The "Pallywood" phenomenon has been around for quite some time, and I'm really not sure why it never really makes the mainstream media despite the damning evidence and the sensational nature. My only guess is that since the reality is only exposed after the initial reporting, news outlets don't want to publish an embarrassing retraction after the fact. Unfortunately, Pallywood goes beyond the simple macabre exaggeration of death, it also contrives situations that intentionally injure Palestinians for media benefit. Like this
gemwhere the orchestrators contrived a situation that would involve a Pally kid being run over, in order to paint a picture that an Israeli civ intentionally ran him down after "coming home from praying at the mosque". There's even further evidence that Hamas intentionally fires on their own civilian areas to create these orchestrated death scenes, like the analysis I posted the other day concerning the UN
Schooland Shijaiya
As for entering densely populated areas on foot to confront terrorists disguised as civilians, who have no qualms firing from sympathetic civilian positions-- that would be idiotic and suicidal. No military on earth would do that.