The Zionists are whining thread


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
And why did they think he was the bad guy? He wasn't armed and he wasn't even Arab. They simply assumed he must me bad because he was black. I mean, there was ten white people wounded on the ground that didnt get mobbed.

The fact is, they thought he was the bad guy because the xenophobic nationalism in Israel has gotten to the point that see anyone who looks remotely different as "the enemy" now. Black people are the enemy. Hispanics are the enemy. Asians are the enemy. Fucking Europe is the enemy. To them, literally even non-Jew on the planet with the possible exception of white people in the US and Canada are the enemy.
First who is they? You can make a case of racism against the security guard and that is it. The reason the mob attacked is because a security guard shot him, they figured that is the guy! Why else would the security guard shoot him.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
First who is they? You can make a case of racism against the security guard and that is it. The reason the mob attacked is because a security guard shot him, they figured that is the guy! Why else would the security guard shoot him.
Nah man they just used this emergency as an excuse to murder the first black guy they saw. Fight the power Xequecal you nutter you.


Trump's Staff
You guys really think that if it had been a white guy that got accidentally shot by the security guard that that crowd would have done the same thing?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
You guys really think that if it had been a white guy that got accidentally shot by the security guard that that crowd would have done the same thing?
So you're saying if one of these Jihadi's manages to shave his beard and not be dark skinned, the Israelis won't gun him down and fuck him up when he tries to knife people?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
These thought crime accusations based on absolute and vague statements are tiresome to the extreme.

If he was a skinhead nazi tatooed white man they could have easily fucked him up, because the worlds more complex than your retarded ruthless oversimplifications.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Jews and Arabs aren't that different looking. It's not like shooting a black guy in a sea of white people. Watch the video again. The man was crawling on the ground and the security guard just rolled up on him and shot him. The security guard fucked up big time and then made matters worse by letting mob rule take effect.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Didn't someone on here say the Bedouins were good folks?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
They generally are but they're heeding the call of Imam propaganda that their Al-Aqsa mosque is being attacked, so it's their religious duty to jihad. What's really crazy with this latest spate of stabbings is that they aren't being committed by those under "occupation", they're being committed by East Jerusalem Palestinian residents that have Israeli ID cards-- they can move around freely, participate in municipal elections, etc. That's what has everyone freaked out-- there's no way to keep the bad guys out because the perpetrators are legal residents.

Despite what people with short memories claim, namely that this is "resistance" or some other shit, this stabbing crap has nothing to do with Israel and everything to do with Muslim supremacy over the "holy lands". Here's a picture from a French newspaper back in 1929. "Arab fanatics massacre Jews in various areas of Jerusalem".

Hah Frenzied and khalid at it again , i gave up long ago trying to have a logical discussion with these idiots. One even contradicts himself saying he understands their frustration. Leave it alone let them think they win and just move on. You just cant covince crazy otherwise.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah I agree with Frenzied on many topics, but he is too strong in the Jew side of the force to have a rational discussion on this topic.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
It would be better to say that the German in you doesn't allow us to see eye to eye on this topic rather than agreeing with Osiris. Agreeing with Osiris, especially considering his historical arguments, implies that you have missing chromosomes and a grade school education, and we both know that not to be the case.

But can we agree on one thing? If this shit was going down in or around the US there would be no Palestinians. They would be ground hamburger by this point. People here can hardly even deal with Mexicans, and they're harmless belly-lint compared to crazy Muslims. Again I've been to Israel, and people here have no clue about the daily shit people have to deal with over there.