Throne and Liberty (Formerly Project TL)


Trakanon Raider
Got to max level and I have to say, it's much improved over the KR version I played at release. If anyone doesn't want to wait for queues, I'd recommend rolling healer as there's a huge shortage. The leveling experience is decent and the combat is better than most but not sure there's much lasting power for the West here. Looking forward to trying some pvp tomorrow though. Dungeons play great, especially as a tank but the fights are just too long sometimes.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Got to max level and I have to say, it's much improved over the KR version I played at release. If anyone doesn't want to wait for queues, I'd recommend rolling healer as there's a huge shortage. The leveling experience is decent and the combat is better than most but not sure there's much lasting power for the West here. Looking forward to trying some pvp tomorrow though. Dungeons play great, especially as a tank but the fights are just too long sometimes.
PvP is all I care about and how much I have to swipe to be competitive


<Gold Donor>
I'm enjoying this as well, my only issues at the minute are the movement which is intersting, but disjointed at times and never really quite feels fluid. Classes are fun though and enjoying GS/SS quite a bit at lvl 26. Going to finish leveling today and try to jump into LS pvp. I'm in a zerg guild on Amos as lief, if anyone wants to dungeon or pvp later!


Trakanon Raider
Controls take a lot of adjustments to get right. I think damn near every default binding is retarded.
Also there is a setting that is easily missed that will allow skills to fire on the closest mob if nothing is selected…this helps a lot.
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Gunnar Durden
Got to max level and I have to say, it's much improved over the KR version I played at release. If anyone doesn't want to wait for queues, I'd recommend rolling healer as there's a huge shortage. The leveling experience is decent and the combat is better than most but not sure there's much lasting power for the West here. Looking forward to trying some pvp tomorrow though. Dungeons play great, especially as a tank but the fights are just too long sometimes.
You maxed out day 1? How many levels is there?


Trakanon Raider
PvP is all I care about and how much I have to swipe to be competitive

The game suffers from New World syndrome in that it's quite clearly a PVP game that was redesigned with PVE. On the bright side, they did a much better job of making the PVE feel better.
You maxed out day 1? How many levels is there?

50 levels. My leveling speed is not a good indicator for most people but it should take the average joe 3-5 days of normal playtime. It can be done in ~6 hours if you've done it before and you're a speed leveler. 10-15 hours is likely where most people will fall. In my case, I actually watched a fair amount of the cutscenes / story.

Leveling seems super quick like say BDO, it’s just an extended tutorial.

This is pretty apt. There's no real leveling elements that increase the challenge, they just add more guides and give you more stuff to upgrade. On the plus side, the end game gear has some complexity to it, especially in so far as PVP is concerned.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I am thinking I will just use the startup time as a way for me to learn the game and then jump onto a new server when it goes Free-to-play. I might also go the healer route on the new server.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I'll probably mess around on the 1st since beta was actually kinda fun, fuck paying anything for this kind of game though.


<Gold Donor>
What is quickest/best way to surpass the leveling gaps? I've hit one every two levels now in my 30's and unsure what I'm doing wrong. Do you just do the little yellow quests to make the delta between story quests?


Trakanon Raider
What is quickest/best way to surpass the leveling gaps? I've hit one every two levels now in my 30's and unsure what I'm doing wrong. Do you just do the little yellow quests to make the delta between story quests?

Complete all purple quests (MSQ) & when you run out do the side quests (blue quests) for the highest level zone(s) unlocked. The quests can be viewed by hitting 'N' by default. Note for the blue quests, which is what I suspect you're missing, you want to select the star so that they appear on the minimap.

I'll probably mess around on the 1st since beta was actually kinda fun, fuck paying anything for this kind of game though.

I actually paid for the exact opposite reason. The MMO landscape has been dry for quite some time and is projecting to go through an even worse period in the coming few years. Vote with your wallet and all that, I vote to hopefully attract more Western studios on the potential of releasing an MMO and making serious bank.

I just picked this up. I'm trying out Bow/Wand at the moment. Not sure if I picked a good combo or not. lol

Not really any 'wrong' builds. You're fine to play what you like.
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Vyemm Raider
Interesting take, Im curious if you want to expand on that?
There isn't a single MMO in the works with any sort of promise that isn't a scam except maybe Ashes. Lost Ark is nosediving hard. The recent WoW expansion seems to be good apparently but that will die out soon enough.


