the bottom line is that taika's humor was just dialed up to 11 instead of someone telling him to pull it back a bit. the goats were like a gilbert godfrey joke in that he says something and it's mildly amusing, then says it again until it becomes really pretty irritating, then CONTINUES saying it until it comes back around to be hilarious. except it never came back around to being hilarious, just mildly amusing.
with the subject matter of thor trying to find his place in the galaxy, finding jane, jane having cancer and then ultimately dying, all while chasing a creature that is killing all of thor's friends and colleagues, the movie REALLY would have benefited from a much more serious tone. i'm not saying remove all the jokes, you need some joy and hope in there to even things out... and hemsworth has some really great comedic chops, but i would have had his character looking to re-establish his sense of humor... he's still recovering from being a drunk gamer recluse. physically they just brushed through that in a montage (which, i guess was fine?) but emotionally he still has work to do. THAT should have been the role that the guardians played in the movie. thor is just sullen and going from one battle to another while quill and company teach him something about having a good time. then maybe the get in a fight and leave him on some planet because his emotional issues are killing the vibe. he starts chasing gorr which leads him to meeting jane like normal, but she comments that he used to smile a lot more or whatever, and there you have it. thor starts making a concerted effort to actually ENJOY himself and have a good time. then you have some sort of reason for being so light hearted around a plot revolving around a character with stage 4 cancer.
tldr; make the plot about thor being a sadgod with a dadbod, and getting his godbod back while learning that life is what you make of it. wallowing in misery doesn't do anything for anyone. so make the best of whatever your situation is and live life. bad things will ALWAYS happen but we don't have to let them steal our joy. when someone dies, we mourn them by remembering all the happiness they brought to us.
there's a huge difference between THAT and just being completely irreverent and nonchalant about death and cancer and i think that's all we ended up getting from this movie.