Revolution isn't out of the question if this shit continues.I'm starting to see more and more angry posts about it on Facebook so I guess that's a good sign, but I seriously doubt it will have an effect in the long run. I don't think anything short of revolution is going to stop them.
Sure they might say they'll stop doing it but I wouldn't believe them for a second, especially with all the fucking lying they've been doing lately.
So if you're at a concert, and some mentally unstable bitch is giving out blowjobs and she's a day under 18, you better hope no one has a cell phone camera.According to a source, "the teenager has not been medically fit enough to make a formal statement yet, but when that happens this could turn into a sexual assault investigation."
Awesome -_-. This just gets suckier and suckier.Someone attempted to set up Stewart Rhodes of Oathkeepers and Dan Johnson of PANDA
Someone just attempted to set-up Stewart Rhodes (founder of Oath Keepers) & Dan Johnson (founder of People Against the N.D.A.A) by sending child porn to Dan Johnson's email from a anonymous email account, pretending to be Stewart. Clearly, they knew Dan and Stewart work together on anti-NDAA nullification legislation, so they tried to trick Dan into opening the files containing child porn by impersonating Stewart Rhodes. Fortunately, Dan realized it was a tormail email and not actually from Stewart, so he did not open the attached pdfs. PANDA'S internet security expert was able to determine that the files contained child porn without opening them. This attempt to set Dan Johnson up failed.
This attempt is very similar to the July 3 attempt to set up activist Luke Rudkowski, where someone claiming to be a whistle-blower emailed Luke saying he had some incriminating pictures of Bilderberg elites, which Luke was able to see with his "view" function and determine were actually child porn without opening them. Once Luke did a video exposing the attempt, he was contacted by the hackers who bragged that they were going to do the same thing to other alternative media activist leaders. This is something you all need to be aware of, and protect yourselves against. You can expect more of these malicious smear campaign attacks to happen going forward.
If not this week.Awesome -_-. This just gets suckier and suckier.
Fortunately, a Solar Flare will blow out the Internet in 11-22 years.![]()
Ireland, of course, the country whose incredibly lax privacy laws allowed facebook to get a foothold in Europe to begin with.Chick and guy caught on camera having fun in public.
This is not true at all.nobody thought the soviet union would fall right before it did, things change.
well nobody is a strong word because there's always somebody saying the opposite of the mainstream, my point is the MAINSTREAM VIEWPOINT of the west did not predict a collapseThis is not true at all.
I'm sure some people like working at foxconn too. You're not wrong.I cannot find a single reason to give a single fuck about our gov snooping in on us.
Until the NSA hires a "cleaner" to parse aforementioned file.Fucking fedor's pics probably have us all in the file of "eccentric pervert" or some shit like "so insanely perverted we cant categorize".
Of course, I don't give a fuck. Worth it, thanks to those pictures I have the 1000 yard stare.
The mainstream view needed a bogeyman. They didn't actually think the USSR would last, they just need the appearance that they would to legitimize all the spending and all the meddling we do around the world.well nobody is a strong word because there's always somebody saying the opposite of the mainstream, my point is the MAINSTREAM VIEWPOINT of the west did not predict a collapse
U.S. analysts
Predictions of the Soviet Union's impending demise were discounted by many, if not most, Western academic specialists,[5] and had little impact on mainstream Sovietology.[6] For example, Amalrik's book "was welcomed as a piece of brilliant literature in the West" but "virtually no one tended to take it at face value as a piece of political prediction." Up to about 1980 the strength of the Soviet Union was widely overrated by critics and revisionists alike.[2]
In 1983, Princeton University professor Stephen Cohen described the Soviet system as remarkably stable.
In a symposium launched to review Michel Garder's French book: L'Agonie du Regime en Russie Sovietique (The Death Struggle of the Regime in Soviet Russia), which also predicted the collapse of the USSR, Yale Professor Frederick C. Barghoorn dismissed Garder's book as "the latest in a long line of apocalyptic predictions of the collapse of communism." He warns that "great revolutions are most infrequent and that successful political systems are tenacious and adaptive." In addition, the reviewer of the book, Michael Tatu, disapproved of the "apocalyptic character" of such a forecast and is almost apologetic for treating it seriously.
They evolved it from a country to an idea. The country may crumble, but an idea is forever.The mainstream view needed a bogeyman. They didn't actually think the USSR would last, they just need the appearance that they would to legitimize all the spending and all the meddling we do around the world.
Now that bogeyman is terrorism.