Vyemm Raider
Curious how people feel about the controls on this. My kneejerk reaction was its aids and to uninstall, but a friend of mine keeps telling me hes having a blast.


Log Wizard
I hate, hate, hate Korean MMO's. "Shiny Garbage" is what I call them.

This is shiny and maybe not complete garbage, but I'd say it's worth playing for free Oct 1st if you're curious. This isn't THE MMO by any means. I'm just playing it for two weeks until Luclin launches on Teek, then we've got PD2 season 10, then PoE2 Beta. It's just a filler game. I paid $40 because I haven't bought a game in a year probably and I thought early access servers (which I believe are unique servers) would have less bots since botters would be less likely to pay money to play when the other option is free99.

Make sure your camera control isn't set to "action". You want the free look ability when moving or it'll face lock you towards your target like Dark Souls, and with the auto targeting in this game you don't need that.

Game runs VERY well at High settings (shadows to medium because they're always a hog and who gives a fuck) with a 4070 and i7. FPS drops to like 55 only when you're in town and there's LITERALLY 100+ people around. So that's pretty impressive. Out in the world I'm 120-144fps.

One problem for casuals is there's systems upon systems upon systems. That's great for degens and grinders, but you can tell this game has had like 5 years of work done already and then thrown at new people like they know wtf is going on. Tutorials are definitely helpful, but it's still a lot to process. They've got a bunch of wonky things that are like "fixes" and "qol" stacked on each other. LIke "click the well!" type quests not only respawn the well immediately, but there's like 5 different wells you can click. You can tell they added in one as a fix for population problems, then just QoL'd it later without removing the fix. Mostly fine, but there's shit like constant spawning red mobs in places where you can't kill fast enough solo because of stuff like this.

Overall it has like every "good" aspect of Korean MMO's and until the end game I won't know about the bad ones. I know there's timegating, but it's also used to counter pay2win shit, so maybe it'll be alright. I'd definitely say if you're really, really bored and have a small group of people to play with it's worth paying $0 to try out in a few days, but unless you're desperate for an MMO with a 50+ person guild ready to go, I wouldn't pay $40.


Vyemm Raider
I hate, hate, hate Korean MMO's. "Shiny Garbage" is what I call them.

This is shiny and maybe not complete garbage, but I'd say it's worth playing for free Oct 1st if you're curious. This isn't THE MMO by any means. I'm just playing it for two weeks until Luclin launches on Teek, then we've got PD2 season 10, then PoE2 Beta. It's just a filler game. I paid $40 because I haven't bought a game in a year probably and I thought early access servers (which I believe are unique servers) would have less bots since botters would be less likely to pay money to play when the other option is free99.

Make sure your camera control isn't set to "action". You want the free look ability when moving or it'll face lock you towards your target like Dark Souls, and with the auto targeting in this game you don't need that.

Game runs VERY well at High settings (shadows to medium because they're always a hog and who gives a fuck) with a 4070 and i7. FPS drops to like 55 only when you're in town and there's LITERALLY 100+ people around. So that's pretty impressive. Out in the world I'm 120-144fps.

One problem for casuals is there's systems upon systems upon systems. That's great for degens and grinders, but you can tell this game has had like 5 years of work done already and then thrown at new people like they know wtf is going on. Tutorials are definitely helpful, but it's still a lot to process. They've got a bunch of wonky things that are like "fixes" and "qol" stacked on each other. LIke "click the well!" type quests not only respawn the well immediately, but there's like 5 different wells you can click. You can tell they added in one as a fix for population problems, then just QoL'd it later without removing the fix. Mostly fine, but there's shit like constant spawning red mobs in places where you can't kill fast enough solo because of stuff like this.

Overall it has like every "good" aspect of Korean MMO's and until the end game I won't know about the bad ones. I know there's timegating, but it's also used to counter pay2win shit, so maybe it'll be alright. I'd definitely say if you're really, really bored and have a small group of people to play with it's worth paying $0 to try out in a few days, but unless you're desperate for an MMO with a 50+ person guild ready to go, I wouldn't pay $40.

Guess ill fuck around with controls a bit more to get it to my liking. Something with the camera and movement was just a huge turn off in the *cough* 10 minutes i gave it.