that's not even all that shocking compared to other recent disclosures
like that USA gives israel unfiltered sigint from the nsa and even then they are extremely aggressive spies vs america or that israel asked the pentagon to attack iran every 5 years in perpetuity, or we stash billions in weapons in israel and let them access it from time to time like we did a week ago or so.
Part of me wonders if, following the current operation, Israel will be using seismic sensors, microphones and thumpers to keep an eye out for new tunnel construction and just nail them as soon as they cross the border. I know that there has been quite a bit of active research into tunnel detection after all the Mexico/Arizona border incursions.
The blog Legal Insurrection noted, "The media has a narrative it wants to tell, and that narrative does not include the deaths, injuries and damage Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and others are causing. If you don't think the international media is anti-Israel, then you aren't paying attention."
I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire.
I've read Chris Hedges for a while now, but I haven't seen all of his stuff. What I find perplexing is he is a prize winning journalist, with these incredibly horrific stories--yet I never even see Cell Phone footage, or anything really, of these events. In an age where cameras are so ubiquitous; and even in Gaza, there is a 94% internet connectivity--you'd figure these kind of images would be more prolific, if they are happening at the rate he reports them. I can understand not filming a bomb going off, or other events which happen instantly--but you'd figure the baiting of children would be something you bust out the old cameras for.
And I'm not saying there aren't pictures of this, I can find quite a few, the CCTV footage of the IDF gunning down a bunch of teens with slings in particularly horrifying--but none of them seem to come from these huge advocates (Or maybe I'm missing them). I'm just wondering why you don't see these deliberate actions a lot more. Again, you'd figure with the capabilities at their disposal, exposing these things to the world would be hugely important--but at best, even dredging around on shitty gore-ish sites for this news, I can usually only find one or two anecdotes of deliberate killings like this during flare ups; andwhile even that is far too many, it's certainly no proof that this stuff is systemic, nor sustained. All I see is the same reason why people say war is bad; because inevitably when you send people in to be savages to each other, the violence will spread to people we normally view as "protected".
Is that horrible? Of course. But that's why you don't start wars. And in the "starting" of wars, I only shoulder Israel with half the blame, the other half is the onus of the Palestinian leadership to bear.
The west bank at one point had a dusk curfew, and anyone caught out during this time could be arrested, or if they ran it would be common for IDF soliders to open fire. The people who keep arguing that it isn't as bad as nazi germany concentration camps because the death tolls aren't as high grossly underestimate what it's like to live there. It's actually disgusting that so many people here are comfortable with millions of people being trapped in camps, collectively punished,being arrested on a whim, and having their livelihoods (farms,homes,businesses) stolen or bulldozed without even a chance to clear our your possessions. You can argue that because they resist Israel it's their own fault, but Israel has created a situation that is ripe for perpetuating the problem. Somebody who has something to live for isn't about to run into Israel and blow themselves up, but the longer this conflict continues there are just going to be more and more people who feel hopeless and want to strike back against the Israel.. the people who have taken everything from them.
Nothing you said makes this as bad as the Warsaw Ghetto, sorry. I have no idea why you guys need to embellish it by comparison, all you do is spark back lash by the people who actually understand what happened within the Holocaust. What's happening in Palestine is plenty horrific in it's own right, especially against the moral backdrop of western ethics.
However, you making comparisons of a people that have lifespans of 74+ years; mass internet connectivity, no signs of starvation, loss of lifesmaller than the per capita death tolls(Over a 20 year span) in some major U.S. citiesandwho havenotbeen enslaved by the occupiers--to an area where 70% of the population was killed/starved to death, had almost triple the people per area as Gaza and whose populations were forced into widespread enslavement (Up until their deaths)? Is fucking stupid. It detracts from your point and makes it harder to take it credibly because you make it obvious you will use extreme hyperbole to try and prove a point.
Tuco was spot on with his post. Things are quite bad enough, the moment you try to use hysterics to draw people in, you're going to lose half of them who will not take your point seriously anymore.
Thread: The Zionists are winning thread
You anti-semite muslim loving fuck. How does terrorist cock taste because you sure love gobbling it up. You sure are a good little brainwashed bitch, faggot.
08-05-2014 01:07 AM
I am sure the first neg is Wombat. Dude has been dick riding Israel pretty damn relentlessly his entire posting history.
