The First Descendant


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Is there a site or list somewhere you guys use for recommended reactors for each descendant to keep an eye out for? My fomo kicks in big time while farming and I have to check my inventory periodically to make sure I'm not deleting bis stuff. Hell, even a list for the components would also be useful.
Reactors are in the mega-spreadsheet:
Most will want a reactor that mounts a general ammo gun like Thunder Cage, Enduring Legacy, or Python but there's a few exception like Lepic whose best reactor is a green ammo one (gun doesn't matter, you just want crit damage and colossus ATK on it) and Bunny who really doesn't care what the gun is and even the trash tier handguns are a good choice because they give her the highest run speed.

This week the main farmable ones are:
Bunny - WNG Fortress Outskirts (after 1.0.6 drops and they fix the spawn rate)
Gley/Valby - Echo>Muskeg - Tree of Truth (what you do here is start the mission, climb all the way to the top where you can't be seen or attacked, wait until about 7:30 remaining on the clock which is when the spawns stop, then jump down and kill everything quick, abort mission and do it all again)

This video covers aux, memory, and a few other reactors available this week and best way to get them:

(Ignore his Lepic recommendation, there are no Fire/Tech/Impact this week so you'll have to wait for Tuesday on those)
Edit: and also his Viessa rec. Chill/Fusion isn't really useful except for plain Viessa with a 60 cap. Ult. Viessa wants Chill/Tech for bossing and Chill/Singular for mobbing (because her transcendent mods change Blizzard's type).

Components are in that spreadsheet too, but they're pretty simple anyway. You ideally want HP main stat on every slot except Memory which should be DEF.

Good combinations are things like:
Aux - Kuiper/Modules
Aux - HP/MP Recovery OOC
Sensor - Char XP/Consumables
Sensor - MP/MP Recovery in Combat
Memory - Gold/Firearm XP
Memory - DEF/MP Recovery
Processor - Equipment/Pickup Radius

Some more niche stuff if you want to make a setup for a shield user, but the ones above are the key farming and bossing ones to look for. Edit: One thing I'd like to figure out is if Consumable Drop Rate Increase Modifier just increases the quantity that drops or if it's also the chance to drop. Main reason being, it's useless to me in Kuiper Mining Blockade if it's just stack size increase, but of great importance if it increases drop chance (to get more of those 1M gold consumables). Currently I think it only increases the stack size, but I'm really not sure about that.

Also just noticed I had mail in-game this morning... they gave out a set of 3 day gold/kuiper/char xp/gun xp boosters again to celebrate the first major update.
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Trakanon Raider
I finished leveling up Luna using Noise Surge on Blockade. I got the hang of her abilities and could pretty much stay nuking the shit out of things permanently. Surge is hitting everything in range for 50k, and I had to give the scroller 95% of my attention. It's not a fun playstyle at all, I swear I had scrolling vision for an hour after and I can still hear the fucking song almost 6 hours later. I'm not sure I'll ever play her again.

Got Kyle in the oven, and Yujin is next to go in now that I've farmed him. Only have Ultimate Ajax left to get.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Sounds like the kyle bug got fixed already in the hotfix that just went out.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What was the bug? Was it related to that superman kamikaze thing where he did like 30mil dmg?
Yeah. Apparently the hotfix didn't do that much, just made it take two hits instead of one. Edit: Might be bullshit though, seeing other people saying it barely does any damage now, or that it just does normal/expected damage that isn't going to do much more than tickle a colossus.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Vesper Non-Attribute shard farm is stoooooopid fast leveling by killing the first wave of 55, then abort / restart.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, but who's got time to find someone to run it with them? It also seems like it'd be weapons only unless you just so happen to be leveling Viessa or a non-attribute descendant.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, but who's got time to find someone to run it with them? It also seems like it'd be weapons only unless you just so happen to be leveling Viessa or a non-attribute descendant.
I went there with Lepic for a while. Any AoE works, including stuff like Traction Grenade + Thunder Cage. Valby, Gley, and Viessa are all really good at it, probably Bunny too. Problem is eventually one person leaves then some tard comes in and doesn't abort and starts killing the second wave. Then it all goes to shit and everyone leaves.

I'd rather just do Kuiper Blockade, at least until I get the 3% Ult. Valby drop from it.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
worthy prince figured out a way to do it by himself w/ luna so it is possible to do alone


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm sure Gley could do it alone too. Built correctly her AoE has almost 35m radius.

I saw someone trying to do it solo with Valby too, but seemed super slow going back and forth between the fragment and the spawns.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Leveled Valby and TC three times in a couple hours maybe, each time I ported into Vespers, there was at least 1 Valby, and some other Non-Attr class going at it already. I did the trigger once, a Luna did it another time, and the last was an Enzo. Any two AoE's will kill mobs as they spawn. I did have to remove all dmg / duration mods while I was the trigger though, since the dot on the device would spawn the 2nd wave before I could abort.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Your luck was way better than mine last night. I had to port back and forth half a dozen times just to find an Enzo trying to do it by himself. By the time I explained to him how it worked a Valby showed up and it was ok for a little while. Ult. Viessa joined, then Valby left shortly after, and finally the retard who wouldn't abort ruined it. Only got 1-25 on Lepic in about 30 minutes, so I said screw it and went back to Kuiper Blockade (no regrets there, ended up getting 2 cats and a shroom when I opened 9 AMs at the end of the day). Probably would've got level 30 if I hadn't been retarded too though... I completely forgot to take the free boosters out of my mail before I started doing several hours of farming various things.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Anyone got a good Ult Bunny farming build? I swear every build I look up has comments like "this build is shit and you don't understand how this character works."


