You are quite right, not sure why I wrote that.
I disagree with you, at least in the context of the tv show, that they should have removed the son's part. While it felt very disconnected, I would have preferred more exploration of that than a focus on the GRs. I just can't get over what a misfire it seems to be to focus a show so heavily on a Westboro Baptist church clone. They seem, at least to me and I know some others, as utterly horrible. All the attempts the show made to make me care at all about them failed. Now if the actual attempt of the show was to make us hate them and then make us feel bad when they got the shit kicked out of them, that also failed.
However, maybe I am too harsh. Certainly the acting was great. Even the GRs did a good job in an utterly impossible job. Nora was great, Kevin was great, huggybear was great, can't really think of any actor that didn't nail it honestly. The second season could be interesting now that they should move on from the GRs.