The Zionists are whining thread

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
no not at all, the study you alluded to was from ~1996-2004, the "gaza diet" strategy I linked a few times was enacted in ~2008 if you've been paying attention, but even back then it shows fundamentally how much israel controls the food supply in gaza, I was showing you that the report you cite if you actually read it shows the food insecurity flows from israel's control of imports/exports to gaza and how that would cause obesity. c

you typically responded with "these savages do it to themselves, they have plenty of food on the shelves but they eat junk" which is patently false and ridiculous.
No I responded that they're no different than any other nation with plenty of food and poor people, you moron. Eating junk food has nothing to do with being a "savage". Almost every other Arab country is obese too, with rampant malnutrition in many, you going to blame that on Israel too?

Seriously dude, it's amazing how desperately you'll grasp at straws and move the goalposts. No shit Israel controls entry of food, but your accusation was that Gazans are being starved, which is the farthest from the truth. I'm glad that we've now moved on to "they have plenty of food, but suffer food insecurity due to anxiety over the fact that Israel controls it". Awww, cry me a river that Israel has to inspect boxes of apples for missile parts, and that "food consumption decreased during the intifada". Seriously, wtf..


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Seriously dude, it's amazing how desperately you'll grasp at straws and move the goalposts. No shit Israel controls entry of food, but your accusation was that Gazans are being starved, which is the farthest from the truth.
You've provided no evidence in refute to the time periods I was talking about this whole time whatsoever, none. the gaza blockade era which is a time period directly preceding this current conflict.

you claim gazans are fat and they couldn't have their food supply kept deliberately low and the malnutrition that was cited originally in the first article(noam) we are basically arguing over that was cited is false, but the report you used as evidence contradicts you.

the goalposts aren't moved at all, you can say i'm "grasping or moving goalposts" but your argument in rebuttal is thin, and I at least don't consider you having proven what you think you have using factoids.

I would say you're moving goalposts when we are talking about gaza and I use quotes from the study you used and you want to talk about urbanization in iran.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
You've provided no evidence in refute to the time periods I was talked about this whole time whatsoever, none. the gaza blockade era which is a time period directly preceding this current conflict.

you claim gazans are fat and they can't be starved out and the malnutrition that was cited originally in the first article we are basically arguing over that was cited is false, but the report you used as evidence contradicts you.

the goalposts aren't moved at all, you can say i'm "grasping or moving goalposts" but your argument in rebuttal is thin, and I at least don't consider you having proven what you think you have using factoids.

I would say you're moving goalposts when we are talking about gaza and I use quotes from the study you used and you want to talk about urbanization in iran.
I can't even keep track what you're debating, because you constantly go back pages to edit posts and drastically change their content to suit your argument. Stop that shit. What the fuck are you trying to say now? Because I can't keep track anymore. Are you trying to say that Gazans were only being starved by Israel during the Gaza blockade and not now, or vice versa?


Unelected Mod
What the fuck are you trying to say now?
It is easy bro.

First he started talking about genocide.
When pointed out how silly that was, he switched to saying the Israeli's were starving them to death.
When pointed out how they were fat, he switched to saying Israeli's are forcing them to eat junk food.

Keep arguing with him Wombat, I can't wait to see what comes next.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
First he started talking about genocide.
When pointed out how silly that was, he switched to saying the Israeli's were starving them to death.
When pointed out how they were fat, he switched to saying Israeli's are forcing them to eat junk food.
no and


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Honestly Fanaskin if you picked an argument and stuck to it you'd do a lot better. This isn't the place where you can just make grandiose claims of genocide and get away with it.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Honestly Fanaskin if you picked an argument and stuck to it you'd do a lot better. This isn't the place where you can just make grandiose claims of genocide and get away with it.
This is the same guy who edits every post 10 times, he cant stick to anything


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
It's not a genocide, the size of the population is growing, it's a "demographic time bomb" as israeli politicians call it. where did I say genocide? I apologize profusely if I did cause it's not.


Musty Nester
It is very morally tempting to think that it is genocide. Its so tempting. It simplifies the question so much. I used to accuse Israel of attempting genocide myself when I was younger, for less cause.

But if you actually look at what they are doing, and what's going on, it is not genocide. It is only war.

Not even the pallies are really advocating genocide. They don't want to kill all jews forever and wipe their taint from the earth. They just want to kill these specific jews and wipe their taint from this little strip of land. That's more severe than what the Jews want but it's still not quite genocide even if they were able to do it. Which, short of releasing biological weapons in the form of some sort of airborne plague... they never will.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
This is the same guy who edits every post 10 times, he cant stick to anything
well please tell me if you still stick to this position

The current reality is that Israel has an open air prison over at Gaza with over a million people crammed into it that practically have no rights. I guess you didn't visit that part.
Color me shocked that people who have been living in an open air prison for decades would get fed up and attempt to resist.

I wonder what the Jews would do had they been walled off in some ghetto with scant clean water and supplies?

Oh right, they rose up and fought to the death:


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So in a single attack, likely a single missile, Ukranian separatists have killed more civilians than Israel in the past 10 days.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
were they in a competition?
Not unless you're trying to be intentionally obtuse it isn't.. Oh wait. It was obviously a demonstration of irony-- the Israeli's have launched over 1500 air strikes into one of the most crowded areas in the world, and have killed 200 people. With a single rocket, the Ukrainian separatists have killed more civilians than Israel has managed with 1500. Either the "bloodthirsty Zionists" have the worst aim on the planet, or they really aren't hell-bent on killing Pallies..


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You have to be pretty fuck partisan and soulless to use the deaths of hundreds of civilians as some kind of fucked up excuse for the deaths of hundreds of other civs.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Either the "bloodthirsty Zionists" have the worst aim on the planet, or they really aren't hell-bent on killing Pallies..
who said that? i've been showing how they humiliate degrade punish control and otherwise undermine them, along with destroy the infrastructure of Gaza and steal the land, it's not about genocide which i've already stated, since the beginning i've said they want the land and don't want to live with the Arabs and punish these people in various ways over and over again to achieve these aims. You consistently fail to "Get it".

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
You have to be pretty fuck partisan and soulless to use the deaths of hundreds of civilians as some kind of fucked up excuse for the deaths of hundreds of other civs.
Who the hell is using it as a justification or an excuse? Bad is bad. All civilian deaths are bad, no matter what the context of the conflict is. Pointing out the irony of how one conventional missile has managed to accomplish more death than 1500 doesn't lead to "excuses", but it does paint a picture of intent.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Well its on like Donkey Kong, now. Once Israeli troops went in there, the course became inevitable.

But I am not sure a conflict where one side controls all of the flow of supplies, all of the surrounding territory, and has all the military hardware qualifies as a War. At best, its an military occupation. At worst, its a final seizure of the territory. If both sides didn't ascribe magical properties to that useless no oil hunk of dirt, I would say the Palestinians should roll up the tents and see if another country would actually take them in. Too bad the truth is that the only reason certain Arabic states support Palestine is to fuck with Israel.