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Anyone got a good Ult Bunny farming build? I swear every build I look up has comments like "this build is shit and you don't understand how this character works."
IMO this is about as good as it gets without sacrificing the ability to run a colossus build too:

Speed of Light:

Lightning Emission:

My Reactor:

If you don't have cooldown reactor you'll have to swap in Focus on Singular instead of Singular Specialist.

Ideally you're going to have HP/HP/MP Rec. OOC, HP/Max MP or Consumable Drop Rate/MP Rec. IC, and DEF/DEF/MP Rec. for your first three ext. components too. The MP recovery stats on them make a massive difference in how long you can run between packs without needing blue cubes or MP Collector procs. Don't need that much sustain for gold/kuiper farms so swap those accordingly. Same for Character/Firearm XP when you're doing that too.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Well shit, Bunny is kind of ridiculous when you actually invest in her. I hadn't really fucked around with it since I knew I didn't want to if it wasn't the ultimate version. I think I only have 2 catalysts in her so far, and another 6 hours on my energy activator. Did a Block Kuiper Mining and on the last round, cleared out 3 of the 4 checkpoints solo before the other 3 people did their one. I can't imagine how ridiculous this'll be maxed out.

I did 5 or 6 catalysts into Ultimate Lepic yesterday and he's a ton of fun. Super easy to boss on (did a 16s devourer without doing weapon modules, like maximizing fire rate). I think between Lepic on bosses and Bunny on everything else, I'm basically set.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Your luck was way better than mine last night. I had to port back and forth half a dozen times just to find an Enzo trying to do it by himself. By the time I explained to him how it worked a Valby showed up and it was ok for a little while. Ult. Viessa joined, then Valby left shortly after, and finally the retard who wouldn't abort ruined it. Only got 1-25 on Lepic in about 30 minutes, so I said screw it and went back to Kuiper Blockade (no regrets there, ended up getting 2 cats and a shroom when I opened 9 AMs at the end of the day). Probably would've got level 30 if I hadn't been retarded too though... I completely forgot to take the free boosters out of my mail before I started doing several hours of farming various things.
Blockade is great, I did that for awhile being going to Vespers. Thing is, the XP isn't zone wide and some ppl do not know this apparently... usually a bunny off on their own. Did manage to 18-ish AM's while running it though, 15 of those were for Gregs/Enduring which I needed. Of those 15 I ran on Stunning Beauty, I got 4 Gregs, 1 Enduring, 1 Activator and the rest was split between Lepic / Gley. Very satisfied with that outcome.

I finally managed to get into a winning team on Hanged Man the other night, so when I had finished my Stunning Beauty runs, I hopped into Hard Executioner PUGS. Ran it 6 times, all failed. I only died to a truly bullshit occurrence where I got zapped while Exe was doing his leap/white out thing. I guess for this fight you simply have to overpower the boss, there are too many sections where you have to be avoiding dmg rather than doing dmg.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, XP limit is like 150m. I try to take the middle ones if possible (since my Bunny is complete and no need to go there now) where I can leech XP from all the others, but if it comes down to the two nodes at opposite ends of the map I still think it's better to just clear them separately to finish faster than it is to group up and do them one at a time. Every but Bunny is so slow at getting from one end to the other that it's always going to be a net loss.

Had extremely good luck this morning too. Farmed 5 AMs for the 10% Ult. Valby part and didn't get it, but I did get 2 more shrooms, and then another one while farming a Greg's part. 4 cats too before I was all done.

Then after lunch I tried doing some more Ult. Viessa farming and went 3 for 35 on AM108's (25% drop) before giving up. RNGesus is a fickle bitch.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I really wish there was a way to skip that first section of loading into the game. Its got serious latency lag, or maybe its some cinematic touch they are trying to pull off? Just something about it seems so unoptimized.

Anyone found a good Discord to find people to link up with?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Anyone played around with Greg's with a shroom and a bunch of cats yet? I've got 5 shrooms to mess with now and somewhat at a loss as to what to do with them all. Ult. Bunny, Lepic, and Gley already got theirs, and Thunder Cage is still my only real weapon. I'm definitely going to farm Ult. Viessa and Valby, so that's two of them. Valby's useless to me without Enduring Legacy so there's #3.

Last two should probably go to guns, I just can't decide which. Gley could use something just for her; Thunder Cage would work fine on her but mine doesn't have the right polarities to fit the mods she wants.

I'd also like a descendant more suited to grouping, but no interest in Ajax and I'm still really resistant to the idea of investing anything into non-Ults like Enzo or Yujin. It's slightly tempting though just because I already have their best transcendent mods.

Anyone found a good Discord to find people to link up with?
Moxsy's probably has the highest population at any given time. Not sure about quality of players though, I don't really use Discord at all.