Ahn'Qiraj Raider
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Do you have one in mind already?Looking less and less likely that we'll go to war. Eyashusa let me know whe nyou want your new avatar.
Do you have one in mind already?Looking less and less likely that we'll go to war. Eyashusa let me know whe nyou want your new avatar.
That's exactly why anti missle defense weapons are so controversial, such as the SDI (starwars) and the missle shields we want to put into turkey and poland. alot of strategists point out it would disrupt the current balance-of-power achieved by mutually-assured-destruction and cause another arms race.Which inherently means to create equalization everyone must have nukes to be stable and not get "bullied". But we don't give a shit because we have anti missile. .
gorbachov offered to ban ALL nuclear weapons if america abandoned it's SDI initiative which Reagan wouldn't do.SDI and MAD
SDI was criticized for potentially disrupting the strategic doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction. MAD postulated that intentional nuclear attack was inhibited by the certainty of ensuing mutual destruction. Even if a nuclear first strike destroyed many of the opponent's weapons, sufficient nuclear missiles would survive to render a devastating counter-strike against the attacker. The criticism was that SDI could have potentially allowed an attacker to survive the lighter counter-strike, thus encouraging a first strike by the side having SDI.Another destabilizing scenario was countries being tempted to strike first before SDI was deployed, thereby avoiding a disadvantaged nuclear posture. Proponents of SDI argued that SDI development might instead cause the side that did not have the resources to develop SDI, too, rather than launching a suicidal nuclear first strike attack before the SDI system was deployed, instead come to the bargaining table with the country that did have those resources, and, hopefully, agree to a real, sincere disarmament pact that would drastically decrease all forces, both nuclear and conventional.[citation needed] Furthermore, the MAD argument was criticized on the grounds that MAD only covered intentional, full-scale nuclear attacks by a rational, non-suicidal opponent with similar values. It did not take into account limited launches, accidental launches, rogue launches, or launches by non-state entities or covert proxies.
During the Reykjavik talks with Gorbachev in 1986, Ronald Reagan addressed Gorbachev's concerns about imbalance by stating that SDI would be given to the Soviet Union to prevent the imbalance from occurring. Gorbachev answered that he could not take this claim seriously.
On the eve of the resumption of superpower arms talks, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on Wednesday announced a three-month extension of a unilateral moratorium on nuclear tests and outlined a plan to eliminate all nuclear weapons by the year 2000.
However, there was no shift in the Kremlin`s unwavering demand that the United States abandon plans for a space-based missile-defense shield as the price for sweeping reductions in nuclear weapons.
According to the plan, all remaining nuclear weapons would be eliminated between 1995 and 1999.
``There will be no nuclear weapons on earth,`` Gorbachev said. ``A universal accord will be drawn up that such weapons should never again come into being.``
Gorbachev stressed again that such radical reductions in weaponry are
``possible only if the USSR and the USA mutually renounce the development, testing and deployment of space strike weapons.``
I forgot to mention this, but if I needed to choose something to equalize all men, I'd give everyone an education before I'd give them anything else. And while I am not opposed to universal gun ownership (as a gun owner myself), I do think that it is sad that there isn't but a fraction of the support for education these days that there is for gun ownership. People just "do it" because that's how it's always been, not because they truly comprehend the ramifications, and with our nation heading towards Associates degrees being the new High School diploma with a for-profit secondary education system, I am frankly far more concerned with education in the coming decades than I ever could be about guns."God created man, Sam Colt made them equal."
But anyways...Fanaskin, why don't you go out and have yourself a great weekend, bro.Horace Mann_sl said:Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery.
He did choose the correct form of "you're", though! Good for proofreading!and you're the most humble
I'll prob give you the one that tad is hoisting. I love it when multiple people have the same avatars.Do you have one in mind already?
Did Sen. McCain ever recommend putting US Solders in Syria?Watching McCain backpedal like a motherfucker is amazing. That's not a flip flop, that's a 180 degree turn and sprint the fuck away.
Uhhhh..... alzhemier's is a bitch?
He's been calling for war in Syria for so long who the fuck even knows anymore. He conveniently left the details of any sort of plan out of it so if it goes wrong he can blame the uppity negro for doing exactly what he's been asking for months.Did Sen. McCain ever recommend putting US Solders in Syria?