The First Descendant


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm 100% sure it's Ultimate Freyna we see in the cutscene clip and at the end fighting the new Colossus.
Yeah, you're right. I didn't even pay attention to the colossus fight at the end, but that's gotta be ult Freyna.

I think I spotted 3 new guns too: an AR that the Bunny had, a scout rifle on Valby, and a MG on Esiemo. There's a beam rifle in there too, but it looks more like a skin for Dogma 21 than a whole new weapon.

This game's RNG sure loves fucking with me. I don't even really want Bionic Fuel anymore, but when I decide to kill Frost Walker, the first kill drops 2x Bionic Fuel. 10 or so runs later,

At least I got the Ult. Valby part on the first kill, and finally after about a dozen of them I got Absolute-Zero, which was the whole reason I was there. Only had 2 PUG fails too, kind of surprised at that.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Past day or so has been fairly productive farming wise, but I've also hit a wall with my Lepic in that I'll lock myself out of a fun playstyle by going for full nuke build, so I guess I'll put him on hold til we get the loadout preset change. Managed to 2 pythons, 1 more fallen hope, 1 more greggs, and 1 secret garden. Along with catalysts and activators. Also, found a great alternative Organic shard farm for my Lepic other than the Hagios spot; the one in Swamp is perfect for grenade spam.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Just hit 50 Executioners in a row without a Enduring Legacy BP (10% my ass), and the worst fucking part is that I still need two of them.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've also hit a wall with my Lepic in that I'll lock myself out of a fun playstyle by going for full nuke build
Doesn't have to be that way:


My grenades do fairly shit damage so I do have to rely on Thunder Cage for clearing, but other than that it works just fine in kuiper blockade.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone happen to have seen a list of Colossi drops, specifically transcendent mod drops. I think I've gotten all the ones which H. Executioner can drop, and possibly all the ones H Dead Bride can drop. An organized list would be very helpful vs. the ingame list.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Anyone happen to have seen a list of Colossi drops, specifically transcendent mod drops. I think I've gotten all the ones which H. Executioner can drop, and possibly all the ones H Dead Bride can drop. An organized list would be very helpful vs. the ingame list.

Gluttony only drops Noise Surge AFAIK, but since they added it to Executioner too in the last patch it doesn't really matter. Also Ult Valby's Hydro Pressure Bomb is still bugged and displays as Cold Cohesion. Not sure why they fixed Spiral Tidal Wave, but left it bugged with the name duped from one of Viessa's.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Executioner #70 finally dropped an Enduring Legacy BP ("10%"). Only my 4th so I've still got to do it all again...

I will never believe that there isn't some serious tomfuckery going on with this game's RNG.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Executioner #70 finally dropped an Enduring Legacy BP ("10%"). Only my 4th so I've still got to do it all again...

I will never believe that there isn't some serious tomfuckery going on with this game's RNG.
I wouldnt at all be surprised if they have something on the backend thats akin to a "luck" modifier. That modifier adjusts based on how long you've been playing, how often you've logged in, etc. I could give an example, but no matter how you phrase it - it can always be defined as just "bad RNG." But going to bed after playing several hours without the drop and then running it again a couple days later and the rare drop I want will drop within the very first run or two - that situation has happened more than just a couple times.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I swear I read something about how most games are programmed and "RNG" isn't really accurate. Basically they'll pick something on your PC to run a check against, like say a number from your MAC address or some part number or something, and run an algorithm based on that. Which is why some people get completely shit "RNG."


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, this was over about 5 days, including one where I didn't do any EL farming. 35 Slumber Valleys at about 6m20s each is definitely not something I'd ever do all at once. Even just doing the Executioner part gets old fast and I kill that in 12 seconds or so.

