The Zionists are whining thread


Unelected Mod
And fucking Fanaskin, you keep ignoring the facts. Israel, having laws that protect arabs and freedom of religion. Laws that protect women. Laws that grant Arabs more rights in Israel than they do in their native Arab countries. You ignore the fact that none of these laws in respect to Jews exist in most Arab nations, yet you condemn Israel and defend those nations that don't even make a pretext at being tolerant, let alone have laws that back it up. Incredible.
Quoting this so Fanaskin will have two fucking opportunities to read it.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Quoting this so Fanaskin will have two fucking opportunities to read it.
I know the ignorant savages have to be educated because of the white mans burden this case has been made time and time again,

even though ignoring the giant schism of arab culture that this is a reaction radical social change brought by industrialization and colonization and also roughly 50% of the population especially the younger population which massively outnumbers the elders who cling to power leans to the western style, in 30 years none of the old guard will be alive and the youth will prevail.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
So why don't you shut the fuck up and actually think for a second about the logical result of putting the palestinians in charge of a state filled with jews. Before doing so, watch any fucking children's show in the territories.
The previous 6 centuries that this was the case and no slaughter of jews occured should clue you in that it's possible again. Jews and arabs lived together peacefully for hundreds of consecutive years before israel was created.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Should blacks go back to Africa too?
should the whites still control rhodesia?

should south africa still live in apartheid state and europeans control the whole country?

your retarded race baiting question is less comparable and valid than those 2 questions.

seriously south Africa, taken and colonized by Europeans and an apartheid state setup, this is directly more comparable to Israel than your dumb question, should that have continued to exist?


Unelected Mod
what.... I don't even.
Oh, are you too stupid to follow your own logic? Let me spell it out for you.

The jews aren't going anywhere, just like the palestinians aren't going anywhere. That is why the only solution that is going to work is a two-state solution. A one-state solution where the palestinians get ahead demographically would lead to zero jewish rights and the expulsion and murder of jews quickly thereafter. Hell, this isn't even disputed, the palestinians talk about that when arguing about the right of return.

It is ironic that you say Israel is the main obstacle of a two-state solution, while advocating the palestinian solution of only a single-state and the jews should just go off and die somewhere.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
should the whites still control rhodesia?

should south africa still live in apartheid state and europeans control the whole country?

your retarded race baiting question is less comparable and valid than those 2 questions.
Oh ok so racism is only cool if it's against jews. Got it


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Oh ok so racism is only cool if it's against jews. Got it
jews are a race now? cause the Ethiopian Jews sure don't look like the ashkenazi or sephardic jews. which is curious since the Israelis denied the black Jews access to Israel, was that racist?

sammy davis jr was a jew your position makes no sense and is stupid, you should stop posting.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Racism/Culturism/Religious Discrimination/whatever you want to call it.
exactly it's a vagueness that allows them to be racist and bigoted while decrying against being discriminated. recently Israel wanted to declare itself a majority Jewish state in perpetuity, based on your reasoning America could legally declare itself a white nation in perpetuity since they are directly analogous. in other words you're dumb.


Unelected Mod
Call it racism or anti-semitism or whatever you want, Fanaskin just really hates anyone jewish. Wonder if he believes in the protocols or the blood libel.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
exactly it's a vagueness that allows them to be racist and bigoted while decrying against being discriminated. recently Israel wanted to declare itself a majority Jewish state in perpetuity, based on your reasoning America could legally declare itself a white nation in perpetuity since they are directly analogous. in other words you're dumb.
Yes America and Israel are basically in the same situation. You nailed it bro. They should conduct themselves the same in all ways. A+


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Call it racism or anti-semitism or whatever you want, Fanaskin just really hates anyone jewish. Wonder if he believes in the protocols or the blood libel.
the muck raking for like 5 consecutive posts, you use every slander trick in the book. criticism against jews doesn't make you an anti semite


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Yes America and Israel are basically in the same situation. You nailed it bro. They should conduct themselves the same in all ways. A+
they were/are both european settler colonies, wait a few hundred years maybe they'll have practically wiped out their natives by then.

so is south Africa, Canada and Australia, take a look at what they did to their native populations btw.


Unelected Mod
the muck raking for like 5 consecutive posts, you use every slander trick in the book. criticism against jews doesn't make you an anti semite
You keep making shit up about Israel, saying they don't want peace when that is completely the opposite of any opinion poll taken in the area (and ignoring all the opinion polls in the Palestinian areas that show they don't want peace). You want all the jews to move back to europe and any left to just die out. So yeah, I'm not slandering you and you are doing far more than criticize jews. You are advocating a position that would wipe out an entire country and have the gall to simply call it criticism?

So yeah, fuck you and your anti-semitic ramblings.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
You keep making shit up about Israel, saying they don't want peace when that is completely the opposite of any opinion poll taken in the area (and ignoring all the opinion polls in the Palestinian areas that show they don't want peace). You want all the jews to move back to europe and any left to just die out.
this is a fictional straw man you've concocted

there's PLENTY of evidence the leaders of Israel don't want peace.

opinion polls mean shit, Americans opinions on things don't matter for most issues, the government is who is in charge and the leaders of the Israeli government have said plenty of things to backup what I've said. there is plenty of evidence it is true that israel doesn't want long term peace until they achieve their long term aims.

this false panicked analogy you keep saying is your opinion and doesn't reflect reality, hatred for Jews by Arabs would go away with Zionism, as it was for centuries before Zionism existed. your anti Arab hatred is showing and you present false dichotomy.


Unelected Mod
Khalid, act like an adult please.
I am acting like an adult. I am pointing out the logical extension of Fanaskin's position, while pointing out over and over that Israeli's are in favor of peace deals.

What exactly am I doing that you find so offensive? Is it hinting that Fanaskin probably believes in all the mystical jewish conspiracy theories?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
So why don't you shut the fuck up and actually think for a second about the logical result of putting the palestinians in charge of a state filled with jews. Before doing so, watch any fucking children's show in the territories.
This is what is so frustrating to me, because if anybody here actually WENT to Israel and saw shit for themselves they'd quickly be singing a radically different tune. Watch Israeli TV and its lots of dubbed US television and news channels. There are obviously religious ones at well, but its mostly old orthodox jews praying and doing the online version of Bible study. Switch the channel to Pallie TV, and its basically endless blood oaths, calls for death, perverted children's TV, and the evils of the Israelis. Over, and over, and over. Nothing scientific, nothing informative, just endless violent and/or religious propaganda. When I was in Tel-Aviv, they had a gay neighborhood, which ARABS travelled to because its the one place in the middle east they won't get fucking stoned for making out with another dude. They had medical marijuana before it was ever available in the states, and is the world's leader in marijuana research. To me despite being technically a religious country, I was amazed at how socially progressive they were. Even their prisons (watch Lockup World Tour:Israel) are some of the most socially progressive on the planet.