunny is basically done except I need to dump an M slot and can't decide between A or X for it instead, and Lepic just needs 4 more catalysts to be done too. I will work on Ult. Valby after I randomly get her cells drop from doing Kuiper Mining Blockade since that's the only part that is actually a pain in the ass if you refuse to take part in the garbage tier of colossi. I definitely don't need her enough to slog through Old Mystery runs and soloing Swamp Walker over and over for a 6% chance. If KMB can give me 6 fucking Perforator parts at 3% it can damn well give me her cells too. :p

Still have Gley to work on too, but the patch yesterday has killed a lot of my enthusiasm there. I really didn't expect them to bother fixing the Life Siphon on objects bug. Fortunately I didn't actually start using catalysts on her, so hopefully I'll find a build for her that doesn't overlap with what Bunny and Lepic already do better.


Trakanon Raider
Is there a site or list somewhere you guys use for recommended reactors for each descendant to keep an eye out for? My fomo kicks in big time while farming and I have to check my inventory periodically to make sure I'm not deleting bis stuff. Hell, even a list for the components would also be useful.