The First Descendant


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There was a post on reddit (now deleted) that showed the upcoming changes to void reactors and the new system to make use of unwanted descendant materials. So void reactors will no longer need shards to start, and the shards will be used to craft stabilizers instead. Also, the unwanted descendant materials can be sold for a new currency that can then be used to purchase the materials you wanted.

Hope this is true.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Also, the unwanted descendant materials can be sold for a new currency that can then be used to purchase the materials you wanted.
I really hope they do a better copy of Baro K'Teer than that.

Wish I'd saved that post yesterday, I knew it'd get taken down.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I saw that on reddit yesterday, too. I guess Im just too new to understand the annoyances of them. Though, I would expected them to buff the drop rate of the source, decreased the costs on the spending side, or changed up the loot table to make it more "fluid" to grind the materials out. At least thats what I would have expected out of a game that prospers off of grinding.

Brahma Brahma - I noticed you and a couple others are .. for what its worth, are at the top end of the game. Is there anything that still has you logging in? Have they teased anything coming up that interests you?


Mr. Poopybutthole
They're just obnoxious to do. It's a loop of outpost where you get a 20-25% chance at an amorphous, then go grind a bunch of voids which is kind of boring waves, and then the worst tuned, annoying bosses I've ever seen to get another 6-38% chance at the drop you want.

On its own it's not so bad. When you need to do it a hundred times is when it's tiresome.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They're just obnoxious to do. It's a loop of outpost where you get a 20-25% chance at an amorphous, then go grind a bunch of voids which is kind of boring waves, and then the worst tuned, annoying bosses I've ever seen to get another 6-38% chance at the drop you want.

On its own it's not so bad. When you need to do it a hundred times is when it's tiresome.
For me, the void reactors seem to be the best chance at certain transience mods via completion rewards. Grinding "mission mobs" for an unknown chance at those mods is super frustrating.

Been trying to get:
Cold Blooded mess
Supply Moisture
Defense Master
MP Collector.

No luck so far.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The fragments also vary widely in how convenient they are to acquire.

Monomer - absolutely trivial due to Bunny cave
Polymer - fucking nightmare unless you have a well-built Ult Viessa
Organic - easy with Lepic farming Dune Base
Inorganic - you can spend resources on non-Ult Freyna or get them at one third of the normal rate from Bunny cave. Bunny cave is probably only a tiny bit slower either way, assuming maxed out Ult Bunny doing the farming.

The boost to everything else while nerfing non-attrib spots (which weren't great to being with) was especially irritating.

Leave alone or tempt fate?

I'd be trying to get rid of crit rate for crit dmg instead. Main reason I hesitate is that special weapons have somewhat gimped crit dmg rolls... max here is only 24.7% and even a mod like Concentration Priority is only 47% compared to 120% on a general ammo gun.

With it as is, I have 32.74% crit rate and 4.016x crit dmg. On Valby that works out to 65.48% crit rate, and on Enzo it's 80.21% crit rate. (Never realized Enzo got that much bigger boost with his transcendent mod.)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So played this a bit yesterday. Pretty fun. Lot of Warframe / Destiny vibes.

And it's pretty obvious everyone is far ahead of me. I can barely get a shot off sometimes things die so fast.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was thinking more about this, and while the shard part is annoying, I think it's really the bosses that suck the fun out of it. Unless you're running Gley, you will 100% run out of ammo solo. Which means suiciding is the only option.

They're absolutely bullet sponges and the mechanics on them are just not fun. Shoutout to that stupid bat fucker that spawns underground, has orbs that then go into the ceiling, teleports, has an invulnerability ability, etc.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The worst part for me is the drop rate of AMs. If I'm trying to farm something like AM028 for Greg's Nano Tube, it takes me over an hour to get 10 of them every single time. That's 50 attempts, so 100 20% rolls with Sharen, and I've never gotten 10 in less than an hour. Doing the 25% ones in HM is even worse since you probably only want one of the two that drop and the other one isn't worth the huge fragment cost and annoying boss fight just for a shot at a shroom or cat.

Edit: Actually doing that 028 farm right now for my last two Greg's and I've been here 45+ minutes and only have 5.... in the end I left after an hour because it was lunch time. Had 6 AMs, first one gave me a tube and the rest were a bust. At least I only need one more for this particular farm.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Brahma Brahma - I noticed you and a couple others are .. for what its worth, are at the top end of the game. Is there anything that still has you logging in? Have they teased anything coming up that interests you?

