The Zionists are whining thread

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The rockets were found by the UN on Tuesday. Israel only started the ground incursion today. But I'm sure one of the conspiracy theorists on this board will explain how the IDF smuggled 2000 pounds of rockets deep into Gaza and planted them at a UN school unnoticed. It's shit like this that forces a ground incursion.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah, it is actually pretty smart on their part to store them at a UN controlled building. Last place anyone might look and less likely to get leveled by the IDF. The real scandal here is that the UN personnel were either lax or complicit in the storage of the munitions, which hurts their credibility as a competent neutral party either way.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
You can't be this Obtuse can you?
as a justification to start bombing schools? no, those premises are regularly inspected so they couldn't have been in that school long which was empty for summer, israel might throw around the words "human shields" here but It's not really the case in this specific incident. considering they are at "war" and are being actively bombed it's not great but I don't consider a crime against humanity either, maybe it's just me. However israel uses this incident to destroy civilian infrastructure too so I guess if that's the idea then go israel, you got what you wanted.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
as a justification to start bombing schools? no, those premises are regularly inspected so they couldn't have been in that school long which was empty for summer, israel might throw around the words "human shields" here but It's not really the case in this specific incident. considering they are at "war" and are being actively bombed it's not great but I don't consider a crime against humanity either, maybe it's just me. However israel uses this incident to destroy civilian infrastructure too so I guess if that's the idea then go israel, you got what you wanted.
Dude, Israel could air-drop warm fresh Cinnabons into the Gaza population and you'd accuse them of trying to inflict them with diabetes.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I agree for the most part, except in these cases where they are actually doing something useful, humanitarian wise. Authoritative wise they seem to lack any teeth.
They're biased and have zero teeth. History taught me they were useless, but when they failed to allow General Dallaire to do anything to stop the Rwandan genocide occurring right before his eyes, I wrote them off completely. Bunch of posturing corrupt tools.

I'm sure good humanitarian work is accomplished, but ironically in this case their humanitarian work just enabled a bunch of terrorists to find safe haven for their weapons.


Mr. Poopybutthole
They're biased and have zero teeth. History taught me they were useless, but when they failed to allow General Dallaire to do anything to stop the Rwandan genocide occurring right before his eyes, I wrote them off completely. Bunch of posturing corrupt tools.

I'm sure good humanitarian work is accomplished, but ironically in this case their humanitarian work just enabled a bunch of terrorists to find safe haven for their weapons.
In all fairness to the UN, the refusal to do anything to stop the Rwandan Genocide came primarily from the USA.


Trakanon Raider
to say go fuck yourself? you mean the palestinians have rockets stored somewhere? holy shit that's new. I'm shocked are you shocked?
Weren't you shocked and appalled like two pages ago that Gaza schools had been struck? And didn't I ask if their might have been rocket launch sites in the back of those schools? Didn't you write that off? Or have you edited that already?

And here you are all but claiming schools are A-Ok places to store rockets.

Turns out you haven't edited it.
no I believe they are stored in underground tunnels and can be setup in short order launched from anywhere, if you read the idf's website which I linked above they say they target those places to weaken "support".

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
In all fairness to the UN, the refusal to do anything to stop the Rwandan Genocide came primarily from the USA.
Yeah, the US definitely needs to shoulder significant blame, though in Dallaires book, he primarily puts blame on the UN as whole and cites Koffi Annan as being a significant cockblock.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, the US definitely needs to shoulder significant blame, though in Dallaires book, he primarily puts blame on the UN as whole and cites Koffi Annan as being a significant cockblock.
I own the book and while I don't particularly disagree, the UN itself is pretty powerless when two permanent members of the security council (France and the US) are aggressively working to keep the UN from intervening. The USA because they didn't want to get involved and France because they were actively aiding and abetting the genocide.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I own the book and while I don't particularly disagree, the UN itself is pretty powerless when two permanent members of the security council (France and the US) are aggressively working to keep the UN from intervening. The USA because they didn't want to get involved and France because they were actively aiding and abetting the genocide.
Agreed, and that there pretty much defines the eternal problem with the UN-- the security council always has members with diametrically opposed views, so shit never gets consensus and nothing ever happens. It's been a long time since I've read it, but I seem to recall that a lot of his disgust with the UN was that they were also totally incompetent from an operations standpoint-- as in he had to deal with the bureaucracy of getting ammo and flashlight batteries on top of trying to deal with the actual crisis. He made the UN sound like the AT&T of the Peacekeeping world.


Musty Nester
He has a point.

I'm not really sure what his larger thrust is beyond "this is insanity". Which it is. I expect he's extremely moderate and would rather build the palestinian state out of the stone age rather than bulldoze them back into it.

But I dunno. He just seems like a "lets just stop the fucking killing" sort of guy.




Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>

Study shows increase in number of Jewish youths that put defining Israel as a Jewish state as a number one goal, while fewer youths recognize the importance of Israel identity as a democratic country.

The study found that 60 percent of Jewish teenagers in Israel, between 15 and 18 years old, prefer "strong" leaders to the rule of law, while 70 percent say that in cases where state security and democratic values conflict, security should come first. A similar picture emerges in the 21 to 24 age group.
Support for Israel to eventually live in peace with its neighboring countries also fell significantly, from 28.4 percent 12 years ago to 18.2 percent last year.