With critics, season 1 is at 85%. Season 2 at 65%. With audience season 1 is at 97%, and season 2 at 72%.
Season 2 has more positive reviews, sure, but based on the numbers you post season two has only 74% positive vs 90% for season 1 in individual show reviews, and 65% vs. 84% for the season. So, the second season of a critically acclaimed, highly anticipated, extremely hyped show is getting more reviews than the first. Hot breaking news there!
Let me guess, you also think the ratings are a positive thing because the second season still has a higher average than the first, despite steadily trending downward?
Not to mention your bullshit hyperbole that "most" people think it's an "epic train wreck" when in fact what I'm seeing is a lot of people bored, and a lot of people actually saying it's still entertaining and they still may like it, but it's not the same quality as season 1 and has a lot of issues they hope get worked out. And a very small minority posting bullshit hyperbole and bogus numbers trying to spin their 'like' of a show into a defense against any criticism.
I think we all agree we were hoping to see McAdams at least a little nekid, especially after the scene in the opening episode setting up the possibility. If she doesn't get naked in the finale can we then all agree this show is a complete and utter train-wreck level shit-fest?