What in God's name are you talking about? The people who think he was in the wrong already thought he was in the wrong and for the people that regard him as a "heroic whistleblower" the fact that he's had to seek refuge elsewhere only fits in with that narrative. And you just marginalized countries with a combined population of 1.5 billion people as if their opinions on world events didn't matter.Well, obviously the guy is just in over his head at this point. WikiLeaks has never been really good at PR...whatever happens to Snowden his image as a heroic whistleblower is never going to recover from relying on the likes of China, Russia, and apparently Ecuador to warn the world about how American freedom is supposedly in shambles.
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/31/op...ower-play.htmlYeah. Putin hasn't been in a bargaining mood for a while now. That picture of Obama and Putin at the G8 conference looked painful.
I think you grossly overestimate this angle, and how people view it probably aligns with whatever angle they already had of the person. the government actively has been cracking down on whistle blowers so it's not like there isn't a rational reason to use those routes.whatever happens to Snowden his image as a heroic whistleblower is never going to recover from relying on the likes of China, Russia, and apparently Ecuador to warn the world about how American freedom is supposedly in shambles.
Uh, not without causing a huge international incident with the country where the flight originated.I can understand why he is choosing these countries to evade Washington. I mean, if he went to countries such as UK, Australia, Japan, Spain and France, once his plane enters the airspace of these countries, it would be practically escorted to the airport by fighter planes and he'd be arrested on the tarmac and handed to the US on a silver platter.
If you were holding sekret beta infoz of the NSA and Washington was on your back, where wouldyougo to evade capture?
There was no pic of the body, but I trust the 6 members of Seal Team 6 to not lie about it.this president can claim he caught and killed osama with no body to show for it
Because while he may be 'doing the right thing', he has broken laws and there are consequences. Its no different than if you worked for a private company, you sign your agreements and if you break them, they can sue you for it, irregardless of the reasons why. It also doesn't help his case that he decided the best places to go hide and complain about government abuses are countries like Russia or China. That's like saying you think the government abuses it citizens, so your gonna go to Iran to get their perspective on the issue.So if Snowden is a traitor-- a spy giving secrets to our enemies, namely China and Russia-- then why should we expect them to give Snowden up? To give their spy back? Why would they send that message to all their other agents? It's ridiculous to want it both ways. So by trumping up charges of espionage, the administration gives China and Russia less reason for them to send him back.
Certain areas in airports in some countries are considered international zones that are governed by international law, so Russia may have a legitimate legal excuse not to do our government's bidding. International law means little to the US, but other countries take it far more seriously. We're the only country that cups your balls if you want to fly over us.
What gets under my skin is when these idiots in the media claim to love that the information Snowden leaked it now out there, even agreeing that the government did wrong, but in the next breath call him a traitor. Then they say he should have voluntarily submitted to years of solitary confinement, denied exercise in his cell, and god knows what other abuses before seeing a secret courtroom, followed by life in prison or possibly a death sentence. Because Snowden didn't sacrifice enough already. Because it's all HIS fault the media has to do stories on his seeking asylum instead of covering the leaks, as if the media has no control over the stories they cover. Then they spout theories that Putin is copying all his notebook drives and getting all our secrets as if Snowden would tote around documents he wouldn't want leaked, or wouldn't know how to set up a simple Truecrupt volume.
Udall said he could not elaborate on what part of the two-page fact sheet is inaccurate because it would divulge classified information."In our judgment, this inaccuracy is significant, as it portrays protections for Americans' privacy as being significantly stronger than they actually are," the two senators wrote. "We urge you to correct this statement as soon as possible."