
Throbbing Member

guy on the left is dr disrespect, guy on the right is some (now) tranny who works for Mr Beast and got out'd as a pedo recently. why 10 year olds are hanging out with adults is the question i'd have

Maybe because they were are at Twitchcon and they are all Twitch Partners?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The kid is Wantep I think - he used to do streamsnipe stuff during the Wadu Hek / Shroud pubg era


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Oh no he said a word that is commonly said in the culture unless you don't fit the vibe check of anomalous, amorphous rules that don't mean shit!

Give this man a sub.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider

Guardians Of The Galaxy GIF
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> Than U
I never made it through their videos but YT was always suggesting MxR everyday for months.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Someone at YouTube hated their asses.

They had definitely pissed in someone's cheerios over there. I occasionally watched some videos and while I do agree they definitely pushed the envelope with their clickbait thumbnails choices, some of the strikes were for pretty laughable things. Like one was for reacting to a video of some dude being attacked by wasps and they got a strike for "animal cruelty" lol
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<Gold Donor>
Sorry for being on topic in the Twitch thread bro.
Who said you weren't? I didn't, I was bluntly stating I had no idea who you were talking about because, and this is totally an assumption on my part, I imagine many other people on here wouldn't either. So instead of posting a link or some pics you respond to something I didn't say, good job. Well, since you are obviously smooth-braining it today, it's Saturday so why not, I will try this again;

Jeannie is also a twitch streamer, Potastic P.

Who is Jeannie and why should anyone give a hoot if they are streaming on Twitch?

Let's see if we can't produce something semi-constructive out of this whole sordid affair, yes?


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Who said you weren't? I didn't, I was bluntly stating I had no idea who you were talking about because, and this is totally an assumption on my part, I imagine many other people on here wouldn't either. So instead of posting a link or some pics you respond to something I didn't say, good job. Well, since you are obviously smooth-braining it today, it's Saturday so why not, I will try this again;

Who is Jeannie and why should anyone give a hoot if they are streaming on Twitch?

Let's see if we can't produce something semi-constructive out of this whole sordid affair, yes?
She's 1 part of MXR Plays. Which is what I was discussing. Speaking of smooth brained.
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<Gold Donor>
She's 1 part of MXR Plays. Which is what I was discussing. Speaking of smooth brained.
Oh, the streamer that was described as;
Some whinny ass click bait YouTuber.
While no links to their content were ever provided so how would anyone know who the they are, Jeanie is, or anyone else associated with MXR is?
You get this, right?;
If you can't be assed to provide links to their content no one is going to go looking for it because no one cares because you couldn't be assed to proved links in the first place.

Stop stop assuming anyone else knows anything, at all, about 99% of the streamers posted in here. We don't and we won't unless you give us a reason to care, and you haven't.
Post links. It's that simple.


Throbbing Member
Oh, the streamer that was described as;

While no links to their content were ever provided so how would anyone know who the they are, Jeanie is, or anyone else associated with MXR is?
You get this, right?;
If you can't be assed to provide links to their content no one is going to go looking for it because no one cares because you couldn't be assed to proved links in the first place.

Stop stop assuming anyone else knows anything, at all, about 99% of the streamers posted in here. We don't and we won't unless you give us a reason to care, and you haven't.
Post links. It's that simple.
You kind of can't show vids if they had their channel removed.

MxR were one of the biggest OG reactor channels on Youtube. For some reason some people at YT detest them, eventhough there are more egregious channels than them. They were also, for no reason given, denied play buttons.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I don't know who these people are but from the comments they were a clickbait channel who pushed the envelope and constantly were line steppers? Then who gives a fuck sounds like the fucked around and found out.

Not knowing shit about who they are but based on what you guys were saying about them why is this a big deal?

charlie murphy fuck yo couch GIF
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