This.Nah my job is good. Mostly I'm just pissed at all the bullshit training and meetings I'm going to have to endure over this Snowden prick.
There is a growing trend in this nation to pretend the past actions of our nation have nothing to do with us. We are taught that we are not responsible for the actions of those who came before us and that they were really just trying their best to keep America safe. Those with the ability to think critically and look at the actions of our nation, from the time of its inception, know that it is about keeping the flow of monetary gains moving ever forward for an increasingly smaller population of this nation. We are now being taught that anyone who bucks against the system are terrorists and enemies of the state. You're fucking right I'm an enemy of the state, as the state treats us like we're the enemy.It really isn't the worst thing even that our government is doing right now. Stroll on over to the Cops Who Shoot People and Stay On Duty To Shoot More People thread to see some examples of some real shit. This is white people problems compared to that. And it isn't that all I care about is what happens to Snowden, I'm just not buying this narrative of him as the intelligence and policy expert and hero of the people. Saying that Snowden is a shitbag or that the program is legal doesn't mean I approve of the program.
And I refuse to buy everything he says, some of it just insane, with no supporting documentation. I don't understand why anyone would. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and his most extraordinary claims so far have been backed up by nothing other than his word. The word of a man who broke his oath, who took hundreds of thousands of dollars carrying out a mission he suddenly finds reprehensible, who planned for years to betray his government rather than work within the system for change. That is who he is, just from what we know. That isn't "giving the government the benefit of the doubt", that is just not believing every jackass thing someone says. Lumie says he can cure cancer, too.
You really should care more about what the US is doing overseas. In your name, btw. We've already seen those chickens come home to roost in a few different ways with Iran and the Taliban and Al Qaeda. This shit matters. Maybe if people had cared more about it during the 80s a whole chain of events that led to the institution of the Patrio Act could have been avoided.
Except, no. You just sound crazy.There is a growing trend in this nation to pretend the past actions of our nation have nothing to do with us. We are taught that we are not responsible for the actions of those who came before us and that they were really just trying their best to keep America safe. Those with the ability to think critically and look at the actions of our nation, from the time of its inception, know that it is about keeping the flow of monetary gains moving ever forward for an increasingly smaller population of this nation. We are now being taught that anyone who bucks against the system are terrorists and enemies of the state. You're fucking right I'm an enemy of the state, as the state treats us like we're the enemy.
Man, you really shut me down with that great rebuttal. Good job, buddy.Except, no. You just sound crazy.
As I stated earlier to you, your privacy along with your pathetic life are meaningless.Man, you really shut me down with that great rebuttal. Good job, buddy.
You saw it in this thread just a page back. The "white guilt card" bullshit. The fact that the American government saw fit to draft a constitution that stated all men were created equal but supported the slave industry. The genocidal murder of the majority of the native populace through Manifest Destiny. The continued mistreatment of blacks in this nation all the way through the civil rights movement and continues on to this day. You are taught that these are not your concern, as YOU didn't own any slaves, murder any indians, or burn any crosses.
And now, we've fucked the Middle East pretty hardcore since post-WWII. To this day we've engaged in wars fed to us under false pretenses, which has resulted in loss of life upwards to 1.5 Million human beings. 3 million more are homeless and destitute. We've ruined the lives of entire nations, but it's not your fault. Fuck you.
Mmmmm delicious ad hominem. You must get all the bitches with your leet debate skills.As I stated earlier to you, your privacy along with your pathetic life are meaningless.
Why don't you just renounce your citizenship if you think the country you live in is so terrible? I mean you have that right. Move to a country that you think is better. Oh, that's right, no other country on the planet would allow someone as worthless as you to have such a decent quality of life as this one.
Fucking hippie.
Ecuador! Cuba! Russia!As I stated earlier to you, your privacy along with your pathetic life are meaningless.
Why don't you just renounce your citizenship if you think the country you live in is so terrible? I mean you have that right. Move to a country that you think is better. Oh, that's right, no other country on the planet would allow someone as worthless as you to have such a decent quality of life as this one.
Fucking hippie.
It's crazy to have respect for human life? are a twisted brute. Way to go though, I'm sure you're all about furthering our species as a whole. No? Then the furthering of your nation? No? Ok, ok, just the ones who agree with you then. You and your ilk make up 1.5% of the human population and I'm the one who doesn't matter. You are the dumbest person alive. (hyperbole)What am I suppose to in genuine argue with you about? You seem pretty set in your crazy mind that the government is just out to fuck as many people as possible.
Making statements such as that, along with white guilt allows for bad government practices to continue is insane. VM always seems to go off the deep end like that.You're fucking right I'm an enemy of the state, as the state treats us like we're the enemy.
So the fact that you are 7 times more likely to be killed by a peace officer in the US than you are a terrorist means nothing? The fact that we have blanket surveillance of the US populous that hinges on future administrations to not push it even further than they already have means nothing? The fact that roughly 50% of those incarcerated in our nation are non-violent drug offenders and shouldn't be behind fucking bars, means nothing? The US population is treated like a fucking cancer when it comes to our government right now.I understand making arguments that some programs and actions of out government should be questioned and scrutinized.
Making statements such as that, along with white guilt allows for bad government practices to continue is insane. VM always seems to go off the deep end like that.
What do you do in you everyday life that contributes to decreasing human suffering? Are you even a productive member of society in the slightest?It's crazy to have respect for human life? are a twisted brute. Way to go though, I'm sure you're all about furthering our species as a whole. No? Then the furthering of your nation? No? Ok, ok, just the ones who agree with you then. You and your ilk make up 1.5% of the human population and I'm the one who doesn't matter. You are the dumbest person alive. (hyperbole)
Right now, a lot of my energy is spent assisting my roommates care for and rehabilitate a close friend that is suffering from ALL (Acute lymphoblastic leukemia). I also donate money to different organizations and try to help spread the idea that Humanism should trump Nationalism. We're all fucking people who live on this tiny ass rock in a sea of forever. We're all we have. There is no god. The only afterlife there is, is the lives we leave for our children. My son turned 7 in May and I'd like to have a nation he can live free when he turns 18. You apparently don't give a fuck about anyone outside of yourself.What do you do in you everyday life that contributes to decreasing human suffering? Are you even a productive member of society in the slightest?