Its amusing that when the Jews were forced to live in an open air prison that they finally rebelled in (Warsaw Ghetto Uprising) no one called them terrorists. With the Palestinians in Gaza being in identical situation, the Zionists can't call them terrorists fast enough.
I know you're trolling but I'm going to illustrate why this is fucking dumb just in case some retard here latches on to it.
The rebellion in the Warsaw Ghetto, which Ary is claiming is "the exact same" (And so had the same conditions), only happened
AFTERthe Jews learned the camps they were being deported to were extermination camps. The Jews specifically did NOT violently resist the SS directives, despite thousands dying from malnutrition (83,000 people starved), and a total liquidation of any private holdings, as well as widespread, direct,
enslavement(Which they
peacefullycapitulated to.) ONLY when the Jews in the Ghetto realized that many people being deported were being systematically gassed to death, did they decide to fight back. Once they decided, the "resistance" was put down in a single month, after 14,000 deaths, and an additional 40k sent to labor camps (Which also mostly died). By comparison, the total German casualties were ALL either Police, or Soldiers, and the total losses were around
150(I believe)--however, none of these losses were German civilians,
none. In addition, obviously, due to the war there was a complete media black out.
Warsaw Ghetto Initial Population:420,000
Population after 4 years: 120,000 (100k survived the Labor camps, 20k hid inside the Ghetto)
Number of dead in 4 years:300,000 (83,000 of Starvation before the systemic killings began)--At least half the population was dead before the first "resistance" flamed up.
Number of Germans killed:150
Number of Civilians:0
Number of Children:0
Obviously that is the same as a ghetto where the sum total of death in
20 yearssits right around 8k (Depending on who you believe 4-5k of which are non-combatants; I'm using a B'tselem, so it's definitely on the high end). By contrast, the number of Israelis killed is 1500, about half being civilians (700), and 10% being children (150). In addition, Israel provides thousands of tons of food and medical aid (Literally thousands of tons); and has strict measures in place to make sure Gaza does not starve. As of yet, there has been no widespread malnutrition. Also, reporters can go to Gaza, as well as observers.
Population of Gaza (2000):1.13 Million.
Population of Gaza (2011):1.6 Million (Higher annual growth than their opressors. In addition, infant mortality is down and total life expectancy in the last 20 years has risen from from 69, to 73)
Total Deaths in 20 years:8,000
Number of Israelis killed:1500
Number of Civilians:700
Number of Children:150
How can you even compare that to Palestine? Lets not forget, the two original wars; as well as the resistance movement up until rather recently, was mainly to reclaim lost land. It's only recently that the conflict has been about broader implications (Like freedom of movement ect); but before then, Palestine did use violence to achieve the goal of JUST reconciling dispossession (Which is fine, I'd kill someone who took my house too). The Jews did NOT use violence even in face of starvation, dispossession and enslavement. Calling the two comparable is stupid. Up until 43, the Jews in that ghetto were amazing pacifists considering what they went through. You can't say that about Palestinians, at all (And nor should they be, they had a reason to fight)
And now for some anecdotal hyperbole of my own!
Obviously, the situations are the same! Silly jews in that ghetto; fuckers should have just went to the beach! Instead they starved like idiots out of spite, obviously. (And yes, the pictures are very anecdotal; I know there are plenty of images of dead Palestinian children to flash, so please don't bother. The point is, I doubt you could find any picture of the Warsaw Ghetto after starvation set in
withoutemaciated people; which obviously illustrates a very different kind of effect the German "prison" had. Meanwhile, you CAN find that in Gaza; because outside of the
fighting, most of the citizens are NOT dying; for fuck sake their lifespan is nearly as long as ours. Again, none of that justifies Israel's actions, but the differences between circumstances are HUGE.)