In other news, any bets on who breaks the cease fire being brokered first and how long it takes? My money says, Israel no later than the end of the week. They cratered a school with actual kids in it, so they have no choice but to double down at this point. If that didn't make the US step in nothing else will, so they may as well finish demolishing the remaining infrastructure and send the strip the rest of the way back into the stone age.
I am sure the first neg is Wombat. Dude has been dick riding Israel pretty damn relentlessly his entire posting history.
In other news, any bets on who breaks the cease fire being brokered first and how long it takes? My money says, Israel no later than the end of the week. They cratered a school with actual kids in it, so they have no choice but to double down at this point. If that didn't make the US step in nothing else will, so they may as well finish demolishing the remaining infrastructure and send the strip the rest of the way back into the stone age.
I am sure the first neg is Wombat. Dude has been dick riding Israel pretty damn relentlessly his entire posting history.
In other news, any bets on who breaks the cease fire being brokered first and how long it takes? My money says, Israel no later than the end of the week. They cratered a school with actual kids in it, so they have no choice but to double down at this point. If that didn't make the US step in nothing else will, so they may as well finish demolishing the remaining infrastructure and send the strip the rest of the way back into the stone age.
I am sure the first neg is Wombat. Dude has been dick riding Israel pretty damn relentlessly his entire posting history.
In other news, any bets on who breaks the cease fire being brokered first and how long it takes? My money says, Israel no later than the end of the week. They cratered a school with actual kids in it, so they have no choice but to double down at this point. If that didn't make the US step in nothing else will, so they may as well finish demolishing the remaining infrastructure and send the strip the rest of the way back into the stone age.
I don't think they cratered the school with kids in it on purpose. The reports I read, I think on CNN, said they were targeting a group of 3 militants who were cruising on motorcycles past the school. So, still pretty goddamn stupid and not a tactical decision that any US commander worth his piss would make unless one of the bike riders was bin Laden or the leader of ISIS or some shit, but it is not like they said, look! Kids! BURN THEM!!! I mean shit, those militants could not have been important enough to warrant a missile strike right outside a goddamn school or Israel would have said something about it right off.
And Israel is leaving, I think, I saw something about that on CNN this morning. If it breaks, I guess it will be Hamas, and not real Hamas, but one of the rogue militant groups with outlandish names associated with them that fires off a few rockets for shits. As mentioned elsewhere in the thread, both sides need a way to save face for this shit to be over. Israel can say, we destroyed their tunnels and half their rockets, so we win! Hooray! Hamas can say, we killed 60 soldiers while they killed 2000 civilians, AND we saved half our rockets and a few tunnels, and Israel is a bunch of asshole butchers! We win, hooray!
Of course, the real losers are the Palestinians in Gaza who just want to live normal lives, as per the usual.
Israel will continue the campaign, with occasional breaks for ceasefires. The muslim world and palestinian sympathizers will continue to rage about the horrors of Israel. Then, after they have gotten most of the tunnels they think they can find, in a behind the scenes coordinated sop to the US, they will appear to stop the war because of US pressure.
All the while this is going on of course, unprotested by anyone in the Muslim world, in fact cheered on by it, ISIS will continue marching people into ditches and shooting them in the back of the head.
Israel is the aggressor, keeping a civilian population of 2 million people trapped as it continues to slaughter them with bombs while calling them terrorists, fully expecting them to pay for the sins of some militants that they have no control over.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the civilians vote the "militants" into power and gave them control of the government? Was the vote just a sham or something? Not saying that gives cause to kill civilians(whether purposely or accidentally) but saying "they have no control" would be wrong also.
Couldn't the people just revolt back? They don't seem scared to get involved in the conflict with Israel.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the civilians vote the "militants" into power and gave them control of the government? Was the vote just a sham or something? Not saying that gives cause to kill civilians(whether purposely or accidentally) but saying "they have no control" would be wrong also.
Couldn't the people just revolt back? They don't seem scared to get involved in the conflict with Israel.
I dont think Hamas controls every single element to this. So even if Hamas isn't firing, there's always some random dickhead launching shit over the border to break ceasefires.
The other option of course is to vote for Fatah and Mahmoud Abbas and then helplessly watch as Israel continues to steal more and more land, while they build bigger and bigger walls and scuttle any reasonable discussion at peace.