You are dense if you don't think the US considers Israel more of an ally than Palaestine. We normally don't provide the weaponry we do to Israel to countries/entities that are not strong allies, treaty or not.there's no formal treaty of alliance with israel far as I know and we do provide money to palestine.
I agree however I'm afraid your solution has already been tried to a certain extent. Why do you think the socio-economic conditions in the West Bank are so much better than Gaza? Gaza wasn't "singled" out by Israel for indiscriminate reasons, its conditions are worse off vs the West Bank because Hamas came into power and started firing rockets and announcing their intent to exterminate Israel over TV and radio. When Israel pulled out of Gaza, including all settlers, they left behind 15 million worth of greenhouse infrastructure that the Gazans immediately destroyed rather than use for their own benefit. Then, when Israel lifted blockade restrictions in 2010, the cement allowed through was used to build two billion worth of tunnels into Israeli territory. In the eyes of an Israeli, every symbolic olive branch of "loosening the shackles" has been met with treachery. The IDF has a field hospital setup right at the border for injured Gazan civilians, yet it remain almost empty because many civilians fear Hamas retribution. The problem has, and still is, that in light of justifiable mistrust on the Israeli side, Gaza isn't willing to take things "step by step"-- they want it all now, such as a complete removal of the blockade. Who in their right mind would authorize a complete removal of the blockade, when the existing one was obviously insufficient in stopping 6000 rockets from being built/imported as well as 30+ multi-mile long tunnels dug into Israeli territory?Pretty much what Tuco said.
I think the situation as it is untenable. Its just an endless cycle of brutality which will further spiral Israel down. They need to figure a way out. Neither party is going anywhere, but to keep Gaza in a state of pretty much being a giant minimum security prison is retarded. Israel isnt capable of or willing to go to the measures it would take to completely suppress the people in Gaza. Think about what a country like China or North Korea would do in this situation. That isn't an option for Israel.
There is only one choice, Israel has to open it up and help provide opportunity and freedom for the people in Gaza. These people need to be running businesses and going to work. Ill bet 95% of Hamas are guys who couldn't find any other job or opportunity.
Want a start? How about creating the University of Palestine and a total overhaul of the educational system there. Build and fund a world class institution of higher learning for the people of Gaza and the West Bank, where they live. Not from Israel, but a joint project from nations from all over the world. This doesn't solve any problem overnight, but maybe a generation or two from now. Short term you create jobs and get kids learning something other than how to make a suicide vest.
By painting a picture of an army that never attacks civilians, that indeed goes out of its way to protect them, the Big Lie says Israelis are civilized and humane, and their Palestinian opponents are inhuman monsters. The Big Lie serves the idea that the slaughter in Gaza is a clash of civilizations, a war between democracy, decency and honor on one side and Islamic barbarism on the other. And in the uncommon cases when news of atrocities penetrates to the wider public, Israel blames the destruction and casualties on Hamas.
George Orwell in his novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" called this form of propaganda doublethink. Doublethink uses "logic against logic" and "repudiatemorality while laying claim to it." The Big Lie does not allow for the nuances and contradictions that can plague conscience. It is a state-orchestrated response to the dilemma of cognitive dissonance. The Big Lie permits no gray zones. The world is black and white, good and evil, righteous and unrighteous. The Big Lie allows believers to take comfort-a comfort they are desperately seeking-in their own moral superiority at the very moment they have abrogated all morality.
The Big Lie, as the father of American public relations, Edward Bernays, wrote, is limited only by the propagandist's capacity to fathom and harness the undercurrents of individual and mass psychology. And since most supporters of Israel do not have a desire to know the truth, a truth that would force them to examine their own racism and self-delusions about Zionist and Western moral superiority, like packs of famished dogs they lap up the lies fed to them by the Israeli government. The Big Lie always finds fertile soil in what Bernays called the "logic-proof compartment of dogmatic adherence." All effective propaganda, Bernays wrote, targets and builds upon these irrational "psychological habits."
