I really enjoy TV shows where it shows an atmosphere and setting that is interesting but completely unrelatable to me. The Wire is something I have zero experience with and it was fascinating. I don't know much about the "true south" and Justified was fucking amazing. Mad Men is bananas. Breaking Bad was awesome because it was a "there but by the grace of god" kind of alternate life story that I could empathize with.
I didn't really care who did it in s1 of True Detective, the whole atmosphere of bayou Louisiana, the weird religious stuff of voodoo Christians mixing with scary ass Deliverance style rednecks was awesome. MattM's acting on top of it was the cherry that turned it from a 9/10 to a 20/10. Daddario titties cranked that up to a 25/10.
I don't give a shit about the life and times of people living near LA, there is absolutely nothing of interest or voyeuristic about watching the lifestyle portrayed so far in True Detective. Oh snap, rich powerful people have a lot of parties and weird sex, that is a real shocker. Cops are corrupt, oh noes. The only really interesting thing so far is the hippy dad of antigone, in a "man I hope this isn't super predictable" way. I'll watch the rest of the season for sure and hope it gets better, but its not really feeling like noir nor lynch-ian, it just feels like an HBOized version of CSI.