Might try doing an outpost for the last one, but I get pissed off really quick now when I go like 10 in a row without getting a single odd-numbered AM with Sharen and that shit happens all the damn time. Plus it means I have to farm organics too. Edit: LOL, case in point right here. Had about 20 minutes to spare this morning so I took Sharen out to farm 101's. Got a whopping one of them to drop before time was up (would've been 6 if I'd just done Slumber Valleys) so I took Bunny over to the reactor to open it. Had a spare shape stabilizer so I used that too. And instead of getting the 16% BP drop, RNGesus blesses me with an activator instead....sigh.

I swear I read something about how most games are programmed and "RNG" isn't really accurate. Basically they'll pick something on your PC to run a check against, like say a number from your MAC address or some part number or something, and run an algorithm based on that. Which is why some people get completely shit "RNG."
The seed for the RNG in this case would definitely be server-side otherwise some autist would figure out a way to rig it. Setting up a RNG for 5 items with various percentages that add up to 100 is basic first year comp sci stuff even if you have thousands of players hitting it at the same time. If you're a professional game dev and you have weird RNG shit going on it's almost certainly intentional.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Well, if the ultimates are only coming in more or less quarterly, definitely time to suck it up and build a proper Enzo instead of worrying about the ultimate making it obsolete. Yujin is probably safe to build out too, seeing as he should be one of the last ultimates on the list if they are going in order. I also think I'll give Sharen an activator just to make outposts a little easier, definitely not using any catalysts on her though. I wish they'd just publish the list of descendants in order that they'll receive their ult instead of vague comments like "the Ultimate Descendants will launch sequentially, starting with the initial Descendants to join Corps."

Really don't like their "solution" to the catalyst problem. Especially since the problem was never about catalysts in the first place; the real issue is the ridiculous capacity cost of every single module which was specifically designed so that you're required to put a catalyst on every fucking slot. All this does is make the endless farm and need to craft 3 cats a day even worse, and extends the godawful slog of releveling a descendant/weapon 8+ times to double digits instead. I'm also going to be pretty pissed if the stock polarities aren't allowed to be swapped back to if you replaced them prior to season 1.

Some other nitpicky stuff in there too. Like removing the circle humping in dungeons... good change, but what about drone escorts because that shit is even worse. Hard dungeon presets better not include shit like sprint disabled or +100% grapple recharge in order to hit 250%.

Having to wait until end of October for Baro K'Teer really sucks too. I hope they have some more info about trading by then at least, since it'll be annoying to decide what materials to sell to the vendor and what to keep for potential trade value later on.


Trakanon Raider
The catalyst solution doesn't really solve anything, and only people affected will be the one hard core playing that character and need to swap a couple mods out on their farm or boss builds, no one is going to place two mod types on one slot until they run out of base slots.

Also the ultimate descendant system is kinda shitty, barely anyone will want to grind out a character twice, should have been something to build on top of the regular descendant instead of a separate character, I'm glad I didn't waste time getting regular valby, or upgrading freyna, but now that goes for every other regular descendent. Maybe the ultimate version would have been the excuse to have the multi mod slots on a character too.

I don't mind grinding some, but I hate when things are made obsolete and my time spent then means nothing (yes I also have a hard time playing diablo and path of exile for more than one season at a time without long breaks because of this). Most of the descendant grind comes back to making catalyst, and it's a boring shitty grind, bunch of useless blueprints started to pile up and I need to see where it can be used before I start playing regularly again, hopefully the vendor is not crap.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The catalyst solution doesn't really solve anything, and only people affected will be the one hard core playing that character and need to swap a couple mods out on their farm or boss builds, no one is going to place two mod types on one slot until they run out of base slots.
I really don't like it, but I'll be putting 1-3 alternate catalysts on Ult Bunny, Ult Lepic, Ult Gley, Thunder Cage, Greg's, and Enduring Legacy. Thunder Cage might even get 5 more, because right now I have an non-polarized slot on it, and also a few days ago I found a perfectly rolled reactor for Gley that uses it. The build for Gley is very different from a generic mobbing build so it will take several polarity changes to fit Weak Point damage and Mental Focus on it. Still better than trying to farm the same perfect reactor except for Python and then doing a full Python build with a shroom and like 9 cats or whatever it is.

