The First Descendant


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone played around with Greg's with a shroom and a bunch of cats yet? I've got 5 shrooms to mess with now and somewhat at a loss as to what to do with them all. Ult. Bunny, Lepic, and Gley already got theirs, and Thunder Cage is still my only real weapon. I'm definitely going to farm Ult. Viessa and Valby, so that's two of them. Valby's useless to me without Enduring Legacy so there's #3.

Last two should probably go to guns, I just can't decide which. Gley could use something just for her; Thunder Cage would work fine on her but mine doesn't have the right polarities to fit the mods she wants.

I'd also like a descendant more suited to grouping, but no interest in Ajax and I'm still really resistant to the idea of investing anything into non-Ults like Enzo or Yujin. It's slightly tempting though just because I already have their best transcendent mods.

Moxsy's probably has the highest population at any given time. Not sure about quality of players though, I don't really use Discord at all.
Not sure I would invest into Greg's til after the eventual adjustment. Max out it's ability if you haven't already though. Shard are the only thing limiting me ATM, because the is built around a character I don't play (Bunny). Even at r2, the gun procs a lot and the auto burst is a great QoL.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not sure I would invest into Greg's til after the eventual adjustment. Max out it's ability if you haven't already though. Shard are the only thing limiting me ATM, because the is built around a character I don't play (Bunny). Even at r2, the gun procs a lot and the auto burst is a great QoL.
Adjustment? They just buffed it, and also said that they want people using guns and not just skills going forward. I don't see it getting toned down. Biggest downside I hear about it is that it's useless vs. colossus because the AOE procs fill the enrage bar insanely fast. Don't really need another mobbing gun when I have TC with a shroom and 7 cats in it. Also, there's the question of Secret Garden being the better option if you just want to max out one orange ammo gun.

Just got yet another shroom BP from cracking open my AMs from kuiper blockade. That 3% just does not want to come up when I'm doing the mutant AA ones though (not that I'm complaining, I'll take shrooms over descendant parts any day).


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm kind of at the same point where I've now got more shroom blueprints than I even know what to do with. I think I've got 4 in waiting right now? Can't be bothered to farm up the materials when I have nothing I want to put them in.

I'll likely use 3 for Ultimates (Valby, Ajax, Viessa), but then what? And I'll probably get more by the time that ever happened.

Really catalysts are becoming my biggest pain in the ass. 7.5 hours really sucks. I could also complain about how long it takes to relevel something, but it's significantly less time than it takes for another catalyst to be ready.

And, like everyone else has complained about already, that makes trying new builds really blow. Basically once I've got one, I'm basically sticking with it forever.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, it's kind of obnoxious -- you finally get shrooms sorted out, but since every build needs an average of 8 catalysts that's 60 hours worth of crafting just to prep for it. I'm still not going to buy them, but I am kind of tempted next time I need one to keep working on a build to just queue up the research and then rush it. IIRC it's a little over 100 caliber compared to the 300 to buy outright.

Leveling is definitely a slog after a while too. Special Ops really should give twice the XP that they do, given that the only other loot from them is gold and 1-2 AMs. There should be HM versions of them too; start it off as hard as, say, wave 8 and proceed from there. Can't let it get too crazy since people need to use it for leveling stuff, but right now waves 1-6 are almost as boring as hopping in the bunny cave. I also think that HM dungeon modifiers should affect the XP gained and not just the score.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Holy shit, you're not kidding about that. They've really got to figure out their time vs reward scaling.

I've only ever run Block Kuiper Mining. I figured I'd farm normal Lepic for mastery and did the Kingston one. Holy fucking shit that is awful. 2 minutes per wave, unskippable, super slow spawns. And it's twenty-one fucking waves! You're committing to a 42 minute event (really more like an hour with loading) and it gives absolutely piss poor rewards. We quit after 10 waves and walked away with about 50k gold. I got maybe 3 levels in that time, where I could've done literally anything else and done at least 3-4 times that.

I have no idea why they're so reluctant to buff the shit out of Special Ops. They're atrocious as is.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Ive pretty much stopped logging in, the novelty of it has passed and the grind is just a huge ass chore now. Definitely fun for awhile but it has become more bleh than fun now


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How to finish off my Thunder Cage:

I'll be swapping out Insight Focus of Conc. Priority to get more Crit Dmg, and I'll leave one slot free for some Ele damage if needed. The two base mods are just there for a bit more Crit Dmg. So basically 1 mod slot left to catalyst. Suggestions?


