The Zionists are whining thread


Sparkletot Monger
I really think Israel is falling into a "Heart of Darkness" situation. The longer they engage in this the more they are going to lose sight of their own humanity. It also seems like they are undergoing a nationwide "Stanford Prison Experiment". Is the number one goal of the Israeli state to keep the criminals in Gaza in line?

Israel is entwined in a downward spiral with the Palestinians. Right or not, justified or not... they need to start seriously looking for ways to disengage otherwise the Israeli state won't have to worry about being destroyed from the outside.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'd say their goal with Gaza is to continue to minimize their position/territory, keep safe from their attacks and avoid the ire of the global community.

I don't know what policies they've enacted (if any) to attempt to reduce their population but it's definitely not working. Maybe they're hoping that the nearby Arab states will take in Palestinian refugees, but those states are also glad to see Gaza's conditions worsen just so Israel has a bigger problem.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
It's ironic that Israel uses the idea that Palestine denies Israel's right to exist while they've been occupying their land for ~60 years literally denying them a state to exist.


Molten Core Raider
I hope Hamas learns their lesson this time and stops attacking Israel for no reason. Then again, terrorists do what they gonna do.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
It's ironic that Israel uses the idea that Palestine denies Israel's right to exist while they've been occupying their land for ~60 years literally denying them a state to exist.
Thats only true if you ignore pre-1967 and the wars of aggression the arabs and Palestinians in concert waged.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
we really failed humanity here.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
It's ironic that Israel uses the idea that Palestine denies Israel's right to exist while they've been occupying their land for ~60 years literally denying them a state to exist.
And how is it in Hamas' benefit to have a "peaceful state" exactly? There are over 1500 Hamas MILLIONAIRES in Gaza, having made their fortune through embezzling foreign aid and crushing taxes on goods they smuggle in through their tunnels that they sell to their own citizens. Khaled Mashal alone is estimated to have a net worth north of 2 billion dollars. Imagine how much good could have been done for the Pally civilians if this money had been used to actually build infrastructure instead of lining their own pockets. Attacking Israel allows them increased "tax revenue" as the borders close and they ramp up their punitive taxes on their own citizenry. The day a "aplestinian state" exists is the day that Hamas no longer serves a function and the Money Train stops. There will be no Palestinian state because it's not in the best interest of their elected leadership.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
that's only true if you ignore pre 1947 history
You mean pre-1947 when none of those shitstains governed themselves and they were all colonies or protectorates? I guess we could go back to that. They might not like it.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Send them back to the Ottoman Empire. See how they enjoy that since the past is all Fana is concerned about.


Buzzfeed Editor
that's literally what arab sunni's are trying to recreate, sans the turks
Yes, they are. And they just told Christians toconvert, pay taxes on their beliefs or be executed. How do you think the Jews will fair? Since these guys are big on crucifixion and have already crucified quite a few Christians for various "assaults" on Muslims; with no evidence of course, I'm going to guess the Jews won't really fair so well. Probably won't even attempt to say there were assault charges, you know, since the HAMAS mission statement calls for war against them.

That's the difference, Fana. The Jews could easily wipe theses guys out; they don't. The Sunnis though, have not shown half so much compassion to their enemies (And I'm saying that as someone who understands full well the scope of Jewishbrutality. I'm really not trying to excuse their actions, but you can't compare who wants to "deny" the other their existence "more"--the Palestinians want Genocide, the Jews was a docile neighbor, they essentially want Palestine to be Canada.).


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Yes, they are. And they just told Christians toconvert, pay taxes on their beliefs or be executed. How do you think the Jews will fair? Since these guys are big on crucifixion and have already crucified quite a few Christians for various "assaults" on Muslims; with no evidence of course, I'm going to guess the Jews won't really fair so well. Probably won't even attempt to say there were assault charges, you know, since the HAMAS mission statement calls for war against them.

That's the difference, Fana. The Jews could easily wipe theses guys out; they don't. The Sunnis though, have not shown half so much compassion to their enemies (And I'm saying that as someone who understands full well the scope of Jewishbrutality. I'm really not trying to excuse their actions, but you can't compare who wants to "deny" the other their existence "more"--the Palestinians want Genocide, the Jews was a docile neighbor, they essentially want Palestine to be Canada.).
I do respect that position and I do hold the Israeli's to a higher standard because they're the more "civilized" and "rational" party

I view those actions from Sunni's as the expression of fanatics lashing out in a repressed state, maybe they're fundamentally more savage culture and people as wombat suggests but either line of thought kind of leads one to the conclusion that the land is inherently hostile to European jews to begin with.

I just don't think Israel who wants to be a place to give Jews security should fundamentally find that security surrounded by millions of people who hate them, and on top of that the last 3/4's of a century they've harbored insane resentment to western/christian nations in the Arab world. This to me is an huge overlooked negative consequence to supporting the existence of israel. The Israeli's can want passive neighbors all they want I just don't see it happening, there will be many more wars before this can resolved and fundamentally one group or the other will have to leave the area.

another thing is there is a weird interplay between religious extremism and politics not just from Muslims and Jews, but christian Zionists in america, there's a large faction of the country that wants to help Jews have a state in Israel to help bring about the second coming of Christ, that strikes me a little too irrational as a linchpin that keeps the situation as it is.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
If you mistreat a caged animal and it attacks a person do we blame the animal or the people who keep it?