I'm at Frostwalker, and If I pick dudes up less than five times, it's a good attempt. So I guess I can look forward to that?

I'm maxxed on, well everything. I do have one module slot that doesn't have a letter on my Descendant. What's that? A couple hours?

I have ZERO interest in all the characters minus Kyle, who's maxxed also.

So no, I am pretty much done. Just playing RNG on less suck from players.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Haven't even attempted Frost Walker yet. Only way I'm willing to even mess with it is with 3 other Lepics who can also deal ~16M damage in under 10 seconds. As much as I like the game in general, I truly despise colossus fights for having all the worst design elements in gaming.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Haven't even attempted Frost Walker yet. Only way I'm willing to even mess with it is with 3 other Lepics who can also deal ~16M damage in under 10 seconds. As much as I like the game in general, I truly despise colossus fights for having all the worst design elements in gaming.

Heh. Best run at him was with two Lepic's. Myself as Ajax, and that water chick. Then the water chick KEPT dying. Conversely, those trying to save her know the snowball.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Heh. Best run at him was with two Lepic's. Myself as Ajax, and that water chick. Then the water chick KEPT dying. Conversely, those trying to save her know the snowball.
Two Lepics would actually work just fine, provided the other 2 stay out of the way and don't die. You have 2:30 to win the fight, so that's plenty of time for each of them to dump their load, die to reset cooldown, and then dump again.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So it appears the new thing might be people running very rudimentary scripts at the bunny cave just leveling stuff up.

I've seen a handful of bunny's just sitting behind the pillar jumping constantly and not really doing anything else.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
saw a video the other day where worthy prince slowly bumped an afk bunny out of the cave, was pretty hilarious


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, AFK farming there is definitely not new. People have been doing it since before the nerf to rolling.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Upcoming 1.07 hotfix seems alright, though they didn't address the catalyst issue in a way I'd prefer. Your current slot loadout will be active on all 3 loadouts, but any changes made will be specific to the loadout you change. So fully catalyst something for one build, then use the other loadouts to make changes (still not very build friendly, imo, as you still need to re-lvl for each change). I'd prefer either having a fully catalyst'd character / weapon having the slots become universal, or making any changes after that costing only the catalyst with no lvling required.



Mr. Poopybutthole
That actually sounds pretty horrific. I'm shit out of catalysts, and I'm about done leveling to 40 again and again and again.

I like a good grindy game, but this one is really bad about it. Now I get build diversity by grinding even more?

This might not be as much of an issue if experience weren't so shit. But I'm limited to like 3 places to grind out experience where it's not going to take 6 hours. Two of those are literally standing in one spot, and the other is just decimating shit mobs.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Unfortunately that's exactly how I predicted they'd handle the catalyst thing. I don't think it'll affect my descendants much at all since I've stopped caring about multiple builds on them. Sure, it's cool to have a good AoE build on Gley and Lepic while you're doing the catalyst process, but once I get done with it I basically never use it again. Gley might need one extra if you really want to support all three boss-killer builds (unlimited ammo, unlimited massacre, demonic sniper), and I guess Lepic too if you want full glass cannon and something a bit more group-friendly. Bunny I'm going to leave exactly how she is because I think the build I use now is perfect. Maybe I'd add in a C on one of the loadouts if I ever get both Bionic Fuel and Shield Collector, but the odds of that happening are pretty much zero now that we know exactly how module combination works (~0.5% chance to get Shield Collector).

Where it's really going to suck is weapons. You're going to want loadouts for different elements. Maybe a loadout that uses weak point damage. Going to use that gun with Gley? Well, she doesn't want any C sockets, and she does want an extra M to put in Mental Focus. Not only are they going to bend you over with no lube for the catalysts, you're not getting a reacharound either because they're hoping you'll buy extra loadout tabs as well. And no, they are not account wide... if you want extra tabs you have to pay 100 per tab for each individual gun and descendant. Really pissed me off when I bought one for my TC to hold all four elemental builds thinking that all my guns would now have 4. I suppose I should have known better since it's Nexon.

It's not hard to slam into the limit on presets either, and those are 150 each.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So played this a bit yesterday. Pretty fun. Lot of Warframe / Destiny vibes.

And it's pretty obvious everyone is far ahead of me. I can barely get a shot off sometimes things die so fast.

I've finally finished the Campaign and can do hard modes, even though yeah.. there's still that. People running around one-shotting stuff (mostly Bunny (probably Ulti) and the water witches).

Not to mention looking at World chat it's like "What are all these acronyms for? What the shit is gluttony and AA's and god knows what."
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