I think they'll be assimilated by UK/USA/CAN/AUS/NZ media if they don't do something. English culture is the most powerful culture in the world by virtually any metric. Even China and India export english media.
English is the international language of air travel (all pilots and air traffic controllers speak conversational english) and the
official language of many governments where nobody is english. Several international companies like Nokia and SAP have english as their official language even though they're based in countries with nothing of the sort. Most of the big software programs are written in english based code, including languages developed by non-english countries such as Python and Ruby. English is rapidly becoming the de facto language throughout the EU, and recently the german president seriously suggested english should be the sole official language of the EU as they spend a lot of time and money making official translations. For all the french obsession with culture, they're fucking terrible at spreading it.
English is the big tent. French is the beautiful tent. If the french don't put guards on theirs, it will just become another patch in the big tent. Mandarin is the other big tent. Everyone else is just garnish by comparison to these two, and the french don't like that.