What can you tell us about this new group at the junkyard?
I almost would classify them as leeches or locusts. All they seem to do is take, and their leader's motto is, "We take. We don't bother." They claim to have been at that location since the beginning, but I'm not sure yet how well they can fight. For example, Jadis says all they did was wait for a very long time for someone else to come along to get those supplies off that houseboat. They didn't even try to get the supplies themselves. Then they got pissed when Rick and Aaron got the supplies, which is why they took Gabriel and forced him to loot the pantry.
Does Rick make an alliance with them?
Yes, they will help Rick with the Saviors, but first Rick has to bring them guns, and lots of them and very soon.
What's going on with that spiky Walker?
We don't learn much about him except his name was Winslow. Also, it appears that these people have used "Winslow" before to have people prove themselves, because Rick sees at least one other corpse down in the pit. Obviously that poor schmuck didn't fair too well against Winslow.
Does Morgan start changing his mind about the fighting Saviors at all?
Nope, not a bit. However, he does defend Richard when one particular Savior attacks him at the beginning of the episode. The guy gets pretty pissed about that and ends up taking Morgan's stick.
What's Richard's plan?
Richard has a stockpile of weapons in his trailer as well as chemicals to make Molotov cocktails. He tries to recruit Daryl to use the guns and the Molotov cocktails (as well as a bow Richard gives to Daryl) to take out Saviors when they pass on a road they frequently use. Richard then says that if they're caught, he purposely made a trail from the trailer to Carol's little house (at this time, Daryl doesn't know Richard is talking about Carol). That way, the Saviors will think Carol did it. Needless to say, once Daryl finds out the woman Richard is talking is Carol, it all hits the fan pretty fast.
What happens with Daryl and Carol at the house?
Carol explains why she had to leave. That if the Saviors killed anyone she would have no choice but to kill them, and if she did that there wouldn't be anything left inside of her. She then asks Daryl if the Saviors came and if everyone at Alexandria is OK. She's crying pretty hard by now. So Daryl lies. He tells her Rick made the same deal as Ezekiel with the Saviors, and that everyone is OK.
Does Daryl interact with Shiva?
Oh yeah. Great scene. He pets her. After leaving Carol, Daryl goes to see Shiva, and Morgan shows up. He says that Daryl is good with Shiva and that Ezekiel would be impressed.
How does the episode end?
Daryl leaves the Kingdom to go to the Hilltop to get ready to fight.
* Winslow VS Rick scene:
Rick is thrown into the fighting arena and is forced to fight the spiky walker "Winslow". Rick gets a little cut up in the fight. He cuts his leg and when he is pushing the walker's head away one of the spikes go through his hand. To defeat Winslow, Rick grabs an old computer monitor out of the rubble and smashes it on the walker, knocking it down. Then Rick pulls down a heap of trash and pins it to the ground. He makes a weapon with glass and is able to sever Winslow's head. Jadis seems impressed by Rick. They make a deal to fight their fight in exchange for guns and half the goods they stole from the pantry.
* Michonne gets a new cat sculpture from the junkyard. Rick finds it and gives it to her.