Silver Baronet of the Realm

I made an updated setup for farming kuiper blockade too:

Sweeping Squad is really strong in there especially when tossing around traction grenades (got my cooldown on them down to 4.2s now). No more assholes surviving a full mag on waves 9 and 10 this way. Putting a rank 7 weak point sight in there would probably have a similar or better effect, since it buffs the bejesus out of Overcharge procs. I'm too lazy to aim at weak points in a big clump though. Downside is that the mobs in there are weak to toxic, and this really only works with electric enhancement. Can't have it all until they pull their heads out of their asses and fix the capacity/polarity situation.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Think I'm going to go ahead and do a Greg's build after all. Seems super easy to do four separate setups if you catalyze it MMMMAAAAX_ (8 cats, since it comes with a useless R). Gley version with Mental Focus, Valby/Enzo version with as much crit rate/dmg as possible, mobbing version with Sweeping Squad, and a 'everybody else' version that has good crit, good weak point, and 44 rounds in the mag.

Edit: Worst part of starting a orange ammo build is not having a single module leveled up.... RIP my gold reserves.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm 3 days into TFD and I still have no clue what I'm doing :D Most "infiltrations" it's been running after people insta-gibbing everything with the bunny lighting ae.

(I got my own Bunny to 40, but have no clue what to do next except.. gather shards for other Descendants and hope I like their playstyle more than i like Viessa or Bunny)
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
finish the campaign if you haven't should be your #1 thing


Trakanon Raider
Also, you can turn the game to private if you don't want leveled characters trivializing the campaign.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Also, you can turn the game to private if you don't want leveled characters trivializing the campaign.

I had this missions - ofcourse it was a jumping puzzle mission - where I thought I'll go ballistic. I think it was in the swamp, and I had 2:30 on mission timer and kept falling down. Finally had some experienced help.

Ah yes,, campaign.. I'm currently stuck on the Dead Bride or whatever the 4th interception is. Was trying for like 2 hours yesterday but we couldn't kill it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So a couple streamers have been saying that TFD will implement a system that will allow you convert ultimate materials (descendent) that you don't need for something else? Not seeing this posted anywhere atm though, so I'm taking this with a huge grain of salt.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I had this missions - ofcourse it was a jumping puzzle mission - where I thought I'll go ballistic. I think it was in the swamp, and I had 2:30 on mission timer and kept falling down. Finally had some experienced help.

Ah yes,, campaign.. I'm currently stuck on the Dead Bride or whatever the 4th interception is. Was trying for like 2 hours yesterday but we couldn't kill it.
If you think that jumping challenge where you collected all the little orbs as you go was obnoxious - just keep playing.

As for Bride, just find a Lepic to go in and nuke the dumb bitch. Same for the next boss, too. When I fought Bride, four shots from my Z on Lepic took off 40% of her shield within the first 30 seconds of the battle.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Is it actually possible to kill Executioner fast? I can do Devourer and Dead Bride in 10 seconds, even Pyromaniac I was just one shot short of finishing before enrage so I can probably get that down to 10-12 sec as well with a slight tweak. But Executioner just enrages before I'm even halfway through Lepic's Ult ammo. Had to wait out the rage and die to reset cooldowns twice and it took almost 4 minutes. Have not been able to beat Swamp Walker at all (with Lepic). It also enrages really fast and since the immunity doesn't ever end unless you break the weak points I just die over and over as a glass cannon. Can do it without much trouble on Bunny but it takes me ~6 minutes.

My Enduring Legacy:
Looking good. I'd drop Edging Shot for Fire Enhancement though. Or ideally, swap the R to A, catalyze the X, and then just put Fire Enh. in the empty slot. Edging Shot is kind of an iffy tradeoff with the base crit rate on EL but you get a lot more out of it on Valby/Enzo.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's been like 3 hours and I'm still pissed. Finally got High Voltage for my Bunny, and went to do the last catalyst and fucked up and put the wrong one on it. So now I've got to level up to 40 just to repeat the whole process. Was really thinking I'd be done with Bunny completely at this point.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Been busy with PoE but I really liked this game even if I dont understand really what the end game in it is. So I think I will start playing it again every now and then.

I used a Thundercage and Tamer last I played. Are they still the go to weapons of choice?