The Zionists are whining thread


Unelected Mod
this false panicked analogy you keep saying is your opinion and doesn't reflect reality, hatred for Jews by Arabs would go away with Zionism, as it was for centuries before Zionism existed. your anti Arab hatred is showing and you present false dichotomy.
I support a two-state solution. You support a one-state solution with no jews.

Your anti-jewish hatred is showing throughout all your posts, yet Tuco tells me to act like an adult?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
i'm sorry you don't get that European settler colonies practically require the eliminate or suppression of the indigenous people, why are the jews owed this land to begin with? why do they get to evict millions of arabs because a man in the sky said he gave them the land, it's so absurd that they have a claim to the land at all. these aren't semetic jews these are european colonialists, it would be akin to carving out a piece of china and saying to the Chinese well we are here now accept that we own this.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
they were/are both european settler colonies, wait a few hundred years maybe they'll have practically wiped out their natives by then.

so is south Africa, Canada and Australia, take a look at what they did to their native populations btw.


Unelected Mod
The facts on the ground atm are that Israel is a modern liberal democracy, that has a huge respect for human rights and women's rights. That is all I need to know about whether they should have a right to exist or not.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
The facts on the ground atm are that Israel is a modern liberal democracy, that has a huge respect for human rights and women's rights.
as long as they aren't arab, then that goes down the toilet. then they are a harsh occupying dictatorship and you barely have any rights.

it's literally a parallel to America's concept of freedom in 1776, it was modern liberal and progressive except for a certain class of people it was totally the opposite.


Unelected Mod
as long as they aren't arab
You keep acting like arabs have zero rights in Israel. That is false. On the other hand, the rights of jews in any area of the middle east are pretty much zero. Which again you overlook because you don't care.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
i'm sorry you don't get that European settler colonies practically require the eliminate or suppression of the indigenous people, why are the jews owed this land to begin with? why do they get to evict millions of arabs because a man in the sky said he gave them the land, it's so absurd that they have a claim to the land at all. these aren't semetic jews these are european colonialists, it would be akin to carving out a piece of china and saying to the Chinese well we are here now accept that we own this.
Why does it belong to the Palestinian's?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
You keep acting like arabs have zero rights in Israel. That is false. On the other hand, the rights of jews in any area of the middle east are pretty much zero. Which again you overlook because you don't care.
so if you where one of the hundred or so civilians killed kidnapped or murdered in the last 48 hours in Israel what rights did they have? the right to die like dogs? yeah I get the Arabs stole and killed 2 people then the Israelis went in there with tanks and planes and exacted a pretty nasty revenge, none of that is modern or progressive or has anything to do with rights.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Realism and pragmatism at its finest, you mean. You need to take off the glasses and see the world for how it is.
I know exactly what it is, it's settler colonialism and you refuse to accept that. and it won't end until the natives are eliminated or suppressed enough to be totally controlled and humiliated and that is the truth.

Considering the shit Israel does like aipac controlling congress and the excessive exploration of holocaust sympathy to justify some pretty brutal behavior I don't consider what the jews are doing in the best interests of the west, it's making tens of millions of Islamists hate us and a direct result of that is things like 9/11 which btw support for israel was SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED as a reason by osama bin laden.

I'm the realist here more than you. I don't dig blindly following this bigoted nation for questionable gain because of anti arab hatred.

what do we have to gain for specifically supporting this tiny desert nation with no oil that they couldn't do in florida or berlin or paris instead?


Unelected Mod
yeah I get the Arabs stole and killed 2 people then the Israelis went in there with tanks and planes and exacted a pretty nasty revenge, none of that is modern or progressive or has anything to do with rights.
Yep, war is ugly. Which is why I hope the Palestinians eventually realize a two-state solution is the best they will ever get and give up on their current suicidal tactics.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Yep I think Fana still hates Jews.
of course you do because all criticism of israel is contorted to antisemitism always has, I don't support zionism because i'm not a moron who believes in religious prophecy to justify statehood where your surrounded by millions of enemies.

Obviously I hate the Jews because I advocate they come live with us where it's safe instead of the desert surrounded by religious enemies that specifically hate Zionism.

If I really hated the jews I'd tell them to stay exactly where they are where they are surrounded by millions of anti zionists.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
as long as they aren't arab, then that goes down the toilet. then they are a harsh occupying dictatorship and you barely have any rights.

it's literally a parallel to America's concept of freedom in 1776, it was modern liberal and progressive except for a certain class of people it was totally the opposite.
Keep the blinders on dude. Arabs and gays have more rights in Israel than anywhere else in the middle east. Keep denying that fact. Keep denying that Israel is one of the few places in the middle east a woman can get justice for being murdered/raped (MSNBC Lockup: World Tour - ?* lintérieur des prisons israéliennes - YouTube) and ironically, despite being an Arab and a murderer, is still treated with more human rights than anywhere else in the middle east. Keep denying facts.

Can you explain me the killing of 200,000 Syrian civilians in the last 3 years?
Can you explain me the killing of 100,000 men, women and children in Algeria, using the most abominable killing methods?
Can you explain me the terror attack 3 years ago on the peaceful village of Al-Kisheh in upper Egypt, killing 21 Coptic peasants?
Can you explain me the 5,000 Shia muslims that died just in the last week in Iraq by ISIS?
Can you explain me the killing of 43 Christians in Nigeria by Boko Haram and the kidnapping of 276 school girls?
Can you explain this killing phenomena that took place in the Muslim world?

Is it all a revenge against America? Is it all a revenge against Israel?
Or is it to merely to satisfy barbaric religious instincts, aroused by religious Islamic teaching, which incite the rejection of others, the killing of others and the denial of others? In Muslim countries, religion is the main source of education. When you educate a child in his early years to learn the words of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, which says: "I was ordered to fight the people until they believe in Allah and his Messenger", you made the first step of making this child a future terrorist.

This is not Israel who kills Muslims around the middle east. It is Islam.
It is not the terrorists who distorted Islam, it is Islam who distorted the terrorists.
When Saddam Hussein buried 300,000 Kurds and Shia Muslims alive, we did not hear a single Muslim protest against that crime.
Yet, when Israel enter Gaza and kills 1000 Palestinians, most of them armed Hamas terrorists, the Arab world cries.
There will be no peace in the middle east, not between Jews and Muslims and not between Muslims themselves, until the Muslims re-examine their Islamic books which are full of calls to "takfir" and insulting other religions.

It isn't the US, it isn't Israel, and it isn't colonialism and imperialism, it's Islam.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I know exactly what it is, it's settler colonialism and you refuse to accept that. and it won't end until the natives are eliminated or suppressed enough to be totally controlled and humiliated and that is the truth.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
this idea that telling fellow Europeans that they shouldn't put themselves in harms way by surrounding themselves with millions of enemies who hate them is laughable.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
How is vague bullshit like this anything like valid criticism?
look at all the congressman aipac contribute money too, Benjamin netenyahu in some ways has more influence over congress than obama does this is a fact, i'm sorry you hate facts.

aipac consistantly lobbies for middle east adventurism like the iraq war btw because it helps israel this isn't some phantom reality these are facts that you can look up yourself, they are currently doing the same thing for iran, if we go to war with iran aipac will have spent alot of money lobbying for america to do that.



Musty Nester
Please act like adults guys. We should forcibly deport millions of Jews to France. It's so obvious.

Maybe they could buy themselves Madagascar with all that Jew gold they have hidden.