This is the world Franz Kafka envisioned, a world where the irrational becomes rational. It is one where, as Gustave Le Bon noted in "The Crowd: A Study of the Public Mind," those who supply the masses with the illusions they crave become their master, and "whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim." This irrationality explains why the reaction of Israeli supporters to those who have the courage to speak the truth-Uri Avnery, Max Blumenthal, Noam Chomsky, Jonathan Cook, Norman Finkelstein, Amira Hass, Gideon Levy, Ilan Papp?, Henry Siegman and Philip Weiss-is so rabid. That so many of these voices are Jewish, and therefore have more credibility than non-Jews who are among Israel's cheerleaders, only ratchets up the level of hate.
I keep hoping it will change to "The Zionist have won" or one side or the other really, get it over with and wipe one side or the other off the map.Every time I see this thread I keep hoping it'll change to "The Zionists are whining thread" but alas, it never happens =/
My brother in law is Palestinian and used to go back quite regularly in the 90's and early 2000's to visit family in the west bank. He's witnessed this exact thing happen, though it was far worse than Israel just baiting and shooting. Israel is the only country in the world that has an open market for organs. So my brother in law is visiting family and they used to play soccer in the streets between the buildings and an IDF patrol rolled up and grabbed one of the kids because he thought he had thrown rocks at him earlier that day and starts roughing him up (ie Beating the crap out of a 10 year old). The other kids start throwing rocks at the soliders to stop and the IDF soliders decide to open fire on the kids. They end up killing a kid by shooting him in the side of the head.. the IDF soldiers take the body and return it five days later with every major organ worth anything removed from the child, even his eyes. It was common up until about a decade ago for the bodies of people killed by the IDF to be completely stripped of organs which would be sold off.I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire.
Israel is major hub for illegal organ trafficking and human trafficking in general. They busted a bunch of rabbi's involved in it a couple years back.My brother in law is Palestinian and used to go back quite regularly in the 90's and early 2000's to visit family in the west bank. He's witnessed this exact thing happen, though it was far worse than Israel just baiting and shooting. Israel is the only country in the world that has an open market for organs. So my brother in law is visiting family and they used to play soccer in the streets between the buildings and an IDF patrol rolled up and grabbed one of the kids because he thought he had thrown rocks at him earlier that day and starts roughing him up (ie Beating the crap out of a 10 year old). The other kids start throwing rocks at the soliders to stop and the IDF soliders decide to open fire on the kids. They end up killing a kid by shooting him in the side of the head.. the IDF soldiers take the body and return it five days later with every major organ worth anything removed from the child, even his eyes. It was common up until about a decade ago for the bodies of people killed by the IDF to be completely stripped of organs which would be sold off.
lol @ Russia and ChinaUsing human shields should be a war crime, but then again so should deliberately and knowingly attacking them.
All Israel took from WW2 is that it's better to be the ones shoving people into ghettos on the basis of race and religion than being the onesinthe ghettos.
As usual, America does what its master tells it to.
What happens when war becomes so profitable?My brother in law is Palestinian and used to go back quite regularly in the 90's and early 2000's to visit family in the west bank. He's witnessed this exact thing happen, though it was far worse than Israel just baiting and shooting. Israel is the only country in the world that has an open market for organs. l.
Right, the corneas/bones/kidneys that were also taken from dead IDF soldiers and Jewish civilians, it wasn't specifically targeted at Palestinians, and there's no evidence beyond allegations that anybody was murdered for their organs. yes, it The practice was banned and laws implemented to prevent it from happening under illicit circumstances. Meanwhile, human trafficking and organ harvesting is just business as usual for Hamas and African Jihadi groups.Human trafficking in the Sinai: to fight it we need to know itTell us about the IDF organ harvesters, Wombat.
Does your Zionist propaganda handbook cover that chapter?,7...765992,00.html
Israelis engage in this at an extraordinarily high rate. According to a 2001 BBC report, Israelis buy more kidneys per capita than any other population.
Israelis have the lowest donor rate in the world - one-fifth that of Europe, according to BBC. This is in part because there has been a widespread impression that Jewish religious law prohibits transplants as a "desecration of the body."The Israeli news service Ynet reports, "the percentage of organs donated among Jews is the lowest of all the ethnic groups."