Also the ultimate descendant system is kinda shitty, barely anyone will want to grind out a character twice, should have been something to build on top of the regular descendant instead of a separate character, I'm glad I didn't waste time getting regular valby, or upgrading freyna, but now that goes for every other regular descendent. Maybe the ultimate version would have been the excuse to have the multi mod slots on a character too.
Agree 100%. Which is sort of weird because it never bothered me in Warframe to do full builds on non-Prime stuff knowing full well that there'd eventually be a superior-in-every-way Prime version. Partly because Primes were over 3 years away, but mostly just because it wasn't that big a deal. A potato was like 25 cents and even the most complete build was around a dollar's worth of forma. Releveling shit after each forma took a few minutes (weapons) to maybe 20 minutes (frames).

Here it's like... farm shrooms and craft each one for 30 hours, while also making sure to farm 3x catalyst BPs per day and also crafting those every 7.5 hours (which never happens because I'm sure as hell not setting alarms to mess with my sleep just to craft 3 a day on an exact timer). Then you have to actually use the catalysts and re-level the stuff over and over which is a godawful slog that also varies widely depending on the character you're using and whether or not you can find the best farm spot with the right other people there for it. Like Kuiper Blockade sucks without 2 bunnies, and the Moonlight Lake void frag farm is great XP but only if you have Ult Viessa + someone to start the mission and no one else interfering, etc. It's all just too much. I crafted Ult Valby and just can't be bothered doing her catalysts because of how long it will take. Much as I'd like Enzo kitted out for the Gluttony and beyond intercepts, he's one of the worst characters to level unless I find someone with a Viessa who's equally desperate for XP.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think I might be fundamentally misunderstanding how they are going to change the mod preset pages. I guess this is confusing me:

"Additionally, the Socket Type applied to Loadout Setting 1 can also be used for Settings 2 and 3 as well, allowing you to grant multiple Socket Types only to the slots that require multiple Socket Types depending on your builds."

What are they trying to say here? The "can also" doesn't make sense because loadout page 1 is identical to pages 2 and 3 already by default, at least it is for me. Are they saying the new setup will give you a prompt "Do you want to use loadout 1 for loadout 2" and if so, it then applies your mod settings to loadout 2? I feel like I am being a derp.

As for weapons, yea, no. I might fully catalyst my Greggs, but I'm inclined to to just eternally fish for a Thunder Cage reactor that has Colossi/Crt Dmg.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
If you put a catalyst on a slot in loadout 1 then on any other loadout page you should be able to select the type you added or a blank slot (or, hopefully, the default type that the desc/weap came with on that slot). If you want a different type on loadout 2, you apply another catalyst there and can pick a different one, which then gets added to the pool of options you have for that particular slot on any of the loadouts.

So like if this is your Greg's right now, built for like Valby or Enzo or whoever:

and you want to use it with Gley instead, you'd go to a different loadout and use a catalyst to change the C to an M, then swap Expand Weapon Charge to Mental Focus and Fire Conductor to Insight Focus and you're good to go with her unlimited ammo build.
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Trump's Staff
I think I might be fundamentally misunderstanding how they are going to change the mod preset pages.

Preset 1: you want first slot to be M
Preset 2: you want first slot to be C
Preset 3: you want first slot to be X

Now you can do that after spending 3 catalysts on the same weapon in the same slot. If I understand correctly.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Preset 1: you want first slot to be M
Preset 2: you want first slot to be C
Preset 3: you want first slot to be X

Now you can do that after spending 3 catalysts on the same weapon in the same slot. If I understand correctly.
Yeah, that's how it should work. The only question is can you swap to blank if you want, and if you've already dumped, say, one of Ult Bunny's M's for something actually useful will you be able to go back to it post-patch if something should change and you decide you actually want a second M on her.
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