Do you ever say anything that's worth reading?You should probably stop procreating.
Bro, I imagine you pounding this into the textbox, punishing your keyboard with every stroke. You should probably calm down.Right now, a lot of my energy is spent assisting my roommates care for and rehabilitate a close friend that is suffering from ALL (Acute lymphoblastic leukemia). I also donate money to different organizations and try to help spread the idea that Humanism should trump Nationalism. We're all fucking people who live on this tiny ass rock in a sea of forever. We're all we have. There is no god. The only afterlife there is, is the lives we leave for our children. My son turned 7 in May and I'd like to have a nation he can live free when he turns 18. You apparently don't give a fuck about anyone outside of yourself.
That map pretty much proves the less gun ownership the less freedom.If the hammer where to come down there is nowhere to run, America is literally the last bastion of freedom ( yemen ain't looking too good)
Snowden is talking about what's going on now, not what happened 50 years ago. Nice to see one of our NSA shills trying to change the conversation from how America is becoming (has become) a police state to race.They didn't always do that to other countries. Like the Tuskeegee experiment, or the entire history of our country in relation to race, really. America has done some terrible shit, way worse than this even if every word Snowden says is true. Sure, if you are a privileged white male our country has been pretty good for you. Everyone else just thinks you people are crazy.
That's not picking on me. It's how I believe, sure. We can't make a stand against anything else if our rights are being violated. It's even worse if we have apathy towards it. Don't take me as saying I don't have opinion on the Drug War, police violence, racism, and all the other fucked up shit going on in this country and wouldn't love to see them stopped/handled. But yes, without our freedoms, the other stuff would only get worse.Ecuador! Cuba! Russia!
But no, I get what he is saying. He is way over the top, but these things matter. We really have different Americas. In BoldW's America, this is the worst thing America is doing. I'm not trying to pick on him, he was just part of the discussion. Some people live in an America where the government is seeking to deny their rights, commit violence against them, supporting the drug trade, the list goes on. Our country does a lot of bad shit. It isn't a conspiracy, I don't think anyway, just a bunch of people grabbing for power and the ones left out get fucked. Just like it has been throughout history.
It is evident that Washington are attempting to influence other countries into not giving Snowden asylum. They are giving a strong signal along the lines of 'Either help us or you or against us' message.Assange said Wikileaks figures were advising Edward Snowden and assisting with his asylum application. He said that Snowden may have applied for asylum in other countries apart from Ecuador, and Wikileaks press spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson said he had approached the Icelandic government with a formal request on Snowden?s behalf.
He said the US was attempting to ?bully? Russia and other nations from giving asylum to Snowden, but ?every person has the right to seek and receive political asylum. Those rights are enshrined in UN agreements of which the US is a party. It is counterproductive and unacceptable for the Obama administration to try and interfere with those rights.?
Assange was asked if Snowden had passed the secret documents he had shown to the Guardian to Wikileaks too and whether Wikileaks would publish such documents. Assange said:
That is a sourcing matter so as a matter of policy I can?t speak about it. In relation to publishing such material of course Wikileaks is in the business of publishing documents suppressed by governments.
He took issue with descriptions of Snowden as a traitor:
Edward Snowden is not a traitor. He is not a spy. He is a whistleblower who has told the public an important truth ? In law a traitor must adhere to US enemies and there is also a requirement that the conduct is in congressionally approved wartime - neither of these apply here.
He added that ?the Obama administration was not given a mandate to spy on the entire world, to breach the US constitution and laws of other nations in the manner it has?. He also warned that the US?s crackdown on journalistic sources under Barack Obama threatened ?the complete destruction of national security journalism?.
Michael Ratner, Wikileaks?s American attorney, said whistleblowers were protected under international conventions on refugees. The US had recognised that when it applied to Chinese and African whistleblowers, he said, ?so it?s surprising to me now - though maybe not surprising in this particular case - to see the US ignore that?.
?Asylum trumps extradition,? he said, and countries were not supposed to interfere with each other?s asylum processes. He said there was ?no international arrest warrant that we know of? so Snowden was ?not a fugitive in any sense of the word?.
In a characteristic rhetorical flourish, Assange said that Obama had taken on ?a generation? in this case ? ?a young generation of people who find the mass violation of privacy unacceptable. In taking on a generation the Obama administration can only lose."
According to the WikiLeaks website, its goal is "to bring important news and information to the public... One of our most important activities is to publish original source material alongside our news stories so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth."
Another of the organisation's goals is to ensure that journalists and "whistleblowers" are not jailed for emailing sensitive or classified documents. The online "drop box" (currently not functioning) was designed to "provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for sources to leak information to our journalists."
I wonder if they'll do a whole season about it. Or a movie. This is like Michael Jackson, OJ, Monica Lewinski, The Macarena and Tom Cruise all rolled into one clusterfuck of awesome.I think you all are missing the bigger picture.
This is going to make one of the most epic episodes of South Park that they have ever done
They absolutely are. There was just a news conference where Jay Carney specifically called out China. They also said that they expect Russia to play ball.Taken from the Guardian website:
It is evident that Washington are attempting to influence other countries into not giving Snowden asylum. They are giving a strong signal along the lines of 'Either help us or you or against us' message.