The Zionists are whining thread


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
look at all the congressman aipac contribute money too, Benjamin netenyahu in some ways has more control over congress than obama does this is a fact, i'm sorry you hate facts.
It is not a fact its a supposition and it is no different than any other group giving congressmen money. Might as well say the Koch brothers control congress . I don't see you up here screaming about white people, or Christians control of our government. Its because you are a bigot and that is all there is to it.


Musty Nester
Maybe France could use the help. They do seem to have a Muslim problem. A few million angry Jews could fix that right up for them.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
It is not a fact its a supposition and it is no different than any other group giving congressmen money. Might as well say the Koch brothers control congress . I don't see you up here screaming about white people, or Christians control of our government. Its because you are a bigot and that is all there is to it.
I don't think any of them should be able to buy congressman and have stated so in many occasions, you keep making race baiting and false analogies keep it up one day you might make a reasonable one.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I don't think any of them should be able to buy congressman and have stated so in many occasions, you keep making race baiting and false analogies keep it up one day you might make a reasonable one.
Its because you single them out as the source of "great evil" in the situation. Where have I heard that phrase before ...


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
That them there Jews control congress. Among the millions of others you subscribe too.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
That them there Jews control congress. Among the millions of others you subscribe too.
it's not even controversial you can find plenty of intellectuals who say aipac has a large amount of influence on congress. ask araysar. they don't control congress I never said that, but they have a decently large influence sure. it's not even aipac the mil/industrial complex loves israel too, they get consistent sales from them and spillover sales when neighboring countries buy their stuff, plus the Israelis get to field test it for Boeing ect.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Yes they guess and speculate. They do not know for sure, perhaps those members were already sympathetic? The point is you do not know. Also no need to reference Araysar here his views are fairly well known and just as ill informed about this area.


Unelected Mod
Please fanaskin, tell us more about how the jews control media and congress. Extra points if you can tie it in to banks and the Rothschild's.

Also, lol at citing Araysar.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
who said control? you guys did, more putting words in my mouth because you can't win arguments otherwise.

how is it even controversial that a Israeli lobby lobbies for things that benefit Israel combined with the common knowledge the american government is heavily influenced by money and aipac is a huge lobby that hands out lots of money it's such a dumb LOL GOTCHA

are you guys honestly suggesting america has never compromised itself to defend israel like say veto tons of UN resolutions against israel and be the sole veto, cause there's tons of evidence to the contrary


Unelected Mod
who said control?you guys did, more putting words in my mouth because you can't win arguments otherwise.

how is it even controversial that a israeli lobby lobbies for things that benefit israel it's such a dumb LOL GOTCHA
Its a "lol gotcha" moment because it shows how idiotic you are

aipac controlling congress and the excessive exploration of holocaust sympathy
Yeah, who said control? You did.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I'm mocking Fanaskin's clear belief in jewish conspiracies, which all end up tying to the Rothschild's. Sorry if I confused you.
which conspiracy is that exactly? cause you keep mentioning it without specifics