
Throbbing Member
I don't know who these people are but from the comments they were a clickbait channel who pushed the envelope and constantly were line steppers? Then who gives a fuck sounds like the fucked around and found out.

Not knowing shit about who they are but based on what you guys were saying about them why is this a big deal?

charlie murphy fuck yo couch GIF
Eh, it's more about YT fucking them over. They were getting striked and shit on stupid stuff that half of YT does everyday. It was really more like someone hated them and just fucked them over. Other YT'ers are worried about this shit, cuz if they can do that to MxR they can do it to their channel. I personally have maybe seen one or two of their videos over the years. It's not my type of content, but they had over 2 million subs. Anyway, CEO of Rumble came out right after they were banned and invited them to move their shit there.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Eh, it's more about YT fucking them over. They were getting striked and shit on stupid stuff that half of YT does everyday. It was really more like someone hated them and just fucked them over. Other YT'ers are worried about this shit, cuz if they can do that to MxR they can do it to their channel. I personally have maybe seen one or two of their videos over the years. It's not my type of content, but they had over 2 million subs. Anyway, CEO of Rumble came out right after they were banned and invited them to move their shit there.

What the fuck is a Rumble?
  • 1Seriously?
  • 1Moron
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<Gold Donor>
What the fuck is a Rumble?
Rumble is a Youtube alternative site;

The only people that use it are people that can't use Youtube, everyone else forgets it exists. I did.
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Avatar of War Slayer
You kind of can't show vids if they had their channel removed.

MxR were one of the biggest OG reactor channels on Youtube. For some reason some people at YT detest them, eventhough there are more egregious channels than them. They were also, for no reason given, denied play buttons.
Was it MxR that was posted in this thread some months ago, where they used to know a guy at YouTube, but he got fired, and now they were getting strikes that no one at YouTube would talk to them about? It looked like a man and wife running a channel together? Vaguely remember watching part of that one video. It's wasn't offensively bad or anything, just of little interest.
  • 1Truth!
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Throbbing Member
Was it MxR that was posted in this thread some months ago, where they used to know a guy at YouTube, but he got fired, and now they were getting strikes that no one at YouTube would talk to them about? It looked like a man and wife running a channel together? Vaguely remember watching part of that one video. It's wasn't offensively bad or anything, just of little interest.
Yeah, that is them.
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> Than U
From what I saw and why I can't make it through a few minutes of a video is they put a REALLY enticing thumbnail up for the video.
The videos run like hours long as they sit together and he makes ever male comment ever and she just takes the insults up the ass.
Eventually you get a 50% chance to see the part that included the thumbnail which lasts seconds long and sometimes not at all in the video even.
Me personally I just don't see the point to them, I can make my own sex jokes all day long, I don't need to watch some asians to do it for me, but every person has their vice I guess.
Mine is murder videos.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Oh, the streamer that was described as;

While no links to their content were ever provided so how would anyone know who the they are, Jeanie is, or anyone else associated with MXR is?
You get this, right?;
If you can't be assed to provide links to their content no one is going to go looking for it because no one cares because you couldn't be assed to proved links in the first place.

Stop stop assuming anyone else knows anything, at all, about 99% of the streamers posted in here. We don't and we won't unless you give us a reason to care, and you haven't.
Post links. It's that simple.
If you care enough to bitch about the lack of links to whiny ass click bait YouTuber, go look it up yourself. ;p
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FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
best way to learn about internet drama is to just watch Asmongold. This is his video on MXR

Don't give the faintest flying fuck about MXR though
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  • 1Horowitz
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<Gold Donor>
best way to learn about internet drama is to just watch Asmongold. This is his video on MXR

Don't give the faintest flying fuck about MXR though

This is the correct way to bring up this type of shit, provide a link to someone explaining why in the fuck anyone should care.
Why should I give a fuck what Asmon has to say? Don't worry, I am only willing to go one layer deep on that shit show of an onion. Could have been anyone as long they weren't a v-tuber, or possibly a tranny, and I'll watch at least a couple minutes.

Thanks for the link.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
YT shouldn't be giving strikes for deleted videos from a year ago. But they should have banned that channel outright if it was a problem anyways.

There's no human interaction as part of the system any more it's programs running on auto.
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<Gold Donor>
They were pushing the edge of content allowance and fell off when the edge eroded backwards on them. That's what happens when 'borderline' is your gimmick, eventually the line moves and you get caught on the wrong side.

4chan Burns, Nothing of Value Was Lost | And Nothing Of Value Was Lost ...
  • 1Picard
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
While its dumb youtube is being youtube mxr isnt too bright. Youtube has been shitting on the guy for years now and instead of being smart and going off and getting a normal job he wants to continue to try and stay on the platform making it his life even though someone clearly wants him banned.

Dude should have taken the money he made 4-5 years ago and gotten a marketable skill and lived life like a regular person.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
This is the correct way to bring up this type of shit, provide a link to someone explaining why in the fuck anyone should care.
Why should I give a fuck what Asmon has to say? Don't worry, I am only willing to go one layer deep on that shit show of an onion. Could have been anyone as long they weren't a v-tuber, or possibly a tranny, and I'll watch at least a couple minutes.

Thanks for the link.
This was how it was brought up originally.
  • 1Moron
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That guy
This is the correct way to bring up this type of shit, provide a link to someone explaining why in the fuck anyone should care.
Why should I give a fuck what Asmon has to say? Don't worry, I am only willing to go one layer deep on that shit show of an onion. Could have been anyone as long they weren't a v-tuber, or possibly a tranny, and I'll watch at least a couple minutes.

Thanks for the link.

I hate to admit it but Asmon is my #1 source of news for the DUMBEST shit that I should not care about, but his roasting and/or terrible takes make it worth it
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Throbbing Member
Popped up in my feed and sInce this seems to be the thread about streaming, I figured this fit in here.


FPS noob
vaguely interesting smaller streamer showed his viewers how much money he makes on twitch

to save you a click


this is monthly so he made $20k in ad revenue or $240k a year, i believe he has ~500-1000 viewers so he is in the top 10% of streamers on the platform. Still, almost all of his money comes from ads which I did not expect, I thought it was mostly subs and stuff but I guess its ads for everyone but the big streamers.

And on the reddit thread someone said he oversatures the ads, basically one ad every 5 mins and he streams for 8-12 hours a day 7 days a week so this is pretty much the peak what you can do. Most people will never come close to this, and on an hourly basis I think he might be doing worse than fast food work but then again he just has to sit on his ass all day.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
And on the reddit thread someone said he oversatures the ads, basically one ad every 5 mins and he streams for 8-12 hours a day 7 days a week so this is pretty much the peak what you can do. Most people will never come close to this, and on an hourly basis I think he might be doing worse than fast food work but then again he just has to sit on his ass all day.
Hes def doing better than burger flippers, but imo no better than someone making $25-30/hr
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